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Coaches we want to hang on to


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OK i know that if/when we bring in a new coach he will probably get to pick his own assistants...........but i want to who you think should atleast get a look to stay on the husker staff?




I have heard a lot of rumors that eveybody likes Shawn Watson and i think he is a good pick to stay on the team but we really havent seen what he can do because Billy is basically the OC and Watson is just that little voice in his ear that he rarely listens to. He did do a great job at CU esp. around thanksgiving in 2001 when CU put up 62 on Nebraska.


Two other coaches i like are Buddy Wyatt and Bill Busch. I have heard Wyatt is a good recruiter, but i dont know that for sure, but i did hear Adam Carriker commented about how much they learned from Coach Wyatt about using your hands on the D-Line, even in the very small amout of time he was with Coach Wyatt. Busch is a proven recruiter, just look at what he has gotten out of the state of Arizona and the rest of the West Coast which is a part of the country that we have to get kids from. I dont know as much about his coach ability, maybe somebody can fill me in here.

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Buddy Wyatt is the only one I know enough about to care about. I like him. Keep him.


And keep Elmassian, too. He's a proven solid secondary coach.


^That was a joke, by the way.



Didn't Elmo say that he wouldn't play a young player, but would instead play a slower veteran because he didn't want the young guy to "screw it up"?


What about Buddy Wyatt do you like? I can honestly say I know very little about him. Based on the idea that Callahan's main prerequisite for hiring coaches was recruiting ability, I'm sure he can recruit. But I also know the D-line has been horrible this year--even with 4 new starters.





<edit> Ha. Didn't realize your statement about Elmo was a joke. </edit>

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None, clean the house! It's not like they were successful or have ties to TO!

ya God forbid we have a coach without TO ties :sarcasm



It doesn't matter too much it's gonna be whoever the new coach want's (scheems etc...)


Ties to Osbourne will give you a greater chance of retaining a position on the new staff.


But you have a point. Going to a staff that has no ties to Osbourne should work out nicely as proven over these last 4 seasons :sarcasm


If you listen to what Osbourne has been saying. You should realize his main priority is restoring Nebraska identity and values.

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I don't think Dr. Tom is really interested in replacing or firing anyone yet at this time. In his interviews to the press, he hasn't indicated anything, but hoping to help the team and the coaching staff get through all this. TO's reputation for being a straight shooter wouldn't lead me to think otherwise. He taking a wait and see attitude right now. Time will tell.

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