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Texas vs. Nebraska

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I am writing this today in reference to the article published by Mike Blackwell at Inside Texas.com. On behalf of the Longhorn nation, I'd like to apologize for the words of some of my brethren. They are very passionate about their team, and can't always help what they say in the spur of the moment. I'm sure that some of you have also said things you wouldn't be proud of; it's understandable with the fiery emotions that are raised by this matter. And I must say that to me, Nebraska fans are the highest representation of class, no matter what the article by Blackwell may say. As a whole, you tend to be civilized, and quite knowledgeable about the game of football. One of my dreams is to watch a game of football at Memorial Stadium (I’m only 15, so I have time), and I know that when I do, I'll be welcomed with a proverbial red carpet.


As for the article itself, I have just one question for you; what's wrong with it? First off, Blackwell was writing it more for us Horns fans, than he really was for you. We as Longhorn fans have plenty of frustration with Nebraska; some legitimate, and others not so much. From a Texas fans perspective, it was a semi-humorous opinion piece, which rang of the truth though it wasn’t exactly the most

factual. So if you guys didn’t like it, I get it. But weren’t there Nebraska beat writers who wrote similar stories right after last year’s Big 12 Championship Game?


Make up your mind sport. You say "in reference to the article by mike blackwell" then apologize for your brethren (I'm assuming this includes mike blackwell) then follow that up with "as for the article itself".... you're full of it and we all know it. "Oh gracious and kind Nebraska fans...you suck...but I would love to come visit your fine establishment..."



I forgot to add in that I wasn't apologizing for the article. And, I refer to a specific part of the article which I doubt y'all disagree with.


To answer some of the questions on this thread directed towards me


Gmoose. Outside of bleacherreport, Where do you suggest that a high schoolers go to get a sports article published.


And the fact that I'm 15 should have nothing to do with my credibility. Please point out one fact of mine that is incorrect.


Yes, I did watch the 1994 Orange Bowl on Espn Classic


Saturn Drew; I'm 15, friend me on Facebook, or if you don't believe me, give me a call on Skype.


Not all of us have forgotten how to write english.


Knapplc: you're right, I write a commercial aviation blog as well, though I do play JV basketball.


Joey; I can't say much except wow.


Foppa: Huh??????

if it has nothing to do with your credibility? why mention. your article is well written, but nothing that should not be expected from an educated 15 year old. i do hope you aspirations to become a sports writer come to fruition and good luck.

however, what did you expect from us when you posted this here? we do not want to be patronized and you should not have to apologize for anyone. we know he does not represent every longhorn fan. i do appreciate you thoughts, but what was the point? clarity over agreement? well we understand what happened and why we feel the way we do about tu, and we are not going to agree. we just as well respectfully argue because that is the best we can do, do not except us to "learn a lesson" or make concessions or finally overcome our narrow mindedness and see it your way. not gonna happen.

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Guys, this is a copy of a letter I've posted to bleacherreport. If I need to put this in a different forum, please enlighten me.



Let me preface this by saying that I am a huge Texas Longhorns fan.


Dear Nebraska Cornhuskers Fans,


I am writing this today in reference to the article published by Mike Blackwell at Inside Texas.com. On behalf of the Longhorn nation, I'd like to apologize for the words of some of my brethren. They are very passionate about their team, and can't always help what they say in the spur of the moment. I'm sure that some of you have also said things you wouldn't be proud of; it's understandable with the fiery emotions that are raised by this matter. And I must say that to me, Nebraska fans are the highest representation of class, no matter what the article by Blackwell may say. As a whole, you tend to be civilized, and quite knowledgeable about the game of football. One of my dreams is to watch a game of football at Memorial Stadium (I’m only 15, so I have time), and I know that when I do, I'll be welcomed with a proverbial red carpet.


As for the article itself, I have just one question for you; what's wrong with it? First off, Blackwell was writing it more for us Horns fans, than he really was for you. We as Longhorn fans have plenty of frustration with Nebraska; some legitimate, and others not so much. From a Texas fans perspective, it was a semi-humorous opinion piece, which rang of the truth though it wasn’t exactly the most factual. So if you guys didn’t like it, I get it. But weren’t there Nebraska beat writers who wrote similar stories right after last year’s Big 12 Championship Game?


Although this is going to sound very similar to Blackwell’s article, as Longhorn fan I understand how you feel. We’ve both endured losses that sting horribly, and you’re not alone in Big 12 Championship pain. One of my formative memories as a Texas fan is watching Chris Simms throw all those interceptions, and seeing us come so close but fall just short. Last year may have been bad for you, but in 01, we were playing for a shot at the National Title against a team we’d beaten 41-7 that year. As Blackwell mentioned, we were dominated by Oklahoma from 2000-2004 much the same way Suh toyed with our O-line last year. So we get it, it sucks to lose…

But as for the actual game itself… It was a great performance by Suh, in fact I’d say it was the finest in Big 12 history outside of Vince Young in the 2006 Rose Bowl. But there are lot of you out there who feel that you were wronged; that somehow the refs conspired to let Texas go to the National Championship game. But, the rule is; the clock doesn't stop until the ball actually touches the ground or an object i.e.; player, coach, mascot, cheerleader, camera man, fan, field crew or anything else that is located "out of bounds". So with one second left, that ball hit a railing. Therefore, the clock stops with one second left; the correct call, and we win the game fair and square.


