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Crusader Husker

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Everything posted by Crusader Husker

  1. LeBron trains at the WWE performance center in the off season. Last summer he got student of the month.
  2. First step of telling the NCAA to screw themselves.
  3. What I would do to have three arms.
  4. Does he have a permit to carry that sidearm?
  5. Everything he said is 100% true. NCAA is a limp d!(k organization that only has themselves to blame. Quit chasing problems and start leading. I think that the B1G and the SEC (only ones that have the balls) should vote to leave the NCAA or sue them for negligence and failure to lead. (not a lawyer, I am sure this makes zero sense, but I at least feel better having said it)
  6. Hillary didn't take issues with the union workers in Michigan seriously and it cost her. Biden has issues in Michigan with Muslims and Arabs. What will Biden do?
  7. I don't think so, but is she waiting for the Senile Insanity to be over before plotting? 2028?
  8. Dang, modern warfare. Western Money spent to deplete Russia's money, which will eventually deplete China's money.
  9. In a hypothetical they both die in the next few months... Who would the nominees be?? I guess from the R side either Haley or Desantis? From the D side? My guess is Michelle Obama.
  10. I think my the people in my circle are depressed that it is Biden-Trump again. My guess is people around me are about 50/50 Biden-Trump. I will vote for neither.
  11. Couldn't get all of it, but, yes. All people do is work to scare the crap out of people. You longer are voting for anything, just against it. God forbid we apply the third option in the country. That is, let's start with things we all agree on.
  12. Babylon Bee is doing a parody on the GOP Taylor Swift conspiracy. The GOP is now a parody target of the Babylon Bee. Doesn't happen too often.
  13. Read the last 2 pages... This times 1000
  14. All I hear is NBA players are soft.
  15. They don't want them to have a reason to look up from their phone.' They announced this a few weeks ago in Ohio. Dumb.
  16. I really think it is because she is a pop superstar that has entered their realm. I think they would just like it to be focused on the game. For the NFL, it means $$$. New fans. Same for networks. I just don't get the hate. I am a dad, an uncle and a brother to mega Swift fans. I honestly stopped going gaga for celebrities a while ago. I understand it though, and don't care.
  17. Trump-Clinton 2016 made me look at where I fall on the political spectrum. I took several quizzes. It came back that I am a right leaning Libertarian. Trump was a Right leaning Statist. Clinton was a left leaning statist. The difference between them policy wise was actually not that big. Or Bigly.
  18. That is one of the many problems I have with him. He is not conservative, he is a Statist. He is only conservative on the right issues to keep the cult happy. I think he is also LGBTQ+, which a conservative person doesn't like. But I think he is that just because he likes threesomes.
  19. I really agree with this. I have never understood the hate. A little Hyperbolic at times, yes. But over all he is pretty good.
  20. I am not tired of seeing Taylor Swift at NFL games and the cameras focused on her. Annoying? A little, but I am tired of hearing people complain about it that seems to clog my social media threads.
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