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2024 Alternate Jerseys

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My 2 daughters and my sons college track team had different uniforms they wore only at meets they qualified for, Conference, Regionals and Nationals.  How about a uni they only get to wear for Conference Championship game, or if they make the playoffs.  That way there will never be a conversation about those uniforms again.  If they get to wear them, we won't care because we finally made it.

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4 hours ago, Crusader Husker said:

My 2 daughters and my sons college track team had different uniforms they wore only at meets they qualified for, Conference, Regionals and Nationals.  How about a uni they only get to wear for Conference Championship game, or if they make the playoffs.  That way there will never be a conversation about those uniforms again.  If they get to wear them, we won't care because we finally made it.

So you’re saying all whites for playoffs?



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No alternates this year, No biggie.  


But that doesn't mean the Cornhuskers can't play one game wearing all red like in the recruiting pics,.... and one game wearing all whites (also a good look in the recruiting pics).  The other 10 games would be normal scheme.  We would just be dabbling a bit.  The players would probably love it too.


I like the mix up even though some of the Husker purist don't.  Look at Missouri and Kansas, they mix it up and looks great.  In fact, almost all of our former Big 8 brothers (teams) are having fun with their uniforms.  chuckleshuffle


Except maybe Kansas State and OU - they don't mix up their uniforms, but do have like one alternate they sometimes wear.

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