Before you all go off on me, let me give you a short history lesson. January 1st, 1994 (the year I was born), undefeated Nebraska faces 1-loss Florida State at the Orange Bowl for the national title (because Notre Dame lost to Boston College). After the Seminoles took a late 18-16 lead, an excessive celebration penalty gave ya’ll the ball on the 43 yard line. As time ran down, Tommie Frazier hit tight end Trumaine Bell for a 29 yard gain to the FSU 28 yard line. The clock ticked down to 0:00, bringing the Seminoles onto the field much in the same way ya’ll did last year. However, the referee arbitrarily decided to put one second back on the clock (this was before instant replay), and you got a chance to kick the game-winning field goal. Of course Byron Bennett pushed the 45 yarder wide left, and Florida State won 18-16. But before you start griping about a legitimate call backed up by review last year; please take a moment to remember when an arbitrary second nearly won you a national championship.


The other thing that I can’t understand necessarily is why you all feel that you somehow deserved to win that football game because you were so much better than us. You weren’t. There were two evenly matched teams out there, and ya’ll caught a couple of breaks. Only one of McCoy’s interceptions was actually a bad pass, the other two were batted or lost by a Texas player. Early in the 4th quarter, McCoy hit a wide open James Kirkendoll in the hands and he dropped it. If he catches that football, it’s a 17-9 game, and the way your offense was playing, it’s game over. Later in the game, McCoy’s well on his way to leading a 99 yard touchdown drive, when Dan Buckner has the ball wrestled out of his hands; an interception which by the way set up your go ahead field goal. SO my point is, that we both had an equal claim to winning that game, and a lot went your way…


But the 2009 Big 12 Championship is all old history by now… While I said that I forgive Nebraska fans for most of what you’ve said, the two things I cannot stand by and watch are the sullying of Mack Brown, and this insane idea that Texas was just whining in 08. Anyone who knows Mack Brown would tell you right away that, as Mike Blackwell put it; “Mack Brown would’ve been the first one to cross the field and shake your coach’s hand. He would’ve been gracious in defeat, as always.” If you don’t believe it, let me just point out a couple of examples. Despite the way Oklahoma destroyed him in the first half of this decade, Mack was always the first to shake Bob Stoops’ hands, and despite the calls of “Coach February,” and the like, has rarely if ever had anything except praise for his opponents. Case in point, as this entire drama was unfolding, all Mack had to say was about how much he admired Tom Osborne…


As for 2008, it wasn’t just that we weren’t in the national title game; it’s that the way it was decided had nothing to do with on field results. We beat both teams in the Big 12 championship game by double digits; Missouri by 21, and OU by 10… If there was a championship, then why didn’t it feature the two best teams in the conference? I’m sure you all would feel the same way if you, Missouri, and Iowa State all finished in a 3 way tie this year, and Missouri advanced to the title game to face Texas A&M after you beat Missouri by 11 and A&M by 23.


By the way, Tim Bond; why don’t you just admit to the world that you are an Oklahoma fan… The way you spoke in that little rebuttal of yours proved it. Let me put it this way, you and Little Game Bob up in Norman lost to us on the field, and in the end that should have trumped all. Of course those Gators proved that your flash and flair was all bogus, and that we should have been in that game. Talk to me again when Bobby wins a BCS bowl will ya’.


But back to the point at hand; the allegations that some Longhorns fans have made; that ya’ll were afraid of Texas and OU so you ran to the Big 10. That’s completely not true, ya’ll saw the opportunity to do what was best for your program; the same thing that we did. I have no doubt that ya’ll will do fine up there. I predict you’ll win at least 3 Big 10 championships in the next 10 years, and outside of Ohio State, will be the class of the Big 10.


And when October 16th 2010 rolls around, as a Texas fan, I’m going to be pumped up. Not because of some perceived injustice, but because I will be allowed to see a fabulous college football game. My head says that we’ve just stolen victory from the jaws of defeat too many times and that Nebraska wins something like 21-17. My heart has faith in Mack and Greg Davis, and says that Texas will win 24-17. But regardless of who wins the football game, we are the two best teams in the conference, and will most likely meet again in the Conference Championship game (the final one), and one of us may play for the national title as well. But I do know that if we win, ya’ll will stand up and cheer for us as we leave the stadium (is it too early for Garret Gilbert for Heisman?).


And so because this is getting a tad long-winded, I offer a statement we both can believe in; Beat OU!!!!



first off welcome too the boards.


Second off you are only building more hatred. I know you only want too try and smooth things over, but trust me when i say it, its probably better if we didn't.


third off it was a nice post but don't lecture us on things we all too well understand.

A lot of the hate stemming from his board has too do with the Texas propaganda that came out during the conference break up.


Before that the Texas game was just a chance too redeem our selves from last years failure. But after what they wrote the game has become way more significant.


Lastly this comment "Beat OU!!!!" I agree wholeheartedly.....except for the fact we have already done that :dumdum.


Once again welcome and stick a round. that was a nicely researched post.

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Guys, this is a copy of a letter I've posted to bleacherreport. If I need to put this in a different forum, please enlighten me.



Let me preface this by saying that I am a huge Texas Longhorns fan.


