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  1. Okay, @ColoradoHusk has said to wait a week but if you have emailed someone (that you work with) and they have not emailed back (yet), how long do you wait until you shoot them another email about the same topic?

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    2. HUSKERherc


      I've probably put way too much thought in to this.  For me, if it's not urgent, it depends on the day of the week.  If I email someone on Monday or Tuesday, I'm usually following up on Friday.  If it is later in the week that I send the initial email, I usually wait until the following Monday or Tuesday to follow up. 

    3. Enhance


      @GSG LOL I'll admit I'm the same way. I don't answer the phone unless it's certain people or a superior.


      I have a coworker that always tries to call me when I ask him the simplest questions through Slack. It's like... dude... take 30 sec. and just send me a response. You don't have to always call me.


      I'm also on the phone or on a call 50% of my day so Slack is usually a better way to reach me.

    4. teachercd


      Maybe I am just weird, I respond to emails pretty much the moment I get them, if I can.



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