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The Official "What Are You Playing Now?" Thread

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So what game(s) are you playing? What do you think about them? This is the topic to post your thoughts. I apologize if there is already a topic like this, but I didn't see it.


I'm currently playing Lost Odyssey on the Xbox 360, an old school JRPG. I'm on the 4th and final disc, but I'm not sure I can bring myself to finish. The game started out fairly entertaining, but I've just grown disinterested. I might give it another shot to push through to the end, or I might just say screw it and play something sitting in my backlog that looks more exciting.


Lost Odyssey - Xbox 360


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Finished the Lost & Damned over the weekend. Even though the missions were similar to those in GTAIV, being part of a gang and riding a motorcycle in formation with your brothers was very cool. There were only a couple of missions that you had to do solo. I really liked how the story tied back into Niko's tale several times over the course of the game.


I also started the next episode over the weekend, The Ballad of Gay Tony. From what I can tell, the missions are more varied but the story is weaker than L&D.



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Finished up The Ballad of Gay Tony last night. It is almost the opposite GTA experience from The Lost & Damned. I didn't find most of the characters very interesting (except Yusuf - "We're gettin' A-rab mo-ney") and the story was not that great, but the missions were original and varied and the new weaponry you get to play with is awesome.


I also put just over an hour into Mass Effect 2 last night. Dear god that game is awesome so far. In fact, I'm going to start over tonight just so I can experience the beginning again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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