Dear Nebraska Cornhuskers Fans,


I am writing this today in reference to the article published by Mike Blackwell at Inside Texas.com. On behalf of the Longhorn nation, I'd like to apologize for the words of some of my brethren. They are very passionate about their team, and can't always help what they say in the spur of the moment. I'm sure that some of you have also said things you wouldn't be proud of; it's understandable with the fiery emotions that are raised by this matter. And I must say that to me, Nebraska fans are the highest representation of class, no matter what the article by Blackwell may say. As a whole, you tend to be civilized, and quite knowledgeable about the game of football. One of my dreams is to watch a game of football at Memorial Stadium (I’m only 15, so I have time), and I know that when I do, I'll be welcomed with a proverbial red carpet.


As for the article itself, I have just one question for you; what's wrong with it? First off, Blackwell was writing it more for us Horns fans, than he really was for you. We as Longhorn fans have plenty of frustration with Nebraska; some legitimate, and others not so much. From a Texas fans perspective, it was a semi-humorous opinion piece, which rang of the truth though it wasn’t exactly the most factual. So if you guys didn’t like it, I get it. But weren’t there Nebraska beat writers who wrote similar stories right after last year’s Big 12 Championship Game?


Although this is going to sound very similar to Blackwell’s article, as Longhorn fan I understand how you feel. We’ve both endured losses that sting horribly, and you’re not alone in Big 12 Championship pain. One of my formative memories as a Texas fan is watching Chris Simms throw all those interceptions, and seeing us come so close but fall just short. Last year may have been bad for you, but in 01, we were playing for a shot at the National Title against a team we’d beaten 41-7 that year. As Blackwell mentioned, we were dominated by Oklahoma from 2000-2004 much the same way Suh toyed with our O-line last year. So we get it, it sucks to lose…

But as for the actual game itself… It was a great performance by Suh, in fact I’d say it was the finest in Big 12 history outside of Vince Young in the 2006 Rose Bowl. But there are lot of you out there who feel that you were wronged; that somehow the refs conspired to let Texas go to the National Championship game. But, the rule is; the clock doesn't stop until the ball actually touches the ground or an object i.e.; player, coach, mascot, cheerleader, camera man, fan, field crew or anything else that is located "out of bounds". So with one second left, that ball hit a railing. Therefore, the clock stops with one second left; the correct call, and we win the game fair and square.


Before you all go off on me, let me give you a short history lesson. January 1st, 1994 (the year I was born), undefeated Nebraska faces 1-loss Florida State at the Orange Bowl for the national title (because Notre Dame lost to Boston College). After the Seminoles took a late 18-16 lead, an excessive celebration penalty gave ya’ll the ball on the 43 yard line. As time ran down, Tommie Frazier hit tight end Trumaine Bell for a 29 yard gain to the FSU 28 yard line. The clock ticked down to 0:00, bringing the Seminoles onto the field much in the same way ya’ll did last year. However, the referee arbitrarily decided to put one second back on the clock (this was before instant replay), and you got a chance to kick the game-winning field goal. Of course Byron Bennett pushed the 45 yarder wide left, and Florida State won 18-16. But before you start griping about a legitimate call backed up by review last year; please take a moment to remember when an arbitrary second nearly won you a national championship.


The other thing that I can’t understand necessarily is why you all feel that you somehow deserved to win that football game because you were so much better than us. You weren’t. There were two evenly matched teams out there, and ya’ll caught a couple of breaks. Only one of McCoy’s interceptions was actually a bad pass, the other two were batted or lost by a Texas player. Early in the 4th quarter, McCoy hit a wide open James Kirkendoll in the hands and he dropped it. If he catches that football, it’s a 17-9 game, and the way your offense was playing, it’s game over. Later in the game, McCoy’s well on his way to leading a 99 yard touchdown drive, when Dan Buckner has the ball wrestled out of his hands; an interception which by the way set up your go ahead field goal. SO my point is, that we both had an equal claim to winning that game, and a lot went your way…


But the 2009 Big 12 Championship is all old history by now… While I said that I forgive Nebraska fans for most of what you’ve said, the two things I cannot stand by and watch are the sullying of Mack Brown, and this insane idea that Texas was just whining in 08. Anyone who knows Mack Brown would tell you right away that, as Mike Blackwell put it; “Mack Brown would’ve been the first one to cross the field and shake your coach’s hand. He would’ve been gracious in defeat, as always.” If you don’t believe it, let me just point out a couple of examples. Despite the way Oklahoma destroyed him in the first half of this decade, Mack was always the first to shake Bob Stoops’ hands, and despite the calls of “Coach February,” and the like, has rarely if ever had anything except praise for his opponents. Case in point, as this entire drama was unfolding, all Mack had to say was about how much he admired Tom Osborne…


As for 2008, it wasn’t just that we weren’t in the national title game; it’s that the way it was decided had nothing to do with on field results. We beat both teams in the Big 12 championship game by double digits; Missouri by 21, and OU by 10… If there was a championship, then why didn’t it feature the two best teams in the conference? I’m sure you all would feel the same way if you, Missouri, and Iowa State all finished in a 3 way tie this year, and Missouri advanced to the title game to face Texas A&M after you beat Missouri by 11 and A&M by 23.


By the way, Tim Bond; why don’t you just admit to the world that you are an Oklahoma fan… The way you spoke in that little rebuttal of yours proved it. Let me put it this way, you and Little Game Bob up in Norman lost to us on the field, and in the end that should have trumped all. Of course those Gators proved that your flash and flair was all bogus, and that we should have been in that game. Talk to me again when Bobby wins a BCS bowl will ya’.


