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You guys have an awesome defense

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As a UT grad I want to say "hats off to your defense." As I watched the game here in Austin I couldn't help but think our weak non conference schedule would be our downfall in a tough close game.......It was an exciting game. Isn't that the reason to watch? I hate the fact that since there is no playoff we are treated to so few of these. It wasn't pretty but it was entertaining (maybe not for Colt). We've now gone 13-0 and we have had three or four exciting games. I might be a longhorn in the minority tonight, but I am sorry there is not a playoff system because it would mean we'd see more good non conference games. I would love to see TCU, Boise State and the rest of them teams each get their chance. Okay, mark your calendar for 10/16 next year and you can get some payback at home against us. (I'll admit that secretly I would love to have somehow seen Alabama and Florida both end up with a loss this year and UT play TCU for the title. It would have been really interesting to see us have to play a team from a school that we ditched in favor of Baylor). Good tough game.

You dont deserve to be 13-0 you &^%&(&% lost. The referees handed Texas that win on a silver platter. If Texas had won fare & square I would own up to it & offer Texas my congratulations but they did not win fare & square the referees gave them that win. You dont deserve to be in the national championship

has there ever been a close NU loss that you did not think was 'given' by the refs. your post is classless and in poor taste, sounds to me like a Mizzou fan complaining about the 97 Huskers win. have some pride, the game was played on the field and we lost, whining about refs is worthless and the calls are part of the game, you have to deal with that. (if you are under 5 years old, then i apologize and retract my comments)


Yes, there have been close losses that I didn't think had anything to do with officiating. For example: ISU. Unfortunately a close game that had nothing to do with officiating and had everything to do with our offense incompetence and poor play calling. If a team wins fair and square then they are deserved their due. ISU received their due... all of the Neb posters credited their coach for turning around the program and keeping them in the game. But I don't think Texas won fair and square, a lot of Neb fans agree, and it appears that Bo does too. :steam

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