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Everything posted by Apsu

  1. Hunter Biden was not a US official, he was the son of the VP at the time.
  2. We have been over this at least a half dozen times. I find it frustrating how Democrats cannot fathom that Biden may have done something wrong. I find it frustrating how Rupublicans cannot fathom that Trump may have done something wrong.
  3. I do not have inside info, but I would suspect some sort of influence peddling.
  4. After an investigation. Biden did get the guy fired. He was or should have been investigating a company, and Biden's son was placed on the BoD.
  5. It is legendary. But the potential Biden scandal occurred before he was elected.
  6. How would it go over if a foreign government demanded that we fire an appointed official that they deemed to be corrupt?
  7. The point of an investigation is to determine if a crime has been committed. The point of an investigation is to determine if a crime has been committed.
  8. I'm still taking notes on who is who. I want to be a Democrat, but can't with the current leadership and direction of that party.
  9. I don't see regime change wars to be in the interest of the American people, but they are in the interest of our banks, defense companies and energy companies. "We the People" are paying for this, but are not benefiting.
  10. Search engine algorythems have changed, old stories got buried, and some sites were blocked by Google and Yahoo. And to be honest, with three young children including two infant twins, I really don't have the motivation to look.
  11. Thanks, it will take a while. FWIW I am 2/3 Progressive, 1/3 Libertarian, and 0% Democrat or Republican. I don't trust either major party, or the media.
  12. Replace the name Hunter Biden with one of Trump's sleazy children, and some would call it impeachable collusion.
  13. Probably not that I could find without a lot of effort. I read up on the political changes post-Maidan, and most of sources I would have used were buried by search engine algorythems.
  14. I apologize if it was not. I was the main person here posting criticism of Biden, and many people conclude that if you criticize a Democrat then you are a Republican.
  15. As I posted earlier, through the IMF Ukrainian assets were sold off to the west for pennies on the dollar. That was where the real money was, and i honestly don't know if Joe/Hunter had a role in it through his influence. That is why I would like to see an investigation.
  16. Donald Trump's leadership style mirrors the tone of the Republican primary debates. Unfortunately as in 2016, the DNC is the main power broker that can get the Donald reelected.
  17. Why was the son of the US VP placed on the board of directors of a company under investigation at $50,000 per month? His role and its influences should be investigated.
  18. I agree, a small investigation would be warranted. And as i said earlier nothing will be found because moneyed interests will prevent that. But it may be enough to knock Joe Biden out of the race, which would be a good thing. Poor Ukraine will remain corrupt, regardless if the government is pro-NATO or pro-Russia. It is a buffer state between east and west, and unfortunately more proxy wars will be fought there. The status of the Crimea will not change.
  19. Even the Democrat establishment at Daily Kos wants Biden out of the race.
  20. Somebody is not reading if they assume that Trump is my dope.
  21. I am no expert in these matters, but when I see this i see smoke. And where there is smoke there is often fire. I support an investigation into the impeachment of Trump, and I would also like to see a qui--pro-quo investigation on Biden's role here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Shokin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunter_Biden
  22. I am a loyal and patriotic American citizen, but I am under no illusion that our corporations and the political leadership beholden to them (such as Trump, Biden, Clinton, etc) are as corrupt as heck, and are not working for the good of the Ukrainian people.
  23. I really despise Trump, but in the line of succession there are no viable options. I would rather see him removed in 2020 by a better candidate.
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