But back to the point at hand; the allegations that some Longhorns fans have made; that ya’ll were afraid of Texas and OU so you ran to the Big 10. That’s completely not true, ya’ll saw the opportunity to do what was best for your program; the same thing that we did. I have no doubt that ya’ll will do fine up there. I predict you’ll win at least 3 Big 10 championships in the next 10 years, and outside of Ohio State, will be the class of the Big 10.


And when October 16th 2010 rolls around, as a Texas fan, I’m going to be pumped up. Not because of some perceived injustice, but because I will be allowed to see a fabulous college football game. My head says that we’ve just stolen victory from the jaws of defeat too many times and that Nebraska wins something like 21-17. My heart has faith in Mack and Greg Davis, and says that Texas will win 24-17. But regardless of who wins the football game, we are the two best teams in the conference, and will most likely meet again in the Conference Championship game (the final one), and one of us may play for the national title as well. But I do know that if we win, ya’ll will stand up and cheer for us as we leave the stadium (is it too early for Garret Gilbert for Heisman?).


And so because this is getting a tad long-winded, I offer a statement we both can believe in; Beat OU!!!!


I saw a commercial today that had this guy talking, and there were two hot women sitting next to him on the viewer's right, and then something happened and then on the viewer's left and there was a small giraffe. Me and my girlfriend debated whether it was a baby giraffe, or just a regular giraffe that the commercial had made to look smaller so it fit on the chair next to the guy. After watching the commercial, we both realized we didn't even remember what the commercial was about, or what the product the commercial was trying to sell. I googled 'giraffe commercial' and didn't find it, but you know what? There was a baby giraffe born at the Memphis Zoo. It was a female and they named it 'Akili'. I thought it was an odd name for a giraffe, and then I realized there was a football player named Akili Smith. I think he played at Oregon, but I could be wrong. So then it only made sense to google 'Oregon giraffe', right? And then, there it was...The 'Blue Giraffe Day Spa Salon' in Ashford, Oregon! I've never been there, but if you're ever in the Ashford, Oregon area, and you're looking for a pampering at a day spa, I'd recommend 'Blue Giraffe Day Spa Salon'. Mention that you're a Husker fan and that may get you a discount. Or a strange look. I don't know. What I do know is that if I ever see a blue giraffe, I'm gonna be 96% sure that if it knew what football was, it'd be a Husker fan.


This post is clearly the most interesting thing going on in this thread. :moreinteresting

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Guys, this is a copy of a letter I've posted to bleacherreport. If I need to put this in a different forum, please enlighten me.



Let me preface this by saying that I am a huge Texas Longhorns fan.


Dear Nebraska Cornhuskers Fans,


I am writing this today in reference to the article published by Mike Blackwell at Inside Texas.com. On behalf of the Longhorn nation, I'd like to apologize for the words of some of my brethren. They are very passionate about their team, and can't always help what they say in the spur of the moment. I'm sure that some of you have also said things you wouldn't be proud of; it's understandable with the fiery emotions that are raised by this matter. And I must say that to me, Nebraska fans are the highest representation of class, no matter what the article by Blackwell may say. As a whole, you tend to be civilized, and quite knowledgeable about the game of football. One of my dreams is to watch a game of football at Memorial Stadium (I’m only 15, so I have time), and I know that when I do, I'll be welcomed with a proverbial red carpet.


As for the article itself, I have just one question for you; what's wrong with it? First off, Blackwell was writing it more for us Horns fans, than he really was for you. We as Longhorn fans have plenty of frustration with Nebraska; some legitimate, and others not so much. From a Texas fans perspective, it was a semi-humorous opinion piece, which rang of the truth though it wasn’t exactly the most factual. So if you guys didn’t like it, I get it. But weren’t there Nebraska beat writers who wrote similar stories right after last year’s Big 12 Championship Game?


Although this is going to sound very similar to Blackwell’s article, as Longhorn fan I understand how you feel. We’ve both endured losses that sting horribly, and you’re not alone in Big 12 Championship pain. One of my formative memories as a Texas fan is watching Chris Simms throw all those interceptions, and seeing us come so close but fall just short. Last year may have been bad for you, but in 01, we were playing for a shot at the National Title against a team we’d beaten 41-7 that year. As Blackwell mentioned, we were dominated by Oklahoma from 2000-2004 much the same way Suh toyed with our O-line last year. So we get it, it sucks to lose…

But as for the actual game itself… It was a great performance by Suh, in fact I’d say it was the finest in Big 12 history outside of Vince Young in the 2006 Rose Bowl. But there are lot of you out there who feel that you were wronged; that somehow the refs conspired to let Texas go to the National Championship game. But, the rule is; the clock doesn't stop until the ball actually touches the ground or an object i.e.; player, coach, mascot, cheerleader, camera man, fan, field crew or anything else that is located "out of bounds". So with one second left, that ball hit a railing. Therefore, the clock stops with one second left; the correct call, and we win the game fair and square.


Before you all go off on me, let me give you a short history lesson. January 1st, 1994 (the year I was born), undefeated Nebraska faces 1-loss Florida State at the Orange Bowl for the national title (because Notre Dame lost to Boston College). After the Seminoles took a late 18-16 lead, an excessive celebration penalty gave ya’ll the ball on the 43 yard line. As time ran down, Tommie Frazier hit tight end Trumaine Bell for a 29 yard gain to the FSU 28 yard line. The clock ticked down to 0:00, bringing the Seminoles onto the field much in the same way ya’ll did last year. However, the referee arbitrarily decided to put one second back on the clock (this was before instant replay), and you got a chance to kick the game-winning field goal. Of course Byron Bennett pushed the 45 yarder wide left, and Florida State won 18-16. But before you start griping about a legitimate call backed up by review last year; please take a moment to remember when an arbitrary second nearly won you a national championship.


