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2002 Orange Bowl on ESPN Classic

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Just in case you want to relive it.

2001 was an Awesome season minus the Colorado game, and the National Championship game against Miami. Remember when all those things had to happen for Nebraska to be able to be in the BCS championship, then one thing happened after another, and during the Big XII Championship we rooted FOR Colorado to get the win? <_<

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I was at that slaughter. It could have been much worse. That was when I realized top college football teams cheer leaders were faster than most of our players. You could see it during warm ups. They looked like they were nailed to the ground and had to break lose to move. The speed was so evident. And our linemen looked like they had gained 20 pounds since the end of the season. It was bad, but now we have a coach that lives breathes speed.

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Jesus. Isn't there another thread about the 1996 Arizona St. win vs. Nebraska being on t.v.? I know losses were few and far between in the 90's but come on, nobody wants to see this loss horse sh*t :bang

You gotta remember that ESPN loves to rebroadcast Nebraska's bowl losses.

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