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Everything posted by suh_fan93

  1. Just gonna say this one time. If you don't like or agree just scroll.
  2. I just think it's funny that people think UM is the only team doing anything that could even be remotely considered 'against the rules'. Lol there definitely not.
  3. Dem in 60 years.) 2020-2024: Biden too old. (Biden more successful at presidenting than every single younger predecessor since WWII. Which is all of them.) If you're stuck, let me know and I'll help you with the math.
  4. I would definitely pay 8 bucks to see this game lol. 8 bucks though? That's crazy.
  5. I had no idea we could learn so many things after the Michigan St. game.
  6. Womens - Colorado up by 19 over #1 LSU.
  7. A lot of truly sick/disgusting people in this world. Sadly.
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