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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/2024 in all areas

  1. So, not trolling. Just willing to pass along anti-vaxx propaganda. By 31 March 20.2 million doses of the COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca had been given in the UK meaning the overall risk of these blood clots is approximately 4 people in a million who receive the vaccine. Four people in ONE MILLION PEOPLE had evidence of blood clots. And you're using this as evidence to support nutter RFKJR's anti-vaxx nuttery. Galaxy brain stuff here.
    8 points
  2. There is a lot of debate about all of these stances you provided in the link. I tend to think he is probably more correct than not regarding vaccines and pharmaceuticals causing many side effects. It pays big Pharma to paint him as a quack, or the risk a hit on the bottom line. That Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, along with remdesiver, are now regarded as possible off label treatment options shows that he was/is correct. Atrazine is proven to cause biological sex change in frogs. It's probably too early to say it causes gender dysphoria in humans, but it certainly might play a part in the major uptick in cases in the last 15-20 years. None of these things are 100% proven either way. One of the reasons that people are drawn to Kennedy is because he isn't scared off by the mainstream views mandated by the special interest groups. The only one I would roll my eyes over is the targeting of Covid-19, which he later clarified.
    6 points
  3. Violent crime is down across the board. But, if the voters of Kansas or Missouri are concerned about kids being shot, they should vote for strict gun laws. The voters of Kansas and Missouri don't give two flying f#&%s if kids are getting shot, so they don't. Furthermore, you are free to articulate the policies or actions Biden has implemented that has led to the spike in non fatal gun violence.
    6 points
  4. No....and the people taking him seriously need to rethink their thought processes.
    5 points
  5. You may not believe in his views on some subjects, but he is clearly more coherent/cognizant/intellectual than Biden or Trump...and there are lots of people taking him seriously.
    5 points
  6. Crazy story. What's even more crazy? RFKJr is still obviously more coherent and cognizant than either Biden or Trump.
    5 points
  7. That's worlds different than pressuring another world leader to interfere in domestic politics on your behalf. Let alone trying to blackmail them into it. Bibi made his bed and he can lay in it. He's a corrupt dingleberry too, just like Trump. If anything Biden should be bringing more pressure to bear on him or he'll just continue doing whatever the hell he wants assuming there will be no consequences.
    5 points
  8. Literally took seven seconds to debunk "Sal the Agorist" Stop trolling. AstraZeneca to withdraw COVID-19 vaccine worldwide due to low demand The vaccine was first approved by European regulators early on in the pandemic and had more than $4 billion in global sales in 2021, according to company earnings statements. However, concerns over the safety of Vaxzevria grew after several countries suspended its use when blood clots were detected in a small number of vaccinated patients. Regulators later concluded that Vaxzevria did not increase the overall risk of clots. But concerns about the vaccine remained and many countries resorted to the more effective shots made by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna. AstraZeneca's vaccine is now rarely used around the globe, and the company reported that sales fell to just $12 million last year.
    4 points
  9. This is like saying the guy on the corner crying out warnings of the rapture coming today if we don't all start taking LSD as sane and intellectual just because he speaks fluently and we just happen to disagree with his views...
    4 points
  10. The data I cited came straight from police departments. But if you chose to believe that America is a lawless hellhole, please articulate what policies, administrative actions, or anything that can relate the Biden Administration to the rise in crime that we have to squint, tilt our heads, and complete fabricate in our minds in order to find.
    4 points
  11. An easy primer: Quid = fine Quid pro quo = not fine
    4 points
  12. That's a hilarious take just because you think the guy's beliefs are wacko. RFK would run circles around either of those other two in ANY debate
    4 points
  13. RFKJr has been a wacked out loony tune for a very very long time and shouldn't be taken seriously by anyone.
    4 points
  14. RFK jr has never in his life been more cognizant than Biden and probably Trump too.
    4 points
  15. These numb-nuts did https://www.ice.gov/news/releases/19-aliens-charged-voter-fraud-north-carolina-following-ice-investigation
    3 points
  16. They're population would plummet if they approved it We know intuitively that Mike is into some shady s#!t because he hasn't filed a bank account. Probably running a brothel using his wife. Intuitively.
