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Status Updates posted by Undone

  1. I had heard that Nebraska had hired Tom Osborne's step father-in-law - Rick Sanchez - as the new head coach.


    But then I came here and see that it's a different guy.


    I really thought Rick could turn it around.

  2. I don't mean to alarm anyone but TuffTiger just made an appearance in the 'What's good to watch on Netflix' thread in the BS forum.

    1. knapplc


      Tuffy's been around a few times already this season. :moreinteresting

    2. Undone


      Nice, I guess I've missed his stuff.

  3. Anybody watch the series Yellowstone? Just realized that Chinander kind of looks like Rip:




    1. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Probably just as mean too.

  4. I see this Iowa game as being incredibly similar to last year's Iowa game for two reasons. The first reason is simple/obvious but the second reason is the real kicker and one that is pretty important, in my opinion:


    1. Both games were close.

    2. Despite fans being incredibly frustrated after the loss this game in both seasons, it's really a different loss that is a much, much bigger deal than losing to Iowa.


    Last year, losing to Purdue was the real kick in the pants. They finished 3-9 and had a freshman QB. We were better than they were and shouldn't have lost to them.


    This year, it was the Illinois loss that's the one people should actually be so upset about...not losing to Iowa. The Illinois game was a clusterf*** disaster and entirely inexcusable.


    Losing to Iowa made it statistically impossible to then have a winning season, just like last year it prevented us from going to a bowl game, but it wasn't the "statement loss" of the year at all.


  5. Haha, I hope "coming out of both sides" can be a new meme around here.

  6. I felt legitimately bad for Martinez listening through that post game interview. That loss really wasn't his fault. Fielding that last question about the snaps...man,  answering questions like that after a gut-punch loss...just feel bad for the kid.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Undone


      I wouldn't give him the majority of the blame is what I originally meant.

    3. krc1995


      My heart goes out to him-but was the hype deserved?  Maybe that's on us fans. Sure seems to be a burden

    4. Danny Bateman

      Danny Bateman

      Husker fan irrationally buys the hype prematurely. It is what it is.


      Being cynically realistic, he's a 19 year old piloting an offense that doesn't look to be all that comfortable in its own skin on a team that hasn't been good for a while.


      I truly believe in his talent. I do. I just think it's going to take a lot more time to fix this mess. And it's going to have to be a team effort. Martinez, as he is now, isn't good enough to cover up everyone else's sins.

  7. So basically, one comment each from Frost and Greg Austin and the majority of the fan base thought that Jurgens was going to be the next Dave Rimington?

    This is why in all seriousness I used to force myself to not pay any attention to spring ball/fall camp info in the post-Solich era. 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Yeah, his performance was disappointing considering the hype. It may be as simple as he actually does have great potential but just wasn’t healthy enough to prepare properly. Couple that with the lack of depth and experience at the center position and a poor first game is not too surprising.

    3. brophog


      They gave Cam a lot of tough looks. We’ve seen far more experienced players struggle when a team does that. It’s bad because now we are sad for a week, but we got our money’s worth in terms of learning opportunities from that game.

    4. Enhance


      Frost told Austin he thought that Jurgens had 'the talent' to be the next Dave Rimington. It's a somewhat ambiguous phrase that does not mean the same thing as what's being positioned here.


      I trust that this coaching staff isn't one to blow smoke up our you know whats. So, when they say things like that, or when Frost say something like 'the offense didn't play the way they've been practicing,' I believe it. Now, the real issue is whether or not we should be concerned, and I think there's reason to be at least fairly concerned.

  8. In my opinion, this year's team has more talent at the skill positions on offense than the '01 team that played for a title. Is the offensive line as good as that team's? No, probably not.

    Just a random thought I had this morning.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Undone


      That offensive line paved the way for a lot of yards and points to go up on the board in '01 for sure. That team played incredibly sound fundamentals and was very disciplined. It was of course the last (good) product of the Osborne template. 


      It's crazy to think though just how good we could be this year with a good defense. It could be what winds up making the season so frustrating, but I'll stop before I jinx us.   :)

    3. BIG ERN

      BIG ERN

      The Oklahoma win was great, but outside of them we got dismantled by the only two other good teams we played. Such an easy schedule. ND only won 5 games and was supposed to be a tough opponent that year. Our defense was also T10 in the nation. 

    4. Undone


      @BIG ERN - You said:


      "Such an easy schedule."


      Definitely a parallel to this season, right? Basically what I'm saying is, think about the skill players that we have on offense right now. Offensively this is a team that could actually contend for a playoff spot...if we had a really good defense.

  9. This is an oversimplification, because I know that the 2017 UCF season was in large part a product of the leader, student of football, and coach that Frost had become up to that point. But I was thinking on my drive to work about the following statement: The 2017 UCF season was in my opinion the best thing to happen to Nebraska football since the 1998 season. I wouldn't have expected that to ever have become the case if I went back 15 years.

    1. ColoradoHusk


      Combined with the complete ineptitude of the 2017 NU team, I agree with you.  Sometimes, it's all about timing!

    2. Moiraine


      @ColoradoHusk  @Undone  on a related note, I was thinking last night when I looked at the 2017 schedule again, I would never cheer against Nebraska before or during a game, but I'm really glad we lost the close games we lost. Kinda funny looking at the schedule, we could have had a record of anywhere between 2-10 to 7-5. If one of our wins had been Northern Illinois, Riley might have hung on for one more season. 

    3. Undone


      @Moiraine When you look at the way that Northern Illinois game played out it was clear that there were very few players on that team that cared about competing as hard as they could. I think we saw some of that trickle over in a few guys even in the Troy game last year. 

      Then around the middle of last year that was pretty much weeded out. 

  10. Listening to this song and watching future slo-mo highlights of Martinez throwing TD passes this season that haven't even happened yet.


  11. 1997 Grant Wistrom looks through your soul and slowly pours you a tall glass of Big Red Kool-Aid. You drink the Kool-Aid. You put on your 'skers shirt from the 1995 season and you stare silently into the future at Adrian Martinez trucking Iowa DBs.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Toe


      Martinez wasn't born until 2000, so in 1997 you would've been staring silently at an ovum inside his mother's body.

    3. Undone


      Stop overthinking this and just reach for the glass and drink it, @Toe.

    4. Toe
  12. I just want to win this weekend and get positive about moving forward.

    1. Count 'Bility

      Count 'Bility

      its' gonna be hard. Minnesota a legit challenge.

  13. This wasn't the year to end the conference title drought. It just wasn't. Next year is the show.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SECHusker


      We have 2 NFL receivers, 1 TE, 1 OL, 1 DB, likely 1 LB and 1 DL. If he can't get it done this year, I'm not to optimistic he will ever.



      Who on the dline is NFL ready right now?

    4. SECHusker


      I think Maurice will get a shot.

  14. I'm always for some reason mildly entertained when I see 'the.sock.puppet' is viewing a thread.

    1. Danny Bateman

      Danny Bateman

      That guy is still here?!

    2. Undone


      I've been seeing him in threads, yeah.


      Might be time for him to hang up the sock.

  15. Bo Pelini was a guido. There, I said it. Feels good to just say it out loud...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. commando
    3. Undone
    4. NUance


      A mean spirited guido at that. He'd put a horse head in your bed for calling him that.

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