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Everything posted by QMany

  1. Don’t get me wrong, I still expect these immoral cucks to confirm Ben Shapiro or some equally corrupt idiot.
  2. https://twitter.com/behindyourback/status/1306503995578605569?s=21
  3. The Trump Administration clearly knows they're F'd when Mr. BENGHAZI, CARAVAN, ANTIFA, SUBURBS, GUNS, 2AM RAGE TWEETER's only defense is he didn't want to cause panic.
  4. Remember when the Soviet Union downplayed Chernobyl and less than 100 died?
  5. They are delusional and liars, I don't know which is worse.
  6. 100% This will be studied in Media Ethics classes for decades.
  7. Just f'n listen to these and try not to fume at our lack of response and lying to the public!
  8. Cultists will now try to argue how Trump, Kushner, et al on tape is hearsay or something equally as dumb...
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