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Everything posted by DrinkinwitTerrellFarley

  1. I think Kevin James already played Sean Payton so he has the experience playing the part.
  2. Would it be too much to ask for the next Dana Brinson and Rod Smith?
  3. Yeah, and maybe a skills competition like what the NBA used to do. You could team up a volleyball player with a football player for attempting a FG, throwing the football or serving the volleyball into a target down the field that is worth a few points or rewards.
  4. Texas A&M is the biggest underachieving program in college football history with the resources they have. That's the only list they should be on. 1 conference title in the Big XII and a big bunch of jack squat in the SEC. Fake military cadets, fake football program.
  5. Do we think the new ST coach gets announced this week? The OWH seemed to suggest they thought it would happen.
  6. This game is another advertisement for 'Husker baseball in about three weeks.
  7. That's a game you can't lose. Bad loss to Buttgers.
  8. 2018 Rams v. Saints showed how incompetent refs can be. Everything to me is judged on how egregious in comparison to that terrible no call against Tommylee Lewis.
  9. I wonder if he told Duval to cut down on the vomit this go around?
  10. Because Emory Williams didn't inspire enough confidence I think. You would think the Hurricane defense another year older would be better but I think the offense is still going to have to do some heavy lifting.
  11. Yep, and I imagine Rhule was conflicted about running guys off that don't meet expectations but with NIL to me it's a junior NFL anyway. Once that money comes in it's their job to perform at a Big Ten level. I'm thankful Rhule is pivoting to the new world environment in college football. Hoiberg recognized the Matt Abdelmassih era wasn't working and he made changes. I'm happy we have leaders in both men's revenue sports that don't let pride or friends get in the way of their vision to get better as a team. An issue that fans have been frustrated with prior coaches about.
  12. John Butler is running a 2-2-7. Always on the cutting edge in Lincoln!* *(Some more players are going to be cut, told to move on)
  13. That's a fair assumption with NMSU as well. In recent history when they had a successful season they could only go to a bowl nearby due to finances.
  14. Maybe he wanted to be close to home? He's a Kilgore, TX native I thought. New Orleans is less than 6 hours away.
  15. 2026 might also be 14 or 16 teams in the playoff. I think it's trending that way. If the top 4 team playoff guarantees are in place from the Big Ten and SEC taking a hardline it could change perspective as well.
  16. I wonder if Brett Maher is collateral damage with the Foley dismissal?
  17. I wonder what the total cost will be for Memorial Stadium renovation? Will we get details from AD Dannen in the spring, including the nuts and bolts of the South Stadium rebuild?
  18. Unfortunately, that is Cornhusker Juan. He doesn't know anything.
  19. My vote is Sean Snyder. If Nebraska fans want fundamentally sound ST like Iowa and the man has won awards for his ST coaching....
  20. Because Nebraska recruits against those teams for players.
  21. Not Texas, they skated by through the SEC with a weak schedule and were bailed out against ASU in the playoff game when they were outplayed. I think it's probably Notre Dame for me but I wouldn't mind Penn State either for someone new. I wonder if Ryan Day's job is safe after beating Oregon? I do hope tOSU clobbers the Longhorns.
  22. Following his QB? Wake has good NIL?
  23. Notre Dame special teams should give Nebraska a model to aspire to. That defense that played violently was nice too.
  24. I agree too and I believe the first two rounds, whether it becomes 14 or 16, should be played on campus of the better seed. Campus games are a big advantage the college game has over the NFL.
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