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Patrick Witt

Paul in WI

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Ya know. I read the article a couple of times. He's taking some cheap shots. Good riddance Witt. It's not WHAT you know, it's WHO you know.


I'll take my husker brethren over the well-to-do, ivy-league types anyday. Now drink your friggin tea with your pinky in the air!



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Piss on anyone that makes fun of this kid for wanting a better education. As a graduate of UNL I don't blame him at all. If you are positive that you can't make it (or don't want to) in the NFL, then why not get your full ride at a highly recognized/respected school. It just makes sense. Props to the kid for getting what he really wants and recognizing there is more to life than football (barely)...

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Piss on anyone that makes fun of this kid for wanting a better education. As a graduate of UNL I don't blame him at all. If you are positive that you can't make it (or don't want to) in the NFL, then why not get your full ride at a highly recognized/respected school. It just makes sense. Props to the kid for getting what he really wants and recognizing there is more to life than football (barely)...

Nobody is faulting this guy for pursuing a higher education. Nobody thinks UNL = Yale academically.


What people are pissed about is that this is the second article about Witt that has intentionally spoken ill of Nebraska. On top of that, these articles all fail to mention that Witt (and possibly his dad) essentially tried to force Bo's hand in declaring Witt the starter, and when Bo wouldn't, Witt quit. He didn't originally leave to pursue a better education, he left because he wasn't being given the starting job. That's what you're defending.


Incidentally, that whooshing sound you hear........ it's the point of this conversation going over your head. ;)

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