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Joba Chamberlain


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It's good to be a Yankee fan. And very cool that Joba is there and having success.



Joba is on the cover of ESPN Next


IT’S 9:31 A.M. in the off-season, a time when most ballplayers are still deep in REM sleep, but I’m curious to see if Joba Chamberlain lives up to his rep as the King of Text Messaging.

So I fire off a quick one to the Yankees’ prize righthander.

Four minutes later, the light on my cell phone flickers. It’s Joba, awake and typing, an indefatigable force of thumbs.

I text A LOT. About 100-200 a day!


Add it to the legend: Chamberlain broke into the big leagues on Aug. 7, faced 67 hitters and sent approximately 7,000 messages before allowing his first earned run. No wonder he’s NEXT.

Impressed, I ask him how fast he text messages.

Probably faster than I pitch.


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