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Everything posted by commando

  1. it's not "like they are brainwashed"....they ARE brainwashed
  2. this isn't shocking at all. it's the kind of thing you would expect from the Don. if it hurts the poor he is 100% for it. It's almost like he is more determined to kill the poor than he is to kill ISIS
  3. when trumps term is over we will need a candidate who will Make America Respectable Again
  4. trump has all the grace and dignity of a shart
  5. well...the fox news junkies will lap the BS up with smiles on their faces. Joseph Goebbels is probably in hell turning green with envy over what fox has accomplished.
  6. I for one will be fine with the new plan. It will end the Republican majorities in the houses, and finally wake the public up to doing something more drastic to control healthcare costs. it will be unfortunate for many americans....my hope is that their sacrifices will not be in vain.
  7. they will eventually succeed in repealing obamacare...or at least starving it to death. the question then becomes are we better off with or without the asificare proposal the republicans are pushing?
  8. ehh...who would want to come to trumps america anyway?
  9. be loyale to your country and pay your taxes...then when you are to busted up to be useful anymore we will take away your healthcare.
  10. well...it was passed by obama so of course donnie had to stop it
  11. But that's politics. I don't think this is a death knell for the Democratic Party. But I would've preferred a shot across the bow on the GOP as a message since this election was so focused on healthcare and what they're doing with that is awful. This certainly isn't going to make them think twice about it. They're still not facing consequences for how they're governing or Trump in general. Quite the opposite... I think this would put some wind in their sails as McConnell tries to advance their healthcare bill. mudslinging and fear mongering wins elections. platforms are boring and lose elections. the republicans understand this and the democrats are still learning.
  12. Former (and future? We put these types of men in power here in America) congressman from Illinois, conservative radio host. if there is a civil war the question is are we the old democracy where compromise and moderation was essential or are we the new far right dictatorship?
  13. what would fearless leader do if he lost his twitter account?
  14. donnie saying he did what someone else told him to do? i didn't think he listened to anybody at anytime for any reason that didn't profit himself
  15. kk..my bad....thanks to everyone for pointing out the date of the tweet. that does make it clearer. lol.
  16. i am not sure what he is saying....is he defending the gunman?
  17. to me the difference between a semi-auto and assault weapons is the magazine capacity. most semi-auto hunting rifles have a 5 to 7 round capacity. assault rifles can hold 25 or more rounds. less time spent reloading means more time firing bullets into people.
  18. not sure if accurate....but they have reported that it was a kalishnikov (sp).......that is not a hunting rifle....it is a military assault weapon if the reports are true. while it would work fine for hunting if you wanted to use it as such...it was designed to kill as many people as possible in the shortest time possible.
  19. it's 1 thing to be accurate on the shooting range....it's another thing to be accurate when someone is shooting back at you.
  20. early reports are that they have a suspect in custody. and it sounds like scalise was shot in the hip...so i hope that is not life threatening. no word on the 2 security officers that were shot or who else was hit.
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Huskerzoo


      @Nuance No. Just no. The "mentally ill" are not dangerous. There's no mental illness that leads to shooting people.

    3. Huskerzoo


      "Fact: The vast majority of people with mental health problems are no more likely to be violent than anyone else. Most people with mental illness are not violent and only 3%-5% of violent acts can be attributed to individuals living with a serious mental illness. In fact, people with severe mental illnesses are over 10 times more likely to be victims of violent crime than the general population"

    4. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Wouldn't it require some form of mental illness to do something like this? I certainly wouldn't call it normal behavior.

  21. i wouldn't be shocked if they staged a Gleiwitz type incident to further their cause
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