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AP Prediction

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He is something for all you to chew on for awhile.


Looking through the AP Top 25 predications this morning I noticed the unbelievable one that they had for NU vs. Texas Tech. Here it is hold on to your hats………………………………………………………Tech 69 NU 10.


When did we turn into a flipping D1AA team? :dunno I looked through the rest of the predictions and none of them came close to this one. We have fallen to the level of freaking Florida International when it comes to predicting games. Are you kidding me 69 to 10? This is one of the saddest things I have seen in a long long time. You can say it is the media so who cares, but come on look at what people think of this program. Crap Vegas is giving 21 and now the AP predicting a 59 freaking point loss what the hell. This is like a stinking service academy or a Directional Michigan team going in to play OU not NU going into Tech. If you ask me this is utterly and completely embarrassing that we are looked at in such low regard. What is next us sucking so bad that Vegas doesn’t even put out a line for our games.


Disclaimer: Don’t turn this into a “we need patience” thread that is not my point. My point is look at how poorly we are looked upon. We have never been this low in the public’s eye even through the Billy C days.


Flipping 69 to freaking 10 unbelievable. :bang:boxosoap

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He is something for all you to chew on for awhile.


Looking through the AP Top 25 predications this morning I noticed the unbelievable one that they had for NU vs. Texas Tech. Here it is hold on to your hats………………………………………………………Tech 69 NU 10.


When did we turn into a flipping D1AA team? :dunno I looked through the rest of the predictions and none of them came close to this one. We have fallen to the level of freaking Florida International when it comes to predicting games. Are you kidding me 69 to 10? This is one of the saddest things I have seen in a long long time. You can say it is the media so who cares, but come on look at what people think of this program. Crap Vegas is giving 21 and now the AP predicting a 59 freaking point loss what the hell. This is like a stinking service academy or a Directional Michigan team going in to play OU not NU going into Tech. If you ask me this is utterly and completely embarrassing that we are looked at in such low regard. What is next us sucking so bad that Vegas doesn’t even put out a line for our games.


Disclaimer: Don’t turn this into a “we need patience” thread that is not my point. My point is look at how poorly we are looked upon. We have never been this low in the public’s eye even through the Billy C days.


Flipping 69 to freaking 10 unbelievable. :bang:boxosoap


That's because Billy Goat was fired and left Bo Coz's sh*tty defense and Bo can't fix it in under a year. I'm sure after the ass whoopin we got against Kansas last year, if we would've played someone else instead of K-State.......lets say Texas or OU, the score prediction would've been almost as bad as the 69-10 prediction.

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Well, we just lost to Mizzou at home by what 42 points. TT isn't ranked too far below Mizzou, and we're playing in their backyard. If the team doesn't like it, then maybe they need to show up. Can you honestly tell me that last year you didn't secretly to yourself make similar predictions considering the way we were playing? I will say this: we were even lower in the publics eye last year under Clownahan. Kharma's a bitch. NU is just like our economy. Horrible decisions from many years ago are now bighting us in the a$$.

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Well, we just lost to Mizzou at home by what 42 points. TT isn't ranked too far below Mizzou, and we're playing in their backyard. If the team doesn't like it, then maybe they need to show up. Can you honestly tell me that last year you didn't secretly to yourself make similar predictions considering the way we were playing? I will say this: we were even lower in the publics eye last year under Clownahan. Kharma's a bitch. NU is just like our economy. Horrible decisions from many years ago are now bighting us in the a$$.

Is someone trying to mention Solich but doesn't want to say his name :lol:

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At this moment in time if the line in Vegas is still 21, I'd lay 100 bucks down on TT and hope I lose my 100 bucks. Why do you think I was talking about Solich? Our perception has been terrible ever since Pud pulled the plug on our history and tradition. Then we drag ourselves through the mud with the Houston Nutt dibacle. Then we settle for our 5th coaching candidate. Then we give Clownahan a contract extension which we'll be paying for for quite a while right before he gets to the meat of our schedule last year. NU has made so friggin many mistakes for quite a while. I can't just single it down to just one.

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as long as the offensive and defensive lines aren't very good, the team won't be very good.... that's where Nebraska needs to recruit more than anything... they need to get the best possible linemen they can



and if you can't believe the predictions out there then i can't believe you can't believe the predictions... what has this team shown us besides sloppy, blown assignment football ? The mad scientist will score 100 points if we let them... then he'd just blame running up the score on the current system and the margin of victory factor ;)

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While most of us have been counseling patience - that Bo can't be expected to turn this around in a year (while we secretly hoped he just might) - I don't think anyone would have accepted that Pelini and his hand-picked staff wouldn't get better results out of Callahan's players.


The descent into doormat (San Jose State chose Memorial Stadium when it needed a break) has gone rapidly over the cliff, and I don't think it's easily explained.


Unless someone made a deal with the Devil.


I'm looking in your direction, Kirk Herbstreit.






That being said: TT 48 - NU 31. I think it might be interesting for awhile.

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Are there any websites to place a bet on this game? I am not familiar with gambling at all, so I don't know much about it.


Sure, send me what you plan on flushing down the toilet, I'll hold it for a few days and send half of it back to you. 50% return is better than 0. :sarcasm


Honestly, unless you have piles of cash to lose, I would not get started on online gambling. Way too easy to get suckered in. My cousin's ex-husband lost $500,000 on internet gambling. Some can make some money on it, but bookies/the house always take the rake in the end.

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