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  1. Have you ever called the police for any reason?  I have, once, my car was stolen...of course my first reaction when I went to my parking spot was "Good lord, how drunk was I last night"...then I had to verify with my roommates at the time that I did in fact park in that spot and that my car was stolen.

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    2. krc1995


      could not reach my elderly father for a day or two when I was traveling for business.  Turns out his cordless phone had fallen into his the cushions of his chair. Deputies did a well check and called me back that every thing was ok.  


      The running joke  between my dad and I until his death was "don't call the cops!  I know where my phone is!"

    3. Savage Husker

      Savage Husker

      In college I had my apartment broken into over thanksgiving and several of my roommate’s items stolen...hdtv, xbox360, controllers, games and like 30 movies stolen plus his mini safe kept in his closet. Was definitely someone he knew who had come back into town for a couple weeks and left, our other friend had the same thing happen earlier in the week.


      My roommate had left on Wednesday night m and I returned Friday night. The dead bolt key mechanism turned but I could tell something wasn’t right because I didn’t feel the dead bolt itself move and the door opened anyway to a shattered door jam and the rest described above. Was a very vulnerable feeling while trying to sleep that night before the landlord came to repair it the next day. 

    4. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      That reminds me. Also had my car broken in to while at UNL. Stereo tape deck, amp, all cassettes stolen. I called the cops for that. Also my Yukon was broken into in Las Vegas in the Flamingo parking garage. Digital camera and video camera stolen. Uselessly called the cops for that. First thing they told me was that they were probably already in a LA pawn shop. Coupled with the fact that LVPD has separate property crime divisions depending on which side of the Strip your hotel is on, that let me know the only purpose for reporting to the police was to get the crime report for my insurance.

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