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Everything posted by desertshox

  1. I don't think they went to the fair since those are typically in the late summer early fall.
  2. I giggled a little too much at the "toxic notion" part, I almost peed myself.
  3. You really don't know what you're talking about, right? All 3 of those schools went through periods of mediocrity and periods where they were excellent. Oddly similar to another school. With that said carry on with the trolling.
  4. They voted for the champion before the bowl games up until 1968.
  5. So punish a team for an infraction they haven't even made a judgment on. Seems legit.
  6. Isn't shift8 just *? Or do we have caps lock on?
  7. Agreed, Alabama should be in over free shoes u's 3rd and 4th stringers but not the first and second string.
  8. This worth a watch? Just saw the previews for it and it looks kind of interesting.
  9. Just so I am reading this right, you clean before the cleaning lady comes?
  10. That's a good definition of "not playing much".
  11. Is that what's supposed to be in that giant blank space? I thought that was being reserved for Taylor Swift.
  12. Well, the weird thing about nebraska's offense this past season is they did both. I would assume doing both would be the best way to be successful. Don't think it will be an either/or situation.
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