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The program is dead.

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All you sunshine pumpers are gone now and even my optomism is gone the players have quit so should the staff and start over. BC must not be much of a motivater, he did take the Raiders to the Super Boel but got whipped and his players attacked him afterwards. Me thihnks NU is headed the same way, even though we are no where near a NC. It just sickens me to my stomach, not how bad we lost but the fact fact that it doesnt suprise me at all. We suck and may win 2 more games AND THAT REALLY PISSES ME OFF. WTF has happened to at least being mediocore, we are an aweful and unmotivated football team and the end is not in sight. BO I apoligize for what we have done.

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All you sunshine pumpers are gone now and even my optomism is gone the players have quit so should the staff and start over. BC must not be much of a motivater, he did take the Raiders to the Super Boel but got whipped and his players attacked him afterwards. Me thihnks NU is headed the same way, even though we are no where near a NC. It just sickens me to my stomach, not how bad we lost but the fact fact that it doesnt suprise me at all. We suck and may win 2 more games AND THAT REALLY PISSES ME OFF. WTF has happened to at least being mediocore, we are an aweful and unmotivated football team and the end is not in sight. BO I apoligize for what we have done.


2 more games? I'm anxious to hear which ones.

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All you sunshine pumpers are gone now and even my optomism is gone the players have quit so should the staff and start over. BC must not be much of a motivater, he did take the Raiders to the Super Boel but got whipped and his players attacked him afterwards. Me thihnks NU is headed the same way, even though we are no where near a NC. It just sickens me to my stomach, not how bad we lost but the fact fact that it doesnt suprise me at all. We suck and may win 2 more games AND THAT REALLY PISSES ME OFF. WTF has happened to at least being mediocore, we are an aweful and unmotivated football team and the end is not in sight. BO I apoligize for what we have done.


2 more games? I'm anxious to hear which ones.


Yeah, I'm curious too. What two games will we win?


MAYBE Texas A&M, but after that I don't see another win.

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LOL! I'm starting to think that we would've gotten beat worse by App. State than Michigan did.


BTW, wtf is it with all the traditional powerhouses down this year? USC losing to stanford, Michigan losing to a Div2 team, Notre damn starting what 0-4? OK and Texas both losing to North rival underdogs. About every week there's 3 or more big upsets. The top 10 has changed so much every week this season it's unreal, only team that's managed to stay in there is LSU. Crazy.

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