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Everything posted by Wisenup

  1. http://www.annarbor.com/assets_c/2012/05/UMFB_Uniform_ND-thumb-590x393-112001.jpg Not for any team with an established, classic look. Exactly. See Michigan or Tennessee. .https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fs3media.247sports.com%2FUploads%2FAssets%2F603%2F954%2F6_3954603.JPG&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Ftennessee.247sports.com%2FArticle%2FNotes-Tennessee-Vols-could-wear-Smokey-Gray-uniforms-again-40471043&docid=OJGADK9WVo1ARM&tbnid=svZtXhLFpWhpBM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjIlIKBiuLUAhVnw4MKHUA0CvkQMwg4KAkwCQ..i&w=620&h=320&hl=en&client=safari&bih=460&biw=320&q=tennessee%20alternate%20uniforms&ved=0ahUKEwjIlIKBiuLUAhVnw4MKHUA0CvkQMwg4KAkwCQ&iact=mrc&uact=8
  2. Is it Tanner Lee's new robotic 4.4 forty time legs? Lieutenant Tan , you have magic legs.... /s This may or may not be a picture of said rumored Tanner Lee's robotic "magic legs" Rumor is they're made from a custom-made titanium alloy used on the space shuttle.
  3. I'm not exactly dismissing him, I'm saying for us to compete at a high level, he would be a back-up post player. Not our best player. So, maybe that is why we went 12-18. I went and looked at his game-logs, and he had some really nice games against high level competition (or teams that made the NCAA tournament), then he completely didn't show up in the stat sheet against some sub-par opponents that we ended up losing to. Do I wish he was staying? Yes. Do I think we are lost without him? Absolutely not. How many games did we win when he wasn't playing last year? Beat Purdue, does that count?so 1? Lol 😂 that was actually a question. Did we really only win one game without him?
  4. I'm not exactly dismissing him, I'm saying for us to compete at a high level, he would be a back-up post player. Not our best player. So, maybe that is why we went 12-18. I went and looked at his game-logs, and he had some really nice games against high level competition (or teams that made the NCAA tournament), then he completely didn't show up in the stat sheet against some sub-par opponents that we ended up losing to. Do I wish he was staying? Yes. Do I think we are lost without him? Absolutely not. How many games did we win when he wasn't playing last year?
  5. Conference rankings big 10 is 4th. Big 12 is 2nd. So there goes your apples to oranges again ....
  6. Just look at conference record then. Other than the 2013-14 season, NU has finished near the bottom of the conference in every season under Miles, and seems to regress near the end of the season every year. Miles hasn't been great, but we also aren't playing in the B12 anymore so that's apples to oranges. https://www.teamrankings.com/ncaa-basketball/rpi-ranking/rpi-rating-by-conf
  7. https://www.teamrankings.com/ncaa-basketball/rpi-ranking/rpi-rating-by-conf
  8. In those five seasons, Sadler had one season under .500. Miles will have four. With Supposedly the best talent Nebraska has ever had...
  9. Other than the fact he has been given 5 years and has won fewer games than Doc...fire him
  10. Dominic Raiola is retired after 14 years with the lions, is there any way we get him to coach here?
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