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i know we won, and shawn did run the ball on the last drive to chew up clock, but did anyone else notice a deviation from what was working?


the 3rd and 2 call, while successful, drove me nuts.


I thought shawn called a bad game, and I wouldn't be surprised if he is asked to move on after the end of the season.


don't mean to be a killjoy here, but we didn't do jack on offense the entire 2nd half sans that first drive for a td.

dedhoarse:wacko: You are kidding right? Damn, please run down to Bo's office first thing Monday morning and put your application in for OC. :facepalm: Make sure you update that resume a little before you do though...think you might just be out of your league there.

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judging from TO's recent public statements of support. The real question should be how big will coach Watson's post season $ bonus be? He already earned one with the win of the North. He is earning praise from TO and that is what matters. Since Bo seeks TO's advice Watson is in like Flint! And, he is going to be seeing some major green in some sweet bonus money! And that goes for the rest of the entire staff!


The recuiting war is going well too. Watson got us some good ones already! :star:star:star:star:star


This staff is growing. They looked to me to ask Watson to be burning clock==== so hard to evaluate the calls.... :)

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i know we won, and shawn did run the ball on the last drive to chew up clock, but did anyone else notice a deviation from what was working?


the 3rd and 2 call, while successful, drove me nuts.


I thought shawn called a bad game, and I wouldn't be surprised if he is asked to move on after the end of the season.


don't mean to be a killjoy here, but we didn't do jack on offense the entire 2nd half sans that first drive for a td.

dedhoarse:wacko: You are kidding right? Damn, please run down to Bo's office first thing Monday morning and put your application in for OC. :facepalm: Make sure you update that resume a little before you do though...think you might just be out of your league there.

we did not need to do jack the entire 2nd half except for that touchdown, that is the point. 3rd and 2, while successful, drove you nuts???? so it's not enough to work, it has to work to your likings? are you serious?

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man, Wats is absolutely the dumbest person in the entire world. he is such an idiot, he does not know what he is doing and he will never know what he is doing. he should be fired and banned from coaching ever again. here on this board we have all of the answers and Wats refuses to take our advice, coaching is so easy, all you have to do is look at local message boards and there, ta-dah, you will find every answer you have ever wanted. Forget your years of experience and prior successes, why does he just not listen to the boards? obviously we know the team better and understand the schemes. watching footage of games and practices only confuses the coach, we know way more from just watch the games every week. it is so easy to be a successful coach that anyone posting on here could do it, why does he want to lose so bad? he better get his act together, or i will write a harshly worded letter to TO to fire him. :sarcasm



Wasn't this a classic Cosgrove thread? :) Yep, every coach is a genious and above reproach.

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man, Wats is absolutely the dumbest person in the entire world. he is such an idiot, he does not know what he is doing and he will never know what he is doing. he should be fired and banned from coaching ever again. here on this board we have all of the answers and Wats refuses to take our advice, coaching is so easy, all you have to do is look at local message boards and there, ta-dah, you will find every answer you have ever wanted. Forget your years of experience and prior successes, why does he just not listen to the boards? obviously we know the team better and understand the schemes. watching footage of games and practices only confuses the coach, we know way more from just watch the games every week. it is so easy to be a successful coach that anyone posting on here could do it, why does he want to lose so bad? he better get his act together, or i will write a harshly worded letter to TO to fire him. :sarcasm



Wasn't this a classic Cosgrove thread? :) Yep, every coach is a genious and above reproach.

it is genius, case in point.

cosgove lost us our games. other than ISU, which we actually moved the ball well, our offensive has not lost us games. i am all for criticizing wats, but to day he never makes a good decision, so on and so forth, that is not fair to him.

by the way, your argument is a categorical syllogism; i defend a coach, cosgrove is a coach, i would defend cosgove. that is a logical fallacy.

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Wats has done enough in the last few games for me to give him some slack. that play on the 5 where lee got sacked was a good call I thought and if Williams would have touched someone we may have scored. I think Wats also sees that on that 3rd and 2 play as a perfect time to have Paul go deep. Their starting safety just got hurt and in came a frosh so why not? also, early in the year I was asking for him to just run in that case. well he did a lot and we got stuffed, much like what happend on 3rd and two in the 3rd quarter inside our own 20. with a better line I think wats would have this offense rolling big time. the line is just dreadful to watch, williams has gotten two times worse throughout the season and smith and henry just miss wayy to many assignments/don't sustain blocks. Wats has done what he needed to do and bc of him switching mid season to a power o we are big 12 north champs. I still don't agree with the options but he has pretty much thrown out the zone read with Lee which is damn good to see, so I won't knit pick. I still think Cotton is the problem, either that or our line personnel is completely horrible.

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