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Cody Green Never Will Start?

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One season as a freshman does not make a quarterback. The lightbulb may kick on for Cody and he may just absolutely explode on the field. Or he may falter. Who knows? But good grief, give the kid a chance! He's only a sophomore!



I totally agree. I just think that the hype surrounding him when he came into the program was so great that last season was a total letdown in the eyes of the kool-aid drinkers. That said, the hype was unfair and unwarranted for the most part. I still have hope for him. Regardless, I like where we are at in terms of QBs for the future.

just as long as bubba can turn down baseball money



I would hope that he will. IMO, baseball is one of the hardest sports to make it in. Just because you get drafted doesn't mean you are guaranteed time in the bigs. It's a long uphill struggle and even if you do make it to the top, you can quickly be demoted.


I'd much rather take a shot at CFB with hopes of being drafted into the NFL than live a life of obscurity as a minor league ball player.

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To write a kid off before he starts his TRUE SOPHOMORE season is premature. Yes he's got a long way to go as a passer, so does every other QB on our roster. Also, it's fairly obvious that this staff is starting to look more towards athletic QBs, which bodes well for Cody. All these guys (Green, Martinez, Carnes, Starling, Turner) are great athletes, NONE of them have the most desirable throwing skills if you ask me. Can anyone honestly say that any of these guys would perform better as a true freshman in a jumbled up offense with iffy WRs? Heck, Lee couldn't do much and he's been in our system for years.


To be quite honest, Turner is my favorite out of all the QBs (current/committed) and I think he's going to be the biggest challenger for the job next year when Lee graduates (assuming he even gets healthy and regains the job this year). The kid is absolutely explosive and has a great attitude. He's going to be fun.


But in the meantime, I'll give Cody every benefit of the doubt until he proves he can't get it done on the field. Obviously the coaches like something in Cody.

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The good news for Cody Green is that the coaches liked enough of him from a practice standpoint that he didn't get redshirted. I know there were depth issues, but they still had confidence in him being the #2 guy as a freshman. Last years experience was a big positive for him...he just needs a little more time is all to get the right amount of experience and confidence. That will translate into better leadership as well.


He didn't get redshirted because all that stood behind him was Washington and Kellogg Jr. Martinez was mostly playing slot receiver on the scout team, didn't get any solid QB reps until this Spring.


I know all that, but if they felt that Green needed more work (like serious work) then why not let Washington be the #2 guy and then redshirt Green? Maybe I am drinking the :koolaid2: , but I really think Washington could have done what Green did for us last year and got us by.


So by not redshirting him that just says to me that the coaches thought he was good enough to start and play as a freshman so they had confidence in his play.


Summary- Washington could have done what Green did last year (IMO) and Green could have been redshirted, but Green was a better QB (potentially better then Lee even) just not as good as Lee experience wise. Of course I am bias towards Washington! which is probably where my argument falls apart...but I am a fan of him.

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The good news for Cody Green is that the coaches liked enough of him from a practice standpoint that he didn't get redshirted. I know there were depth issues, but they still had confidence in him being the #2 guy as a freshman. Last years experience was a big positive for him...he just needs a little more time is all to get the right amount of experience and confidence. That will translate into better leadership as well.


He didn't get redshirted because all that stood behind him was Washington and Kellogg Jr. Martinez was mostly playing slot receiver on the scout team, didn't get any solid QB reps until this Spring.


I know all that, but if they felt that Green needed more work (like serious work) then why not let Washington be the #2 guy and then redshirt Green? Maybe I am drinking the :koolaid2: , but I really think Washington could have done what Green did for us last year and got us by.


So by not redshirting him that just says to me that the coaches thought he was good enough to start and play as a freshman so they had confidence in his play.


Summary- Washington could have done what Green did last year (IMO) and Green could have been redshirted, but Green was a better QB (potentially better then Lee even) just not as good as Lee experience wise. Of course I am bias towards Washington! which is probably where my argument falls apart...but I am a fan of him.

