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Big Red Recipes

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Firstly I would like to say THANK YOU ROXY!!! for all the wonderful work she has done in posting all of those recipes.


Secondly, is there any way we could do some sort of sub forums for categories? Like desserts, appetizers, main courses (maybe one for each meat group), tailgaiting, drinks, etc? The whole thing is getting pretty large and difficult to navigate.

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So if we tackled the monumentous job of organizing 25 pages of recipes, how about putting them into a sticky?


I could start tackling it, but need some help with categories. I figure these would work. (anyone help here)



  • Dips/Spreads
  • Meats
  • Vegetable
  • Fruit
  • Fancy
  • Snacks
  • Ethnic

Side Dishes




Main Dish

  • Chicken
  • Beef
  • Turkey
  • Pork
  • Vegetarian
  • Soups
  • Salad
  • Ethnic
  • Other


  • Cakes
  • Pies
  • Other


  • Alchohol
  • Non Alcohol

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That looks really good, but I wouldn't break it down so much. I would just have the main categories you have, and I would pull Soups out from a subcategory and give it its own header. Those are my suggestions.


I have a lot of catching up to do at work and at best I'm only doing half days, then coming home and crashing. I'm barely functional right now so I can't begin to do something like this for at least another week. As soon as I get my feet back under me I'll be happy to help, too.

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That looks really good, but I wouldn't break it down so much. I would just have the main categories you have, and I would pull Soups out from a subcategory and give it its own header. Those are my suggestions.


I have a lot of catching up to do at work and at best I'm only doing half days, then coming home and crashing. I'm barely functional right now so I can't begin to do something like this for at least another week. As soon as I get my feet back under me I'll be happy to help, too.

Is there a way to allow multiple users access to the same post for editing?

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Does anyone here know of a way to use "Anchor Tags" within board posts? I didn't see anything in the post helper on the topic.


The Big Red Recipe Book is getting kind of out of hand in its size too, and it would be very ncie to use anchor tags to quickly click on a topic and zoom to that part of the post.


There's a good article here on how to implement it into board: Here


Anchors in posts using vbcode



HTML anchors are links that allow you to jump to a specific place within a document. This is very handy for long documents that have headings or other sections of interest to the reader. Typically, the top of the document contains a set of links to each section, and you need only to click one of those links to jump to the desired location on the page.


Anchors would be just as useful in forums for those who want to make long posts, perhaps for tutorials, forum guidelines or similar types of posts. Since most, if not all vBulletin license holders do not allow HTML in their forums, here is way to create anchors using vbcode instead of HTML.


Special mention goes to vBulletin Community member Cibulo, who was in need of this functionality, which inspired me to figure it out.





First, you need to create two new bbcodes. Start by going to:

Admin CP -> Custom BB Codes -> Add New BB Code


Then fill in the relevant fields using these settings and parameters:


Title: Anchor link

Tag: jumpto

Replacement: <a href="#{option}">{param}</a>

Example: [jumpto=aname]This takes you to a new location within a post[/jumpto]

Description: The [jumpto] tag allows you to jump to another location within a post, usually used for long posts with headings and/or sections of interest. This tag <b>must</b> be used in conjunction with the [aname] tag. One is not functional without the other.

Use {option}: Yes

Click Save


Create another bbcode using these settings and parameters:


Title: Named anchor link

Tag: aname

Replacement: <a name="{option}">{param}</a>

Example: [aname=aname]This is where you jump to[/aname]

Description: The [aname] tag is used in conjunction with the <a href="#jumpto">[jumpto]</a> tag. One is not functional without the other.

Use {option}: Yes

Click Save





Wrap the [jumpto] tag around a link that will take the reader to another place within the post, as follows:


[jumpto=anchor1]link to somewhere within the post[/jumpto]

Then wrap the [aname] tag around the first word or phrase of the section you want the reader to jump to:


[aname=anchor1]This is where you end up[/aname]

In the above two examples, change anchor1 to whatever name you choose for the link. (For example: if you are linking to a section called "Theory of Gravity", anchor1 could be called theory). They must both be identical in order to work correctly.



And yes, you can use these same tags for "back to top" links. Wrap the following tags around the first word of the post:



[aname=top]first word of your post[/aname]

And place this one in the appropriate part of the post where a reader would click it to jump back to the top:



[jumpto=top]back to top[/jumpto]

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