    3 points
  17. Not sure why you keep saying "trolling"? Providing information different than your personal view is not trolling. Thanks for your statistical addition
    3 points
  18. Instructions unclear, voting Kennedy.
    3 points
  19. I don’t need to listen Rs or Ds. My opinion comes from even way before Covid and this campaign. Heck, I didn’t even know a worn starved in his brain. The guy has been wacko for a very long time. Pardon me if I’d rather have an 80+ year old with mental decline and I disagree with some of his policies …..but at least he understands how the world works.
    3 points
  20. There is a 0.0004% chance of developing these clots. That's not why it was pulled. I mean, do they not teach basic math to people anymore? I'm notoriously terrible at math, and this is easy to figure out.
    3 points
  21. What? I can have a rational discussion whenever you'd like. America being a lawless hellhole is currently at the center of Republican Politics. You act like I'm making this up as part of some "GOTCHA!". It's currently the flagship of the Trumpism, the guy you twice voted for and who has bent the Republican party to his will. Don't sit here and act like this is me coming out of left field. Jesus Christ, the Presidential candidate of your party is literally acting like Democrats are corrupting the deep state against him and charging him with crimes he didn't commit. And you want to post about about "where did I say that". Your continued support of Republicans - no matter how low they sink - is what says it. You refuse to take responsibility for your part in creating Trump. Until you're ready to do that, stop voting. Stop engaging in politics.
    3 points
  22. True. San Francisco has never had a high crime rate. San Francisco, like the rest of California, actually has a lower property tax rate than Lincoln, Nebraska, thanks to Prop 13 passed decades ago. Real estate itself is expensive, because the liberal socialists here make tons of money and people like living in the Bay Area. California is a paradise made even moreso by Joe Biden's America!
    3 points
  23. Vaccines cause autism. No childhood vaccines “have ever been tested in a safety study pre-licensing.” There is “tremendous circumstantial evidence” that psychiatric drugs cause mass shootings, and the National Institutes of Health refuses to research the link out of deference to pharmaceutical companies. Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were discredited as covid-19 treatments so covid vaccines could be granted emergency use authorization, a win for Big Pharma. Exposure to the pesticide atrazine contributes to gender dysphoria in children. Covid-19 is “targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.” Here is a few from https://kffhealthnews.org/news/article/rfk-kennedy-politifact-lie-of-year-2023-autism-vaccines/
    3 points
  24. Interesting that Musk is allowing Russian bots to pose as US citizens with the intention of interfering with our elections for the benefit of Bid.....errr wait
    3 points
  25. What kind of numb-nuts actually thinks an illegal immigrant is going to risk getting in trouble over something as silly as casting a vote for school board? These guys are clowns and I really don't get how anyone with even average intelligence isn't pissed about how these politicians are treating them like idiots.
    3 points
  26. This is an outright lie. And it's the kind of fear-mongering we see trickle down to HB.
    3 points
  27. 70% of Republican voters credit Trump for infrastructure. This is hilarious. At what point do we acknowledge that partisanship on the Right have caused have the country to live in an alternate reality? Reaching these people is completely hopeless.
