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funhusker last won the day on July 22 2023

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About funhusker

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  1. I didn’t think he’d side with the pro hamas folks… that’s a surprise!
  2. You do know that link was not for the antisemitic protestors right? No way you would be dishonest, right?
  3. That is to support protestors in support of George Floyd .
  4. Some folks have to find issues in things that aren’t issues so they don’t have to admit they have issues…
  5. This would be much more comparable to anti-war protestors in the Vietnam era randomly shouting hate speech at white people and black people because they didn't support US troops.... It's disgusting and nuts!
  6. Just a guess: it’s a risky trip, and they want to raise money for their families and maybe get them here if they aren’t already.
  7. Exactly! What kids don’t like playing in sand boxes and making Nikes?!? Seriously, in what world is a life of poverty in the USA not a million times better than even the average lifestyle of folks in China and Afghanistan? I’d rather take my chances of being shot in a bad US neighborhood than getting randomly bombed in the Middle East…
  8. Definitely J6. The minutemen were traitors to the crown. Much like J6ers are traitors to the USA.
  9. This can’t be news to people, can it? Private schools: where people with cash hide from the world…
  10. I would hope that a Trump defeat in November would allow these idiots to take of the chains. But sadly I think Trump will be so bitter that he will hold his base as hostages and basically govern the GOP by telling his followers who to vote for...
  11. You ever seen the “Office” episode when Holly confuses Kevin for special needs? The speaker was probably buying @teachercd candy bars and other treats to tell him he was doing great and admin realized he was using it as an excuse to get hugs from the lady…
  12. No kidding! I already forgot what the old one was called that was making teachers make white kids hate themselves. We don’t hear much about it anymore. Biden must have stopped it! edit: critical race theory! It took me a minute. What ever happened with all that?
  13. America’s financial system is so f#&%ed up. If your numbers are accurate, how on gods green earth does a person start a company, lose 90% of its initial value, and still walk away making 2000%?!?! W in T actual F !!!!
  14. No s#!t! Why the Brits even still put up with them amazes me.
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