The other thing that I can’t understand necessarily is why you all feel that you somehow deserved to win that football game because you were so much better than us. You weren’t. There were two evenly matched teams out there, and ya’ll caught a couple of breaks. Only one of McCoy’s interceptions was actually a bad pass, the other two were batted or lost by a Texas player. Early in the 4th quarter, McCoy hit a wide open James Kirkendoll in the hands and he dropped it. If he catches that football, it’s a 17-9 game, and the way your offense was playing, it’s game over. Later in the game, McCoy’s well on his way to leading a 99 yard touchdown drive, when Dan Buckner has the ball wrestled out of his hands; an interception which by the way set up your go ahead field goal. SO my point is, that we both had an equal claim to winning that game, and a lot went your way…


But the 2009 Big 12 Championship is all old history by now… While I said that I forgive Nebraska fans for most of what you’ve said, the two things I cannot stand by and watch are the sullying of Mack Brown, and this insane idea that Texas was just whining in 08. Anyone who knows Mack Brown would tell you right away that, as Mike Blackwell put it; “Mack Brown would’ve been the first one to cross the field and shake your coach’s hand. He would’ve been gracious in defeat, as always.” If you don’t believe it, let me just point out a couple of examples. Despite the way Oklahoma destroyed him in the first half of this decade, Mack was always the first to shake Bob Stoops’ hands, and despite the calls of “Coach February,” and the like, has rarely if ever had anything except praise for his opponents. Case in point, as this entire drama was unfolding, all Mack had to say was about how much he admired Tom Osborne…


As for 2008, it wasn’t just that we weren’t in the national title game; it’s that the way it was decided had nothing to do with on field results. We beat both teams in the Big 12 championship game by double digits; Missouri by 21, and OU by 10… If there was a championship, then why didn’t it feature the two best teams in the conference? I’m sure you all would feel the same way if you, Missouri, and Iowa State all finished in a 3 way tie this year, and Missouri advanced to the title game to face Texas A&M after you beat Missouri by 11 and A&M by 23.


By the way, Tim Bond; why don’t you just admit to the world that you are an Oklahoma fan… The way you spoke in that little rebuttal of yours proved it. Let me put it this way, you and Little Game Bob up in Norman lost to us on the field, and in the end that should have trumped all. Of course those Gators proved that your flash and flair was all bogus, and that we should have been in that game. Talk to me again when Bobby wins a BCS bowl will ya’.


But back to the point at hand; the allegations that some Longhorns fans have made; that ya’ll were afraid of Texas and OU so you ran to the Big 10. That’s completely not true, ya’ll saw the opportunity to do what was best for your program; the same thing that we did. I have no doubt that ya’ll will do fine up there. I predict you’ll win at least 3 Big 10 championships in the next 10 years, and outside of Ohio State, will be the class of the Big 10.


And when October 16th 2010 rolls around, as a Texas fan, I’m going to be pumped up. Not because of some perceived injustice, but because I will be allowed to see a fabulous college football game. My head says that we’ve just stolen victory from the jaws of defeat too many times and that Nebraska wins something like 21-17. My heart has faith in Mack and Greg Davis, and says that Texas will win 24-17. But regardless of who wins the football game, we are the two best teams in the conference, and will most likely meet again in the Conference Championship game (the final one), and one of us may play for the national title as well. But I do know that if we win, ya’ll will stand up and cheer for us as we leave the stadium (is it too early for Garret Gilbert for Heisman?).


And so because this is getting a tad long-winded, I offer a statement we both can believe in; Beat OU!!!!


I saw a commercial today that had this guy talking, and there were two hot women sitting next to him on the viewer's right, and then something happened and then on the viewer's left and there was a small giraffe. Me and my girlfriend debated whether it was a baby giraffe, or just a regular giraffe that the commercial had made to look smaller so it fit on the chair next to the guy. After watching the commercial, we both realized we didn't even remember what the commercial was about, or what the product the commercial was trying to sell. I googled 'giraffe commercial' and didn't find it, but you know what? There was a baby giraffe born at the Memphis Zoo. It was a female and they named it 'Akili'. I thought it was an odd name for a giraffe, and then I realized there was a football player named Akili Smith. I think he played at Oregon, but I could be wrong. So then it only made sense to google 'Oregon giraffe', right? And then, there it was...The 'Blue Giraffe Day Spa Salon' in Ashford, Oregon! I've never been there, but if you're ever in the Ashford, Oregon area, and you're looking for a pampering at a day spa, I'd recommend 'Blue Giraffe Day Spa Salon'. Mention that you're a Husker fan and that may get you a discount. Or a strange look. I don't know. What I do know is that if I ever see a blue giraffe, I'm gonna be 96% sure that if it knew what football was, it'd be a Husker fan.


This post is clearly the most interesting thing going on in this thread. :moreinteresting


It is an interesting commercial, for DirecTV I believe. I like how he is saying in a very original way that he can type a lot of stuff about nothing and then draw conclusions from it.


Overblown intelligent sarcasm is an art that few possess in this capacity. I must say, bravo sir...

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Guys, this is a copy of a letter I've posted to bleacherreport. If I need to put this in a different forum, please enlighten me.



