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If everything stays the same

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So lets say everything stays the same. A&M chooses to stay in the Big XII, and the Big X decides to take a short break on trying to get Notre Dame... As it stands, did Nebraska gain the most from the conference realignment?

Nebraska as i see it gained the most. We are (eventually, idk the exact details) getting more money. Our acedemics are gonna get a huge boost in funding and in respectability just by being in the Big Ten. We finally are in a conference where everyone's on an equal playing field (in terms of power). We also help make the big ten have more traditional powerhouse schools than anyone besides maybe the SEC. And we got rid of Texas :hookerhorns Now i also know we lost alot of tradition and one of the greatest rivalries of all time, although that died at the beginning of the Big XII(which i remember little since i was only four years old)and that rivalry hasn't been the same since.


Does anyone see this differently? cause if everything remains exactly as it is today, i think Nebraska gained the most. IMO the only other program who gained anything close to what the Huskers did was Texas-and all they gained was more money and their own network, but at the cost of conference prestige (which of course matters little to them because the are Texas)


I personally wanted to stay in the Big XII, but this was the next best thing, and i don't think it could have gone any better for us.


But maybe i'm drinking to much kool-aid :koolaid2::koolaid2::koolaid2:

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I think things have returned to the bill callahan years for the rest of the league now as missouri can fight it out with KSU and KU for the slaughter in Jerry Jones' house.....

No conference championship game w/o 12 teams. Again I doubt the $$ being thrown around, no conference championship and only one regular season game.

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Well, no matter what, Nebraska will be a winner in all of this. Not only will our TV revenue increase enormously, but funding for academics and research is going to be even a bigger windfall for us. We are big winners no matter what happens!!!

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Well, no matter what, Nebraska will be a winner in all of this. Not only will our TV revenue increase enormously, but funding for academics and research is going to be even a bigger windfall for us. We are big winners no matter what happens!!!


Nebraska won, we got into a much better conference where people work together to increase the value of the conference as a whole, not work to screw the other members to get as much as you can for yourself.


The big 12, is the new big 8 with Texas replacing Nebraska in terms of football dominance. How long till the "savior" turns into the resented bully that beats the crap out of the rest of the league and they have no hopes of catching up to? I'm guessing a year or two after we are gone the arrangement they made will stop being looked at as so wonderful.


If I were Dan Beebe, I'd be shopping my resume around to get the hell out of there before it happens. Take credit for duct taping the crack in the damn and leave before it bursts open again in a few years.

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