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Greg Sharpe

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This is so sad and sudden.  I am glad he decided to bring it up after trying to keep it quiet.


I will pray for him and wish him the best.  PanCan is so aggressive.  6 months tops, but typically 3-6 months to live after diagnosis.  At least from what I have always known.  And that time goes quickly and it's no picnic at the same time.  

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2 hours ago, admo said:

This is so sad and sudden.  I am glad he decided to bring it up after trying to keep it quiet.


I will pray for him and wish him the best.  PanCan is so aggressive.  6 months tops, but typically 3-6 months to live after diagnosis.  At least from what I have always known.  And that time goes quickly and it's no picnic at the same time.  


There's a certain point that if they catch it before that, there is actually hope. Problem is it isn't caught before that point in the majority of cases.


That is how it was explained to me by someone whose husband passed due to PanCan. And it's a horrible way to go.

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10 hours ago, admo said:

This is so sad and sudden.  I am glad he decided to bring it up after trying to keep it quiet.


I will pray for him and wish him the best.  PanCan is so aggressive.  6 months tops, but typically 3-6 months to live after diagnosis.  At least from what I have always known.  And that time goes quickly and it's no picnic at the same time.  


One of my best friends and my biggest mentor in coaching passed in Oct. 22 from PanCan. He was a rarity and lived for a little over 2 years after diagnosis. They said it is treatable if it is caught early, the problem is that typically once you start having issues that cause Drs to look for it, it is typically too late. It is a terrible way to go, and is extremely hard to watch. He and his family can definitely use all the prayers and support Husker fans can give. 

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They don't catch it because there are no symptoms, my father had it and they only caught it by doing a scan for something else.  He ended up living 2 years after diagnosis, but it was a mistake they caught it in the first place.  He ended up with 3/4 types of cancer however from his time in Vietnam and taking a few agent orange baths.  Thankfully my Mom is still being paid 100% disability for all that fun.


Best wishes to the Sharpe family, terrible. 

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Didn't expect to be crying on a Husker game day, but by God, Greg is a good one. Hope he can beat this and spend many more years in the booth. He's been a part of Husker football for nearly half my life, praying for another 16 more!

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