I agree with you here. Cody's biggest problem was that he could never take his practice play to the field on saturdays (quite the revalation, huh? :LOLtartar )


I've still got faith in Green. I personally think many have been too quick to judge him. And if Zac's arm isn't coming along on schedule, we might all have to get some faith in him real quick like.

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Shhhhhhh. You guys hear that? It's the sound of crickets from all the "Cody Green is the best QB in the world" people. They are now waiting for Lee to struggle so they can start chanting "Taylor Martinez is the best QB in the world". Whomever the back up QB is at Nebraska is always the next coming of Frazier, Gill, Crouch, etc.


That said, Green has a long, LONG way to go before I'll be comfortable with him as the starting QB. Having another year in the system should do wonders and am not ready to write the guy off after 2 starts in his true freshman year.


I seem to remember another true freshman qb who didn't exactly light it up when he was put in the game. By the way, how did he eventually turn out? Just as it is moronic to think that a freshman will come in and play with the poise of an upperclassman, it is equally moronic to write off a player's career based upon playing a couple of games in their freshman season. That's just nuts.


If you want to go back through all of the old posts, you will find that the Cody Green talk flared up when we found ourselves with a junior qb that wasn't getting it done. A lot of people (myself included) asked just what we had to lose by trying out Green. Here was a heralded young kid that was supposed to be loaded with talent. What did we have to really lose at that point? Nobody was aware that Lee was hurt. All we saw was a junior qb that couldn't run the ball and suddenly became an errant passer. Frankly, there was a period where he looked like a deer in the headlights when he'd take a snap. This was a guy that had been in the system behind Gantz, and he just wasn't cutting it. Many of us didn't see many excuses for his poor play--although people in the Zac Lee camp were making plenty of them (offensive line, receivers, take your pick of excuses.....). Let's not have selective memory. I'm still far from sold on a healthy Zac Lee, much less an injured one.


Just as I'm not sold on Zac Lee, I also have concerns about Green when I did see him play. I'll write off any poor decisions of his to being a freshman tossed into the grinder. Those mistakes go with the territory and are fixed with time and experience. Coaches can even work on his throwing motion to help him improve. However, after watching him play, what actually concerns me is his running. (Yes, I said that I'm concerned with what most see as his strength.) While he looks pretty impressive once he gets up a head of steam, he just doesn't appear to have that "initial burst" that will allow him to squirt through a seam and break loose into the open. In big games against tough defenses, having that burst is the difference between big gains versus none at all. After all, aren't we supposed to be gravitating towards dual threat quarterbacks?


Time will tell with Green. While so many are excited about our qb situation, I'm frightened as hell this year. We may be sitting pretty down the line, but this year is a huge question mark.

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Just another reason to take our lumps with a greased lightning TMart. Sure, he's not "experienced" at going 3 & out a thousand times but other than that, what have we to lose?


Putting a qb out there who has serious potential to do "something" seems like a no lose scenario to me.

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Just another reason to take our lumps with a greased lightning TMart. Sure, he's not "experienced" at going 3 & out a thousand times but other than that, what have we to lose?


Putting a qb out there who has serious potential to do "something" seems like a no lose scenario to me.




if neither Lee nor Green can pass or run then lets at least get the one player we have that can do SOMETHING!! Martinez can run far better than the other two can pass and i would argue that his passing is better than their running. So based on experience and pure ability i would say that it goes in this order:




Spano :o



p.s. i was not one of the people that were calling for Green BEFORE the season as i did not feel that his recruiting video was not all that impressive.

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if neither Lee nor Green can pass or run then lets at least get the one player we have that can do SOMETHING!! Martinez can run far better than the other two can pass and i would argue that his passing is better than their running. So based on experience and pure ability i would say that it goes in this order:




Spano :o



p.s. i was not one of the people that were calling for Green BEFORE the season as i did not feel that his recruiting video was not all that impressive.

