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Now we know what mediocrity looks like

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Damn good article. You can tell Sipple was pissed when he wrote this:


This is what mediocrity looks like.


This is what it feels and sounds like.


Nebraska football fans received a big slice of mediocrity Saturday.




Make no mistake, Steve Pederson’s bold proclamations four years ago are haunting him now more than ever. Gravitating toward mediocrity? Scratch the “gravitating.” Nebraska just might be staring mediocrity squarely in the face. I’ve never heard boos ring so loudly at Memorial Stadium. It was the sound of mediocrity.


Even takes a shot at Pedey and Cali


Knee-jerk reaction is to put Kevin Cosgrove on the hottest of hot seats. No question that’s where the Nebraska defensive coordinator belongs. But maybe that’s not going far enough. After this performance — given Pederson’s lofty expectations for the program — perhaps the entire program should be placed on red alert, starting with Pederson and Callahan.


Husker Extra

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"oh-my-god-they-suck" categories.


Read: Notre Dame. What do we gots that the boys in the golden helmets don't? A potent O that can light up the scoreboard toe-to-toe with Ball Freakin State! And that makes us BETTER? Hell no! Charlie Weis is supposed to be an offensive guru that now can't even get into an opponents red zone. And our reputation is build on the mystique of the Blackshirt D. Both have taken a hike, and we are in the same boat as ND, but not "oh-fer" the season. Cause for celebration in the Husker Nation <_<

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