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Everything posted by ScarletRevival

  1. Biden's America.....apparently "We're back" means that we're back to being subservient to nations like Iran and China. It also means that members of this administration denigrate our county and embarasses us on a global scale. Every American citizen's life is worse, unless you're uber rich or to want to sit at home and cash unemployment and welfare checks that are now equalling out to be 15, 18, 20 dollars per hour or even more. This is causing businesses that were rocked by Draconian shutdowns even more hardships. People aren't willing to go to work for 13 or 14 dollars an hour, and businesses are having a difficult time hiring entry level associates so that they can get going again. But Amazon and Walmart did and are doing really well. The clowns in this administration lie and tell us that inflation isn't happening. Hmmmm..... the day that China Joe was placed in the white house, gas prices went up .20 per gallon. he was told to axe the Keystone pipeline and gas prices are about .48 cents per gallon higher than they were on Jan 19. I noticed that the price of a 30 pack of Busch lite has increased $2. Firearms and ammunition are very expensive if you can even find them. Vehicle and lower priced homes in good markets are at a premium price and inventory is low to nearly nonexistent. We've been put back into the Paris Climate Accord and we're shipping tax dollars off to the NWO, I mean the WHO again. Federal Spending is out of control. Passed a faux "Covid relief" bill in which less than 10% of 1.9 trillion actually goes to Covid relief. Much of the rest is bailouts and handouts to leftist causes. Lumber and building supplies have soared, if you can get them. The same stud cut 2 x 4 that I paid 5.38 for the night before Thanksgiving are now priced at 10.10 per stick. Chip board that went for about 17 or 18 dollars per sheet last summer are now around 40 per sheet. His (or whomever is calling the shots) green energy wreaked havoc and shut down the gulf coast and the Heartland during a little cold snap in February. Electric bills skyrocketed. Race relations have diminished. The southern border is an absolute disaster. Marxist insurrectionists are bburning down cities and terrorizing neighborhoods. The first and second Amendments are under attack. He weaponized the DOJ to go after political dissidents, yet his own son hasn't been charged for the felony he committed when he falsified documents while illegally purchasing a firearm. Blatant unethical power grabs such as packing the courts, ending the filibuster, and granting statehood to DC are being threatened. I'm sure I'm forgetting some stuff, but wow, so much harm done to America in less than 3 months. It almost seems as if this was planned.
  2. Fischer already said she was staying in the Senate. I think she announced it on April 1 but I don't recall the exact date.
  3. Sincerely, that was a nice way to wave the white flag. No name calling, no smear campaign. Very refreshing. Kudos to you.
  4. I mean I know, right? People that disagreed with Trump were "canceled" and his party openly and seriously considered sending dissenters to "re-education camps." Oh wait......... The hypocrites on the left need to get faux triggers straight. They got their panties in a bunch when he was promoting peace and being diplomatic, accusing him of cozying up to dictators, but when he played hard ball against those same dictators they accused him of not being Presidential.
  5. You're not wrong but the bigger picture is that both parties have been kicking that can down the road for far too long. back in the 90s even the Democrats talked a big game about border security, and I think that even Barry Hussain Sotoro actually paid some lip service to it. The weak, flaccid Republicants had their chance back in 2017 and 18. Thankfully we have a President that actually did something that slowed the illegal immigration tide for a couple of years. But the current occupant of the White House created a gigantic humanitarian crisis at the border. If we don't get some people in office with some intestinal fortitude this disaster will only get worse.
  6. Not only that but blue check mark Brian (whoever he is) made a bunch of false statements in the tweet. He did his best to retcon what actually happened in that stop.
  7. Yet cops are far more likely to be killed at a traffic stop than unarmed black people who don't try to fight cops, assault cops, or resist arrest (statistically zero percent) to be killed by a cop.
  8. Wow, Crump is really evil. Apparently the studies that show that cops are more hesitant to use force against us than they are against whites are ignored by him as it doesn't back up his lies. Nor do the numerous pics from last summer of cops kneeling in front of violent marxiat insurrectionists prevent him from inciting insurrection. He is another pathetic race pimp getting rich over the corpses of POC. Unknowingly, with this tweet Crump actually proved that cops should use non-lethal force less. If the guy in this tweet got shot, I don't know of any reasonable person who would say he didn't get what was coming to him. And there would have been no riots or cities burning. Here is a really simple concept: When you get pulled over by a cop, treat the officer with respect, and comply don't die.
  9. We can buy houses anywhere we want. Do you not find it more than hypocritical that she bought a 1.4 million dollar house in a mostly white neighborhood while she amassed her wealth exploiting the deaths of people of color and while her organization ( which was founded on fake narratives) has been lying about our country being systemically racist against POC? We now know that even she doesn't believe the trash that she and her organization spew. She probably was honest about being a trained marxist, I'll give her that.
  10. Haha, no. I have no interest in living where she bought the house I was referring to. And I certainly wouldn't want her or her ilk as my neighbor.
  11. Q???? Are you familiar with Article II of the Constitution?
  12. Do you mean right from the mouth of the CNN director who said that CNN is propaganda and detailed how they lied in trying to paint Trump in the worst light while covering up for Biden?
  13. Where did Tucker ever say that people shouldn't take a covid shot? I rarely watch TV, let alone cable news so he might have said such a thing and I wouldn't be aware of it.
  14. Shouldn't this be in the Left-Wing Disinformation Machine thread? I'm pretty sure I caught a clip of him from just last night saying that anyone who wants to get a vaccine should get one. I might have not heard that correctly, I'll admit. God forbid Tucker actually you know, does his job by asking questions. Even some tough questions. But Napoleon Anphony can't even bother to answer those questions. Also, are we still pretending that CNN (actually all of the legacy media) is actually news? A CNN technical director admitted that what they do is "propaganda" or "manipulation" numerous times. On tape. https://www.projectveritas.com/news/part-1-cnn-director-admits-network-engaged-in-propaganda-to-remove-trump/ https://www.projectveritas.com/
  15. That's rich considering all of the shenanigans during the last Presidential election, including many states unconstitutionally changing election laws and mailing out ballots to people that were either dead or who no longer resided in at the address in which they were registered.
  16. Except that isn't true at all. I'm not sure which side that would be, the spineless slugs know as Republicans or the side who is led by a guy who is owned by China.
  17. The Dems are trying to make sure that will never, ever happen. This is a totalitarian power play by the radicals that run that party.
  18. For what, for the President fulfilling his duty to fill Supreme Court seats? You act as if this hasn't happened numerous times throughout the history of our country. The United States is not a democracy, so can we quit mis-using that term?
  19. But the current occupant of the White House, whose family is on the payroll of the CCP and Putin has the courage to face them? Lol. China just rag-dolled Pedo Joe's stooges in Alaska, they know who they bought and paid for.
  20. That's what happens when leftist totalitarianism regimes run a country. They along with their propagandists in the swamp media control the message.
  21. Are riots being perpetrated over this?
  22. Hint: the only reason why the National Democrat Socialist Worker's Party of the United States pretends to care about brown people is because all they see is votes. All they care about is power. If they actually cared about brown people they wouldn't encourage them to be human trafficked, to be sexually assaulted, to go through areas with high Covid rates (we're told that's a death sentence) or possibly murdered by Mexican drug cartels.
  23. Not sure where to put this but one of the founders of the marxist surrectionist movement that goes by BLM has spent millions of dollars in purchases of numerous homes, some of, if not all in, areas where few black people live.
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