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I friggin can't believe it!!!!


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Awww, let him have his fun. It's obvious he's a fan of one of the Wannabe teams out there, and realizes that this is a brief interlude - he knows that he only gets a shot like this once a century.


In a few years, the natural order will be restored, and he'll have another 100 years to wait to take a shot again. Poor sod...

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Let's see now.......Solich wasn't good enough..........college football is more competitive now even in the Big 12 (Big 2 and little 10)...........and Nebraska gets pounded unmercifully  the same way the corn farmers used to flay other small teams!  Get used to it Nebraska.........there are many many football fans in other parts of the country that really enjoyed this Husker debacle.   Yes, Nebraska received its comeuppance.  Let's see more of this!  Really gratifying.

Let's admit it. He's got a great point. How many teams or sports fans are thrilled right now. NU beat the piss out of teams for years. NU beat OU 73-13 like 8 years ago.

Yes, we are hated. Always have been always will be.

After 2 or 3 more years of callahan, they will start to feel sorry for us and might like us.

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Concerning the Nebraska blowout, it isn't a dislike of Nebraska, rather it is just a sort of poetic justice that the Huskers got drilled in the same manner they used to dish it out. Beating a team by the mere score of say, 42 to zip, is certainly more palatable than the extremes Nebraska has gone to when they had good teams. Nebraska isn't the only team that scores way beyond what is reasonable to prove their superiority, but historically Nebraska is probably the worst at doing it. So maybe Nebraska will learn from this. And a few posters are right, Nebraska is hated by many football fans in other parts of the country, not because of their past football excellence, but because of the bush league manner in which they unnecessarily drubbed lesser teams. Turnabout is fair play. NU learned that Saturday.

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Let's see now.......Solich wasn't good enough..........college football is more competitive now even in the Big 12 (Big 2 and little 10)...........and Nebraska gets pounded unmercifully  the same way the corn farmers used to flay other small teams!  Get used to it Nebraska.........there are many many football fans in other parts of the country that really enjoyed this Husker debacle.  Yes, Nebraska received its comeuppance.  Let's see more of this!  Really gratifying.

Let's admit it. He's got a great point. How many teams or sports fans are thrilled right now. NU beat the piss out of teams for years. NU beat OU 73-13 like 8 years ago.

Yes, we are hated. Always have been always will be.

After 2 or 3 more years of callahan, they will start to feel sorry for us and might like us.

Either way, who gives a sh#t? The game is played on the field. Not in newspapers, magazines and internet messageboards.

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Concerning the Nebraska blowout, it isn't a dislike of Nebraska, rather it is just a sort of poetic justice that the Huskers got drilled in the same manner they used to dish it out. Beating a team by the mere score of say, 42 to zip, is certainly more palatable than the extremes Nebraska has gone to when they had good teams. Nebraska isn't the only team that scores way beyond what is reasonable to prove their superiority, but historically Nebraska is probably the worst at doing it. So maybe Nebraska will learn from this. And a few posters are right, Nebraska is hated by many football fans in other parts of the country, not because of their past football excellence, but because of the bush league manner in which they unnecessarily drubbed lesser teams. Turnabout is fair play. NU learned that Saturday.

Well then in that case thats a pathetic reason. b/c your argument holds no water. nebraska is known for being merciful with their opponents. ever heard of a guy named Tom Osborne? know anything about him or what he stands for? If not you should learn, he is a great person. If you do you will know that this is the guy that put in our 3rd stringers in the 3rd quarter when we were winning by no more than 21 points. and if our 3rd stringers are good enough to continue RUNNING the ball with fullback traps into the endzone on your 1st stringers then so be it. he had the media and fans (I'll admit) begging for more points, but he never caved to the pressure. now compare that to some of his "counterparts" ie Nehueisal, spurrier, bowden, paterno on and on and now you have someone to "root against" by virtue of them "running up the score". gimme a break with that angle. :blink:

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Concerning the Nebraska blowout, it isn't a dislike of Nebraska, rather it is just a sort of poetic justice that the Huskers got drilled in the same manner they used to dish it out.  Beating a team by the mere score of say, 42 to zip, is certainly more palatable than the extremes Nebraska has gone to when they had good teams.  Nebraska isn't the only team that scores way beyond what is reasonable to prove their superiority, but historically Nebraska is probably the worst at doing it.  So maybe Nebraska will learn from this.  And a few posters are right, Nebraska is hated by many football fans in other parts of the country, not because of their past football excellence, but because of the bush league manner in which they unnecessarily drubbed lesser teams.  Turnabout is fair play.  NU learned that Saturday.

Well then in that case thats a pathetic reason. b/c your argument holds no water. nebraska is known for being merciful with their opponents. ever heard of a guy named Tom Osborne? know anything about him or what he stands for? If not you should learn, he is a great person. If you do you will know that this is the guy that put in our 3rd stringers in the 3rd quarter when we were winning by no more than 21 points. and if our 3rd stringers are good enough to continue RUNNING the ball with fullback traps into the endzone on your 1st stringers then so be it. he had the media and fans (I'll admit) begging for more points, but he never caved to the pressure. now compare that to some of his "counterparts" ie Nehueisal, spurrier, bowden, paterno on and on and now you have someone to "root against" by virtue of them "running up the score". gimme a break with that angle. :blink:

Seriously, that running up the score angle is weak. I dont feel Tech ran the score up on us, they were just running their offense. If we cant stop them, then more power to em.


And why is it that the point running up argument is never used in basketball or baseball? When Duke drops a 150 spot on Ill St all anyone can say is how dominating Duke is and what a great tradition they have. Its hypocritical really. Any better reasons for hating? :woo

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