Let me preface this by saying that I am a huge Texas Longhorns fan.


Dear Nebraska Cornhuskers Fans,


I am writing this today in reference to the article published by Mike Blackwell at Inside Texas.com. On behalf of the Longhorn nation, I'd like to apologize for the words of some of my brethren. They are very passionate about their team, and can't always help what they say in the spur of the moment. I'm sure that some of you have also said things you wouldn't be proud of; it's understandable with the fiery emotions that are raised by this matter. And I must say that to me, Nebraska fans are the highest representation of class, no matter what the article by Blackwell may say. As a whole, you tend to be civilized, and quite knowledgeable about the game of football. One of my dreams is to watch a game of football at Memorial Stadium (I’m only 15, so I have time), and I know that when I do, I'll be welcomed with a proverbial red carpet.


As for the article itself, I have just one question for you; what's wrong with it? First off, Blackwell was writing it more for us Horns fans, than he really was for you. We as Longhorn fans have plenty of frustration with Nebraska; some legitimate, and others not so much. From a Texas fans perspective, it was a semi-humorous opinion piece, which rang of the truth though it wasn’t exactly the most factual. So if you guys didn’t like it, I get it. But weren’t there Nebraska beat writers who wrote similar stories right after last year’s Big 12 Championship Game?


Although this is going to sound very similar to Blackwell’s article, as Longhorn fan I understand how you feel. We’ve both endured losses that sting horribly, and you’re not alone in Big 12 Championship pain. One of my formative memories as a Texas fan is watching Chris Simms throw all those interceptions, and seeing us come so close but fall just short. Last year may have been bad for you, but in 01, we were playing for a shot at the National Title against a team we’d beaten 41-7 that year. As Blackwell mentioned, we were dominated by Oklahoma from 2000-2004 much the same way Suh toyed with our O-line last year. So we get it, it sucks to lose…

But as for the actual game itself… It was a great performance by Suh, in fact I’d say it was the finest in Big 12 history outside of Vince Young in the 2006 Rose Bowl. But there are lot of you out there who feel that you were wronged; that somehow the refs conspired to let Texas go to the National Championship game. But, the rule is; the clock doesn't stop until the ball actually touches the ground or an object i.e.; player, coach, mascot, cheerleader, camera man, fan, field crew or anything else that is located "out of bounds". So with one second left, that ball hit a railing. Therefore, the clock stops with one second left; the correct call, and we win the game fair and square.


Before you all go off on me, let me give you a short history lesson. January 1st, 1994 (the year I was born), undefeated Nebraska faces 1-loss Florida State at the Orange Bowl for the national title (because Notre Dame lost to Boston College). After the Seminoles took a late 18-16 lead, an excessive celebration penalty gave ya’ll the ball on the 43 yard line. As time ran down, Tommie Frazier hit tight end Trumaine Bell for a 29 yard gain to the FSU 28 yard line. The clock ticked down to 0:00, bringing the Seminoles onto the field much in the same way ya’ll did last year. However, the referee arbitrarily decided to put one second back on the clock (this was before instant replay), and you got a chance to kick the game-winning field goal. Of course Byron Bennett pushed the 45 yarder wide left, and Florida State won 18-16. But before you start griping about a legitimate call backed up by review last year; please take a moment to remember when an arbitrary second nearly won you a national championship.


The other thing that I can’t understand necessarily is why you all feel that you somehow deserved to win that football game because you were so much better than us. You weren’t. There were two evenly matched teams out there, and ya’ll caught a couple of breaks. Only one of McCoy’s interceptions was actually a bad pass, the other two were batted or lost by a Texas player. Early in the 4th quarter, McCoy hit a wide open James Kirkendoll in the hands and he dropped it. If he catches that football, it’s a 17-9 game, and the way your offense was playing, it’s game over. Later in the game, McCoy’s well on his way to leading a 99 yard touchdown drive, when Dan Buckner has the ball wrestled out of his hands; an interception which by the way set up your go ahead field goal. SO my point is, that we both had an equal claim to winning that game, and a lot went your way…


But the 2009 Big 12 Championship is all old history by now… While I said that I forgive Nebraska fans for most of what you’ve said, the two things I cannot stand by and watch are the sullying of Mack Brown, and this insane idea that Texas was just whining in 08. Anyone who knows Mack Brown would tell you right away that, as Mike Blackwell put it; “Mack Brown would’ve been the first one to cross the field and shake your coach’s hand. He would’ve been gracious in defeat, as always.” If you don’t believe it, let me just point out a couple of examples. Despite the way Oklahoma destroyed him in the first half of this decade, Mack was always the first to shake Bob Stoops’ hands, and despite the calls of “Coach February,” and the like, has rarely if ever had anything except praise for his opponents. Case in point, as this entire drama was unfolding, all Mack had to say was about how much he admired Tom Osborne…


As for 2008, it wasn’t just that we weren’t in the national title game; it’s that the way it was decided had nothing to do with on field results. We beat both teams in the Big 12 championship game by double digits; Missouri by 21, and OU by 10… If there was a championship, then why didn’t it feature the two best teams in the conference? I’m sure you all would feel the same way if you, Missouri, and Iowa State all finished in a 3 way tie this year, and Missouri advanced to the title game to face Texas A&M after you beat Missouri by 11 and A&M by 23.


