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The day after his wife disappeared in a boating accident, an Ocean City man answered his door to find two grim-faced Maryland State Troopers.


"We're sorry Mr. Rice, but we have some information about your wife," said one trooper.


"Tell me! Did you find her?" Rice shouted.


The officers replied, "We have some bad news, some good news, and some really great news. Which do you want to hear first?"


Fearing the worst, ashen Rice said, "Give me the bad news first."


The trooper said, "I'm sorry to tell you, sir, but this morning we found your wife's body in the Assawoman Bay near the Rte 90Bridge.


"Oh my God!" exclaimed Rice. Swallowing hard, he asked, "What's the good news?"


The trooper continued. "When we pulled her up she had 12 huge blue crabs and another 6 good-size blue crabs on her."


Stunned, Mr. Rice demanded, "If that's the good news, what's the great news?


The trooper said, "We're going to pull her up again tomorrow.”

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Yea, I've found myself thinking I'd like to do that, while watching the show. Then I think... I really don't want to have a rope wrap around my leg and drag me over the side of the boat and the pot taking me to a watery grave.

Yeah no sh#t!!!! Did you see the show last week when that big a$$ wave just rolled over the top of the boat and it looked like it was just going to swallow the boat!!!! That made me have second thoughts right there!!!!! :hellloooo

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Yea, I've found myself thinking I'd like to do that, while watching the show. Then I think... I really don't want to have a rope wrap around my leg and drag me over the side of the boat and the pot taking me to a watery grave.

Yeah no sh#t!!!! Did you see the show last week when that big a$$ wave just rolled over the top of the boat and it looked like it was just going to swallow the boat!!!! That made me have second thoughts right there!!!!! :hellloooo

Yea that made me sh*t my pants! I wonder how much they get for hazard pay. It's gotta be some ridiculous number. On top of raking in millions for crabs.

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Yea, I've found myself thinking I'd like to do that, while watching the show. Then I think... I really don't want to have a rope wrap around my leg and drag me over the side of the boat and the pot taking me to a watery grave.

Yeah no sh#t!!!! Did you see the show last week when that big a$$ wave just rolled over the top of the boat and it looked like it was just going to swallow the boat!!!! That made me have second thoughts right there!!!!! :hellloooo

Yea that made me sh*t my pants! I wonder how much they get for hazard pay. It's gotta be some ridiculous number. On top of raking in millions for crabs.

That's why it's so tempting to try it!!!! Maybe you work your ass of 2 or 3 weeks. You make $40,000+ in those 2 or 3 weeks and that almost makes it worth it!!!!

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actually they only get paid based on the catch. if they go out and get skunked then they dont make any money. however if the have a monster haul then they can rake in enough money to not have to worry about working for a few months

Yeah I know I'm addicted to the show. The Northwestern or the Cornelia Marie are the boats I would pick to be on. :thumbs

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