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10 minutes ago, skers83 said:

:dunno I can see them. The first one I just clicked on the link. My apologies if its not showing

How are you uploading them?  I can't see any of yours, nor could I see any of them last week either. 


What works for me, is to find an image and open just the image in a new tab (right click and select open image in new tab).  Copy the URL, then go to Other Media in the bottom right of the reply window, then Insert Image from URL.  Paste the URL in there and the image embeds in your reply.

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5 minutes ago, runningblind said:

How are you uploading them?  I can't see any of yours, nor could I see any of them last week either. 


What works for me, is to find an image and open just the image in a new tab (right click and select open image in new tab).  Copy the URL, then go to Other Media in the bottom right of the reply window, then Insert Image from URL.  Paste the URL in there and the image embeds in your reply.

I'll start trying that. I've usually just saved the image to a file then pasted. 

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