By the way, Tim Bond; why don’t you just admit to the world that you are an Oklahoma fan… The way you spoke in that little rebuttal of yours proved it. Let me put it this way, you and Little Game Bob up in Norman lost to us on the field, and in the end that should have trumped all. Of course those Gators proved that your flash and flair was all bogus, and that we should have been in that game. Talk to me again when Bobby wins a BCS bowl will ya’.


But back to the point at hand; the allegations that some Longhorns fans have made; that ya’ll were afraid of Texas and OU so you ran to the Big 10. That’s completely not true, ya’ll saw the opportunity to do what was best for your program; the same thing that we did. I have no doubt that ya’ll will do fine up there. I predict you’ll win at least 3 Big 10 championships in the next 10 years, and outside of Ohio State, will be the class of the Big 10.


And when October 16th 2010 rolls around, as a Texas fan, I’m going to be pumped up. Not because of some perceived injustice, but because I will be allowed to see a fabulous college football game. My head says that we’ve just stolen victory from the jaws of defeat too many times and that Nebraska wins something like 21-17. My heart has faith in Mack and Greg Davis, and says that Texas will win 24-17. But regardless of who wins the football game, we are the two best teams in the conference, and will most likely meet again in the Conference Championship game (the final one), and one of us may play for the national title as well. But I do know that if we win, ya’ll will stand up and cheer for us as we leave the stadium (is it too early for Garret Gilbert for Heisman?).


And so because this is getting a tad long-winded, I offer a statement we both can believe in; Beat OU!!!!


I saw a commercial today that had this guy talking, and there were two hot women sitting next to him on the viewer's right, and then something happened and then on the viewer's left and there was a small giraffe. Me and my girlfriend debated whether it was a baby giraffe, or just a regular giraffe that the commercial had made to look smaller so it fit on the chair next to the guy. After watching the commercial, we both realized we didn't even remember what the commercial was about, or what the product the commercial was trying to sell. I googled 'giraffe commercial' and didn't find it, but you know what? There was a baby giraffe born at the Memphis Zoo. It was a female and they named it 'Akili'. I thought it was an odd name for a giraffe, and then I realized there was a football player named Akili Smith. I think he played at Oregon, but I could be wrong. So then it only made sense to google 'Oregon giraffe', right? And then, there it was...The 'Blue Giraffe Day Spa Salon' in Ashford, Oregon! I've never been there, but if you're ever in the Ashford, Oregon area, and you're looking for a pampering at a day spa, I'd recommend 'Blue Giraffe Day Spa Salon'. Mention that you're a Husker fan and that may get you a discount. Or a strange look. I don't know. What I do know is that if I ever see a blue giraffe, I'm gonna be 96% sure that if it knew what football was, it'd be a Husker fan.

It was a dish network commercial, in case you were still wondering.

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Guys, this is a copy of a letter I've posted to bleacherreport. If I need to put this in a different forum, please enlighten me.



Let me preface this by saying that I am a huge Texas Longhorns fan.


Dear Nebraska Cornhuskers Fans,


I am writing this today in reference to the article published by Mike Blackwell at Inside Texas.com. On behalf of the Longhorn nation, I'd like to apologize for the words of some of my brethren. They are very passionate about their team, and can't always help what they say in the spur of the moment. I'm sure that some of you have also said things you wouldn't be proud of; it's understandable with the fiery emotions that are raised by this matter. And I must say that to me, Nebraska fans are the highest representation of class, no matter what the article by Blackwell may say. As a whole, you tend to be civilized, and quite knowledgeable about the game of football. One of my dreams is to watch a game of football at Memorial Stadium (I’m only 15, so I have time), and I know that when I do, I'll be welcomed with a proverbial red carpet.


As for the article itself, I have just one question for you; what's wrong with it? First off, Blackwell was writing it more for us Horns fans, than he really was for you. We as Longhorn fans have plenty of frustration with Nebraska; some legitimate, and others not so much. From a Texas fans perspective, it was a semi-humorous opinion piece, which rang of the truth though it wasn’t exactly the most factual. So if you guys didn’t like it, I get it. But weren’t there Nebraska beat writers who wrote similar stories right after last year’s Big 12 Championship Game?


Although this is going to sound very similar to Blackwell’s article, as Longhorn fan I understand how you feel. We’ve both endured losses that sting horribly, and you’re not alone in Big 12 Championship pain. One of my formative memories as a Texas fan is watching Chris Simms throw all those interceptions, and seeing us come so close but fall just short. Last year may have been bad for you, but in 01, we were playing for a shot at the National Title against a team we’d beaten 41-7 that year. As Blackwell mentioned, we were dominated by Oklahoma from 2000-2004 much the same way Suh toyed with our O-line last year. So we get it, it sucks to lose…

But as for the actual game itself… It was a great performance by Suh, in fact I’d say it was the finest in Big 12 history outside of Vince Young in the 2006 Rose Bowl. But there are lot of you out there who feel that you were wronged; that somehow the refs conspired to let Texas go to the National Championship game. But, the rule is; the clock doesn't stop until the ball actually touches the ground or an object i.e.; player, coach, mascot, cheerleader, camera man, fan, field crew or anything else that is located "out of bounds". So with one second left, that ball hit a railing. Therefore, the clock stops with one second left; the correct call, and we win the game fair and square.