Good point. Im really curious to see what Spano can do now that he is healthy. Hes been a the system awhile now. So I gotta think he knows the offense just as much if not better than the other 3. I think he is maybe a Joe Ganz type, if he ever gets on the field.

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That'd be like starting the RB who was the best pass blocker but couldn't do anything else.


We put our lightning-in-a-bottle athletes as playmakers in other positions! QBs have to pass, or else it's a complete waste of having guys like Niles Paul or Mike McNeil. I have NO idea why everyone is treating 'running ability' and 'passing/managing the offense' as equal traits.

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That'd be like starting the RB who was the best pass blocker but couldn't do anything else.


We put our lightning-in-a-bottle athletes as playmakers in other positions! QBs have to pass, or else it's a complete waste of having guys like Niles Paul or Mike McNeil. I have NO idea why everyone is treating 'running ability' and 'passing/managing the offense' as equal traits.

DING DING now we truly have a winner! I don't know when everyone is going to realize that Watson isn't going to change his offense because Martinez had a good spring game. Yes, he may be the best running QB we have, but we are not Navy. Hell, it took intervention from Osborne himself before Wats even budged, and even then the offense didn't go to an I form option or anything. We need the best arm under center. Pure and simple. Like zoogs said, we've got playmakers in Niles, Helu, Rex, McNeil, and Kinnie. If no one can get them the ball, they're useless. Would you rather have the ball in Martinez's hands 50% of the time and split the other 50% among Niles, Kinnie, Helu, etc? Not me. If he's such a playmaker, he should move to a position where he can flourish under Shawn Watson's offense, because the offense is not going to change for him, unless he became Michael Vick over the summer.

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That'd be like starting the RB who was the best pass blocker but couldn't do anything else.


We put our lightning-in-a-bottle athletes as playmakers in other positions! QBs have to pass, or else it's a complete waste of having guys like Niles Paul or Mike McNeil. I have NO idea why everyone is treating 'running ability' and 'passing/managing the offense' as equal traits.

DING DING now we truly have a winner! I don't know when everyone is going to realize that Watson isn't going to change his offense because Martinez had a good spring game. Yes, he may be the best running QB we have, but we are not Navy. Hell, it took intervention from Osborne himself before Wats even budged, and even then the offense didn't go to an I form option or anything. We need the best arm under center. Pure and simple. Like zoogs said, we've got playmakers in Niles, Helu, Rex, McNeil, and Kinnie. If no one can get them the ball, they're useless. Would you rather have the ball in Martinez's hands 50% of the time and split the other 50% among Niles, Kinnie, Helu, etc? Not me. If he's such a playmaker, he should move to a position where he can flourish under Shawn Watson's offense, because the offense is not going to change for him, unless he became Michael Vick over the summer.



The way I look at our QB choices is similar to the way I look at it in NCAA football (available at fine stores everywhere). You're main concerns are his leadership ability, aptitude for understanding the game, and passing. I think Osborne is entirely right when he says that in the college game you need a QB who can present a running threat. It may not be 100% necessary, but if you have that dimension to your game, it's one more thing the defense has to keep in mind, and one more way to score points. That being said, rushing is important only insofar as your QB is able to do it semi-well. Compared to the other three things, it's secondary. You want a guy who can run, but not necessarily a runner. Not with Wats' philosophy.

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Most out of everything is we want QB out their that has leadership and managed the offense. Right now Zac Lee is the best we have barring injury I dont see anyone taking the job away from him. Alabama won the title last year with downhill running/playaction and minimizing mistakes the QB can make. It also didnt hurt that they had a really good defense.

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Most out of everything is we want QB out their that has leadership and managed the offense. Right now Zac Lee is the best we have barring injury I dont see anyone taking the job away from him. Alabama won the title last year with downhill running/playaction and minimizing mistakes the QB can make. It also didnt hurt that they had a really good defense.

i think we can live off something similar...but we will need to pass a little more than alabama did last year

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