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I rewrote a tall tale for next weeks game


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Now, everyone knows Herbie Husker was the best,

The neatest farmer in all the West.

But Herbie was also the tidiest, cleanest,

The plain best dressed

Hombre to wear a well-pressed polo

Of red on his manly chest.


Herbie Husker was the best,

The best in the West.


One day, Herbie was riding the range on Tess,

The fastest and smartest steed in the West,

When he saw a most unwelcome guest.

It was a cyclone, picking up litter and dust and trash,

And plumb making a mess

Of the Ames, Iowa.


Herbie Husker was the best,

The best in the West.


Herbie said to Tess, "I must confess,

If there's one thing I detest, it's a mess!"

Tess knew that meant Herbie wouldn't rest

'Til he'd put that cyclone under arrest,

Or tamed that blustery, gusty pest

That was messin' up the Ames, Iowa.


Herbie Husker was the best,

The best in the West.


Herbie started to ride, astride his steed,

Through the dust and the tumbling tumbleweed,

Swinging his lasso over his head,

On his quest to stop that cyclone dead.

Tess sprang with the springiest spring that was ever sprung.

Herbie flung his lasso with the flingiest fling that was ever flung.

And Herbie whooped, "Whoa!" to that whirling wind, until

It stopped, like a bulldogged steer, stock still.


Herbie Husker was the best,

The best in the West.


And with old Tess holdin' that cyclone steady,

Herbie jumped on its back, and he got himself ready,

And then old Herbie Husker was sent on

The wildest ride that anyone ever went on!

Well, Husker Nation, you can guess the rest of it.

That Cyclone knew Herbie had restored the order.

And so, at Herbie Huskers request,

It cleaned up the mess it had made of the West.


Herbie Husker was the best,

The best in the West.


Order Restored!!

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