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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/28/2024 in all areas

  1. Even when we win, some Nebraska fans will find things to complain about. We need a few people who post here to get therapy more than we need a portal LT in 2025.
    15 points
  2. This had better mean what we all want it to mean.
    11 points
  3. I love Fidone and I'm glad he's a Husker. He's a good dude. But the criticism he's received has been well earned. He's whiffed on a LOT of blocks this year, ending plays that had potential way too many times.
    8 points
  4. Not only does Dylan need to work on his throwing footwork/mechanics in the offseason, he also needs to learn when to slide vs dive. This was at least the 3rd time (I think) he’s slid short this year when if he dives or takes another step he gets a 1st down.
    7 points
  5. I learned that pass interference isn’t a thing in bowl games.
    7 points
  6. Need to keep Shavers and Magahee around. Those guys are going to be good
    7 points
  7. It's game day, wingnuts! Nebraska's first bowl game since 2016. A chance for our first winning season since the same year. Never has there been more on the line. To say this is the most important game of the next 200 years would be an understatement. This is Nebraska's first ever game against Boston College. Known locally as the Fightin' Fluties, Boston College finished ninth in the toughest conference in the land, the ACC. Nebraska finished 12th in the 18-team Big Ten. It's currently 40 degrees and raining inside Yankee Stadium, the House after The House That Ruth Built. Kickoff should see temps in the mid-40s and light winds. Let's have some fun.
    6 points
  8. What a moment for Rahmir Johnson. He embodies everything that it means to wear that N on the side of his helmet
    6 points
  9. That's cool. An even 1,000 yards by sealing the game.
    6 points
  10. The posters acting like Fidone was a net negative already looked like fools but especially after this game.
    6 points
  11. My appendix has died so that Nebraska football could win this game. Watched the whole game at the hospital. Thank god we won!
    5 points
  12. Fidone hate may be overstated by most but I’ll also bring up the fact that he was totally misused most of the year. Some of the little bubble passes to the flat or behind him were downright perplexing. That being said…he’s probably our 3rd best TE.
    5 points
  13. How did Foley not get fired before the end of the year? Johnson and Johnson need a law firm after football.
    5 points
  14. Of course you can score on that play. There's no defense on the field.
    5 points
  15. I had no idea his mom passed away in November. Rhule’s post game remarks is a tear jerker
    4 points
  16. Well it wasn't a great season by any means but at least we had a winning season. Now FIRE FOLEY ASAP!!!!!
    4 points
  17. He is deserving and his perseverance needs to be recognized.
    4 points
  18. BC Head Coach should have gotten 2 personal fouls by now
    4 points
  19. Rahmir Johnson is going to get the game ball. Hell of a game, old man.
    4 points
  20. I guess the refs were scared of the BC coach yelling at them.
    4 points
  21. I don't give a flying f#&% if the slide is "late". You slide, you can't get hit. And saying DR was celebrating? No a$$ hat, he was pissed. There's no such thing as a late slide. Nada. STFU
    4 points
  22. How are missed tackles Rhule's fault? That's on the damn players
    4 points
  23. Congratulations, Rahmir! Hometown Hero! EDIT - Whoops. Congrats, Emmett.
    4 points
  24. Yes Unfortunately Buchini is a pocket punter not a dual threat punter
    4 points
  25. Vincent Shavers has been a bright spot, for sure.
    4 points
  26. The fact that Foley still has a job is baffling!
    4 points
  27. Which has almost nothing to do with the strength of schedule for the season.
    4 points
  28. I learned it is possible to win more games than you lose in a year, which is wild. Who knew?
    3 points
  29. Well....now you gotta do that every week in season. State Law.
    3 points
  30. Ed can cash as many checks as he likes. Just keep him about two time zones away from our special teams.
    3 points
  31. Rahmir has been true RED ever since he committed. Good for him, he deserves to treat this win like a national title. I’m sorry for his loss, but, he should go showboat his career around. forever a husker…
    3 points
  32. Ok I am sure it was mentioned in here somewhere. But when the refs did the review to see if their guy caught that pass that hit the ground. The refs announced it was not a catch but then said penalty on Nebraska for illegal substitution. WTF was that I didn’t see a flag at any point so you can’t do a replay and see a penalty and then call it. I have never seen that
    3 points
  33. I think they said on the radio broadcast he was in the control booth in Lincoln? Hope he really enjoyed another Cornhusker bowl win. Prayers to Greg and his family. He represents this program greatly and love listening to him on the radio.
    3 points
  34. This bowl game should just go away. They were playing on a turf meant for baseball that wasn’t designed to be played on with water on the field and doesn’t take root as deep in the ground to help with the footing needed for football. they should either commit to investing in turf for football or play this in an actual football stadium. Highly doubt they’re shelling out the $ for a single low tier ball game to get a proper surface. The team that runs this bowl is legit putting players health at risk unnecessarily playing on the surface we saw today
    3 points
  35. I was impressed by the teams ability to put together a drive when the momentum had shifted. In the past I think that they would have wilted and lost this game 21-20. Their ability to make the plays when they needed to gives me hope for the future.
    3 points
  36. Hear me out. We got the win, job #1. Foley and ST tried to scrooge us but we overcame it. Best of both worlds. We win and can still fire Foley. It’s a Christmas miracle!
    3 points
  37. It will be tough to win more than 7 games next season if the special teams is just as bad. Time to fire Foley.
    3 points
  38. 3 points
  39. Seriously, quit being a killjoy. We have attrition and new coaches. That we’re pitching an offensive shutout is really great.
    3 points
  40. 3 points
  41. I will not complain about holding today. Benhart had ALL of that guy in a bear hug.
    3 points
  42. Regressed or teams just had enough time to realize a 5’8 corner who can’t cover or tackle is a liability? Ngl that safety blitz on 3rd and 13 was kinda dumb
    3 points
  43. I don’t understand fans having ill feelings towards players like these guys.
    3 points
  44. Teams still need good backups, specials teams guys, practice bodies, longer term projects. People are really over doing it with the portal, the cut to 105 and being able to develop players.
    3 points
  45. He was on the 2 deep all year and played on multiple special teams units. Seems like a guy you might want around.
    3 points
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