    3 points
  28. Just like anyone who thinks Biden and/or Trump has the mental acuity to make it through the next 4 years needs to rethink that stance
    3 points
  29. Haley takes 22% in Indiana https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-primary-elections/indiana-president-results
    3 points
  30. Great job Libs All your BS rhetoric, “get in their faces” crap from the Obama years, deference to Middle East countries vs what’s in US’s best interest is now catching up to everyone and innocent college kids are having to deal with it all. it’s a great read and worth your time Oh, P.S………it’s not right wingers behind this like some have really really thought it would be. “What you’re seeing is a real witches’ brew of revolutionary content interacting on campuses,” says Kyle Shideler, the director for homeland security and counterterrorism at the Center for Security Policy in Washington, D.C., and an expert on far-left domestic extremism. “On the left-wing side, you have a broad variety of revolutionary leftists, who serve as rent-a-mobs, providing the warm bodies for whatever the leftist cause of the day is. And on the other side you have the Islamist and Palestinian networks: American Muslims for Palestine and their subsidiary Students for Justice in Palestine, CAIR, the Palestinian Youth Movement. We’re seeing a real mixture of different kinds of radical foment, and it’s all being activated at the same time.” The far-left groups active in the protests include antifa and other anarchists: Anarchist literature has been distributed in the encampments, and antifa websites have published dispatches from “comrades” on the inside. They also include various communist and Marxist-Leninist groups, including the Maoist Revolutionary Communist Party, the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL), and the International ANSWER coalition, a PSL front group that worked with several Muslim groups to organize the Jan. 13 March on Washington for Gaza, at which protesters flew the black jihadist flag. On April 29, for instance, shortly before masked assailants stormed Columbia’s Hamilton Hall and barricaded themselves inside, The People’s Forum—a Manhattan event space affiliated with the PSL and funded by Neville Roy Singham, a wealthy businessman who “works closely with the Chinese government media machine and is financing its propaganda worldwide,” according to an August profile in The New York Times—urged its activists to rush up to Columbia to “support our students.” Similar calls for an “emergency action” were distributed throughout radical networks in New York City. These groups, Shideler says, typically operate in a decentralized manner, using successful tactics drawn from decades of anarchist organizing and spread through left-wing activist networks via word-of-mouth, as well as through formal trainings by professionals such as Fithian or the nonprofit “movement incubator” Momentum Strategies. “If you look at Fithian,” he says, “she has consulted with hundreds of groups on how to do these things: how to organize, how to protest, how to make sure your people don’t go to jail, how to help them once they’re in jail.” There is no one decision-maker; rather, decentralized “affinity” groups work together toward a shared goal, coordinating out in the open via social media and Google Docs. This can create an impression of centralized planning. Shideler cites the matching tents that have cropped up on a number of campuses, prompting speculation that some shadowy entity is buying them en masse. “People keep pointing out, They all have the same tent!,” he says. “Well, yeah, it’s because the organizers told them to buy a tent, and sent around a Google Doc with a link to that specific tent on Amazon. So they all went out and bought the same tent.”
    3 points
  31. This would be the same thing the instant Biden tries to get Bibi to investigate Trump to help him in the election.
    3 points
  32. You're not worried that four out of one million people might have gotten blood clots out of the least-used COVID vaccine. Nobody, including you, believes that.
    2 points
  33. She’s gonna be worse than the last nitwit. Need Reince back.
    2 points
  34. Not playing all that different from Sunday, just against a REALLY bad opponent (249 RPI). Zero innings with more than a single run against some of the absolute worst pitchers they've seen (ERAs anywhere from 9.00 to over 14.00 ). Really not impressed with any phase of the game so far here considering the opposition.
    2 points
  35. If RFKjr ends up being right about anything, I’m pretty sure it will be random coincidence. Guy is a nutter. Only thing he’s said that I believe is that a worm ate part of his brain. That checks out.
    2 points
  36. Oh yeah sure, if you want to ignore my entire point, you’re absolutely correct. My bad.
    2 points
  37. Well….i am talking about before she experiences it.
    2 points
  38. I believe it's pronounced "San Dee'ah'go"
    2 points
  39. https://kansasreflector.com/2023/10/29/politicians-love-to-cite-crime-data-its-often-wrong/
    2 points
  40. It is ALMOST like posting on this site! Hahaha
    2 points
  41. 22% when she dropped out a month ago. Amazing!
    2 points
  42. I mean, turnovers for the offense will be way down, period, we know that. Say it is even 10 less, that will be HUGE. Passing game will be better, running game will be "worse" just because there won't be the QB run game. Defense will be solid, mostly because of the front 3 and the lame teams they play. NU will be favored in probably 7 games and the only double digit dog games they are in is vs OSU and USC. Wisconsin and Iowa will both b 3 either way.
    2 points
  43. Anyone else wondering, now, how a person you have had sex with would describe that sex to their friends or worse yet to a jury??? Lawyer :"So, what happened next and please, be brief" Girl: "Oh, trust me, I will be brief, just like he was" Lawyer: "Okay, good one, but seriously, what did he do first" Girl: "Well, he started off saying sorry a few times and he said "this never happens" and then he swore he was not a virgin".
    2 points
  44. What regulations that are in place are so weak that companies like Tyson just blow them off and chalk up any fines to the cost of doing business. Imagine the green light given to industries when the EPA is completely neutered under another Trump regime.
    2 points
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