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What is your take on this guy??

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Being alot older than most of you I see it both ways. I try to stand as much as I can and normally end up being on my feet 90% of the time. But consider the fact that many can not stand that long. You will all feel the rath of father time.


My grandfather was a big Nebraska fan, donated a lot of money to the Univeristy. His name is on the wall. In his later years he still came to the games just like he did when he was your age and graduated from Nebraska. He loved this state and Nebraska football. His dedication to the program and the youth of this state in my mind is unsurpassed. He could not stand and watch the game, but in the cold, wind or rain he came to the games. He wanted to see them play the game he loved and supported. Is it fair to take that away from him. Be considerate of your surrroundings. Sometimes we do not see the whole picture when we are young. Without these die in the wool blue hairs, you would not have the proud tradition or the facilities that you do. There would be no winning streak like the ones we have had. With out their effort and money to support this program, it would not exist. The old Blue Hairs are Nebraska football, the ones that have passed on and the ones that are still supporting it give you the opportunity to use what they have paid for.




Thanks for saying what I could not articulate. The lack of respect I PERCEIVED had me a bit upset. I think you captured what needed to be said. We owe alot to the "ole grey hairs". IMO, not respecting them is the beginning of the decline of the "greatest football fans" anywhere. Do we really want to be compared to sCUm fans down the road?

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Being alot older than most of you I see it both ways. I try to stand as much as I can and normally end up being on my feet 90% of the time. But consider the fact that many can not stand that long. You will all feel the rath of father time.


My grandfather was a big Nebraska fan, donated a lot of money to the Univeristy. His name is on the wall. In his later years he still came to the games just like he did when he was your age and graduated from Nebraska. He loved this state and Nebraska football. His dedication to the program and the youth of this state in my mind is unsurpassed. He could not stand and watch the game, but in the cold, wind or rain he came to the games. He wanted to see them play the game he loved and supported. Is it fair to take that away from him. Be considerate of your surrroundings. Sometimes we do not see the whole picture when we are young. Without these die in the wool blue hairs, you would not have the proud tradition or the facilities that you do. There would be no winning streak like the ones we have had. With out their effort and money to support this program, it would not exist. The old Blue Hairs are Nebraska football, the ones that have passed on and the ones that are still supporting it give you the opportunity to use what they have paid for.



I finally got to see a game at Memorial stadium after more than 20 years. It was this years CU game.

It was also the first time I sat in the West stands. I was worried that we'd be too rowdy. Me, my wife and our 19 year old. Boy was I happy to find I was wrong. My fondest memory of that game was the great mix of people around us, most all strangers and one "blue hair" in particular. I had the privilege of sitting next the a very elderly man, well into his 80s. Turns out he was a big time money supporter. He didn't hesitate to jump up and yell, not once. When everyone else, the kids and us mid-lifers, were throwing the bones, He'd be right there too, all snarly faced screaming YEAH!. But what I will never forget is when everyone would be giving high fives, he would stand there with his hand up. And every person there, including the college kids in front of us, would reach up and just pat his high five. From the look on his face, you could tell he was genuinely afraid of someone slamming his hand, and probably would have done some serious damage. But no one did. Not even close. It was a sign of respect and inclusion, young and old, watching and cheering this years version of the Huskers.


Yeah, that was alot of fun to be part of. The future of the world ain't so bad when you see things like that.



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I guess the important thing to remember is that even though they don't stand and yell as much as they did years back, they are still there for the love of Nebraska football. When the old body does not work as well as yours does, when it hurts to walk up the stairs, scares you to drive to drive to the stadium, your but has whittled away to where it even hurts to set you will apprciate what they go through to be there. I admire them for coming.


But of course I am rapidly becoming one of them. 60 is close, but I don't act that old. Ask Black Shirt or Eric the Red, DaveH or Big Red Iowan.


Admire the old geezers for coming, because for some it would be a lot easier to stay home. That is what makes this program so special. The undying love of our fans, young and old.

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My take is that anyone who shows up at the parking lot 20 minutes before the kickoff isn't a college football fan that I want to go to games with.


Who shows up 20 minutes before kickoff and then complains about THE FANS??


This guy isn't a fan. He's going to the games for another reason. Just my take.

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My take is that anyone who shows up at the parking lot 20 minutes before the kickoff isn't a college football fan that I want to go to games with.


Who shows up 20 minutes before kickoff and then complains about THE FANS??


This guy isn't a fan. He's going to the games for another reason. Just my take.


Uh, maybe he's going to the game to watch fottball.


And since when do you have to get there X minutes before the game starts in order to be a fan?

I personally got there not quite an hour ahead. Most everybody though didn't get there until thirty minutes or less.



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How about..........if you want to act like you are watching the game in your living room, stay home and watch it in your living room and let the people who really want to go to the games to enjoy themselves go to the game. People who bitch about people standing up and being too loud are not just old people.


Exactly, the thing that I laugh about most is when the old folks complain about how kids these days have no respect. Who do you think taught them that? Their parents (the old balls themselves, or the oldballs's children). So if they really want to think about it, rather than passing quick judgement on some 19 yr. old kid, they don't have anyone to blame but themselves. Except they'll never admit it...


But I don't know, maybe I'm just biased in favor of my generation... :box

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My take is that anyone who shows up at the parking lot 20 minutes before the kickoff isn't a college football fan that I want to go to games with.


Who shows up 20 minutes before kickoff and then complains about THE FANS??


This guy isn't a fan. He's going to the games for another reason. Just my take.


Uh, maybe he's going to the game to watch fottball.


And since when do you have to get there X minutes before the game starts in order to be a fan?

I personally got there not quite an hour ahead. Most everybody though didn't get there until thirty minutes or less.




Even my Freshman year when I lived on Campus, I don't remember ever seeing an opening kickoff..


I'll probably be at least 10 min. late for my own Funeral.

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My take is that anyone who shows up at the parking lot 20 minutes before the kickoff isn't a college football fan that I want to go to games with.


Who shows up 20 minutes before kickoff and then complains about THE FANS??


This guy isn't a fan. He's going to the games for another reason. Just my take.


Uh, maybe he's going to the game to watch fottball.


And since when do you have to get there X minutes before the game starts in order to be a fan?

I personally got there not quite an hour ahead. Most everybody though didn't get there until thirty minutes or less.




Even my Freshman year when I lived on Campus, I don't remember ever seeing an opening kickoff..


I'll probably be at least 10 min. late for my own Funeral.


I don't get to too many games so I'm usually there and hour and a half before kickoff............

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You know if you had your way today. There would be very few fans at the Cotton Bowl, Memorial Stadium sell out record would end and you would be setting in an 80,000 seat stadium less than half full. You are the minority in many ways. There would be no jumbo tron, no new turf, no locker room upgrades. I doubt seriously you have contributed to the program, other than your beer consumption. My guess a lot of those you seem to hate have been buying season tickets, donating thousands of dollars to the program long before you were even born. You have no more right to be there than they do. All are intitled to go to the game and enjoy it the best they can. Think about it.


Just remember you will be in there shoes someday. Your scream then, and one of the loudest, will be DOWN IN FRONT.

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How about..........if you want to act like you are watching the game in your living room, stay home and watch it in your living room and let the people who really want to go to the games to enjoy themselves go to the game. People who bitch about people standing up and being too loud are not just old people.

Of course there is another option... over zealoused rude people could stay home and let the young and old with respect of others around them enjoy the game.

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