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Herschel Talker

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Recruit (1/21)



  1. Junior4949- THANK YOU. This is exactly what I am looking for. Can't find years of loyal fan insight on Wikipedia. What does everyone think should happen to get you all back on track?
  2. Why? What is wrong with pointing out that the fan base is downtrodden? I SERIOUSLY don't get it! And I don't know the recent history of Nebraska football. I remember when they were nearly unbeatable and then I see what they've done lately. Alabama has a similar story but it can be pointed directly to sanctions. I'm not aware of that happening to Nebraska, so what happened? It's really a serious question.
  3. Not trolling. I mean go look it up! How does that happen!
  4. GaDawg is basically the male cheerleader who pumps up the other team too. Dude, look at the stats: Yes, UGA is definitely the superior team. Even Nebraska's coach knows that from experience.
  5. I'm almost depressed for these guys! Nebraska fans: MAN UP! You all sound pitiful right now. You're not going to win, and its going to be painful to watch, but stop crying!
  6. What happened to Nebraska? How do you go from being a powerhouse program not that long ago, to now being the whipping boys of the overrated Michigans of the world??? Also, what happened to their fired up, passionate fan base? After reading a few of these threads, you all act like freaking Eyore off of Winnie the Pooh!!!
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