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Cally and Pedy: The start of their love affair together

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Let's turn back the clock and read a few of Bill Callahan's first quotes as head coach, as well as a few for the ages by Steve Pederson, shall we?


The quote, and then a little dose of reality:


Cally said "We want to be competitive immediately." What he forgot to add is "...and competitive is a relative term."


What Pedy said was "I refuse to let this program gravitate toward mediocrity." What he meant was "This program is going to sink into mediocrity not only in 2004, but also 2005, 2006, 2007?, 2008?, 2009?"


What Cally said was "We take what we want." What he meant was "We don't take anything. Hopefully our players and home field will allow us to take a few home games - at least against cupcakes."


What Pedy said was "Rebuilding isn't acceptable. We want to be successful immediately." The truth is, 4 years later, I only wish we could claim we were rebuilding.


What Pedy said was "We want to win the Big 12 championship." What he meant was we will never win the Big 12 championship with the clown I'm hired."

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Yeah, I really wish we could claim we're rebuilding. Unfortunately, with our recruiting record and rampant decline over the years, I can only say we're descending ever further into mediocrity.


We'll never win the Big 12 championship. We'll get there, of course, but that's the same as losing, anyway. If we happen to get to a BCS game, it's not progress, either, because we'll lose it anyway.


Gee, aren't we cheery fans this week...


Bugeater, nothing personal, but I've never noticed this anti-Callahan sentiment from you. Completely curious (and not spiteful) question: where was it after Nevada week?

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Bugeater, nothing personal, but I've never noticed this anti-Callahan sentiment from you. Completely curious (and not spiteful) question: where was it after Nevada week?

You haven't noticed? :lol: I've had it since the end of last season. Pretty much everyone here hates me because of it.


As far as after the Nevada game, nothing was proven either way in that game. I was out of town that weekend anyway so I wasn't around the board much.

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