Before you all go off on me, let me give you a short history lesson. January 1st, 1994 (the year I was born), undefeated Nebraska faces 1-loss Florida State at the Orange Bowl for the national title (because Notre Dame lost to Boston College). After the Seminoles took a late 18-16 lead, an excessive celebration penalty gave ya’ll the ball on the 43 yard line. As time ran down, Tommie Frazier hit tight end Trumaine Bell for a 29 yard gain to the FSU 28 yard line. The clock ticked down to 0:00, bringing the Seminoles onto the field much in the same way ya’ll did last year. However, the referee arbitrarily decided to put one second back on the clock (this was before instant replay), and you got a chance to kick the game-winning field goal. Of course Byron Bennett pushed the 45 yarder wide left, and Florida State won 18-16. But before you start griping about a legitimate call backed up by review last year; please take a moment to remember when an arbitrary second nearly won you a national championship.


The other thing that I can’t understand necessarily is why you all feel that you somehow deserved to win that football game because you were so much better than us. You weren’t. There were two evenly matched teams out there, and ya’ll caught a couple of breaks. Only one of McCoy’s interceptions was actually a bad pass, the other two were batted or lost by a Texas player. Early in the 4th quarter, McCoy hit a wide open James Kirkendoll in the hands and he dropped it. If he catches that football, it’s a 17-9 game, and the way your offense was playing, it’s game over. Later in the game, McCoy’s well on his way to leading a 99 yard touchdown drive, when Dan Buckner has the ball wrestled out of his hands; an interception which by the way set up your go ahead field goal. SO my point is, that we both had an equal claim to winning that game, and a lot went your way…


But the 2009 Big 12 Championship is all old history by now… While I said that I forgive Nebraska fans for most of what you’ve said, the two things I cannot stand by and watch are the sullying of Mack Brown, and this insane idea that Texas was just whining in 08. Anyone who knows Mack Brown would tell you right away that, as Mike Blackwell put it; “Mack Brown would’ve been the first one to cross the field and shake your coach’s hand. He would’ve been gracious in defeat, as always.” If you don’t believe it, let me just point out a couple of examples. Despite the way Oklahoma destroyed him in the first half of this decade, Mack was always the first to shake Bob Stoops’ hands, and despite the calls of “Coach February,” and the like, has rarely if ever had anything except praise for his opponents. Case in point, as this entire drama was unfolding, all Mack had to say was about how much he admired Tom Osborne…


As for 2008, it wasn’t just that we weren’t in the national title game; it’s that the way it was decided had nothing to do with on field results. We beat both teams in the Big 12 championship game by double digits; Missouri by 21, and OU by 10… If there was a championship, then why didn’t it feature the two best teams in the conference? I’m sure you all would feel the same way if you, Missouri, and Iowa State all finished in a 3 way tie this year, and Missouri advanced to the title game to face Texas A&M after you beat Missouri by 11 and A&M by 23.


By the way, Tim Bond; why don’t you just admit to the world that you are an Oklahoma fan… The way you spoke in that little rebuttal of yours proved it. Let me put it this way, you and Little Game Bob up in Norman lost to us on the field, and in the end that should have trumped all. Of course those Gators proved that your flash and flair was all bogus, and that we should have been in that game. Talk to me again when Bobby wins a BCS bowl will ya’.


But back to the point at hand; the allegations that some Longhorns fans have made; that ya’ll were afraid of Texas and OU so you ran to the Big 10. That’s completely not true, ya’ll saw the opportunity to do what was best for your program; the same thing that we did. I have no doubt that ya’ll will do fine up there. I predict you’ll win at least 3 Big 10 championships in the next 10 years, and outside of Ohio State, will be the class of the Big 10.


And when October 16th 2010 rolls around, as a Texas fan, I’m going to be pumped up. Not because of some perceived injustice, but because I will be allowed to see a fabulous college football game. My head says that we’ve just stolen victory from the jaws of defeat too many times and that Nebraska wins something like 21-17. My heart has faith in Mack and Greg Davis, and says that Texas will win 24-17. But regardless of who wins the football game, we are the two best teams in the conference, and will most likely meet again in the Conference Championship game (the final one), and one of us may play for the national title as well. But I do know that if we win, ya’ll will stand up and cheer for us as we leave the stadium (is it too early for Garret Gilbert for Heisman?).


And so because this is getting a tad long-winded, I offer a statement we both can believe in; Beat OU!!!!


I saw a commercial today that had this guy talking, and there were two hot women sitting next to him on the viewer's right, and then something happened and then on the viewer's left and there was a small giraffe. Me and my girlfriend debated whether it was a baby giraffe, or just a regular giraffe that the commercial had made to look smaller so it fit on the chair next to the guy. After watching the commercial, we both realized we didn't even remember what the commercial was about, or what the product the commercial was trying to sell. I googled 'giraffe commercial' and didn't find it, but you know what? There was a baby giraffe born at the Memphis Zoo. It was a female and they named it 'Akili'. I thought it was an odd name for a giraffe, and then I realized there was a football player named Akili Smith. I think he played at Oregon, but I could be wrong. So then it only made sense to google 'Oregon giraffe', right? And then, there it was...The 'Blue Giraffe Day Spa Salon' in Ashford, Oregon! I've never been there, but if you're ever in the Ashford, Oregon area, and you're looking for a pampering at a day spa, I'd recommend 'Blue Giraffe Day Spa Salon'. Mention that you're a Husker fan and that may get you a discount. Or a strange look. I don't know. What I do know is that if I ever see a blue giraffe, I'm gonna be 96% sure that if it knew what football was, it'd be a Husker fan.

It was a dish network commercial, in case you were still wondering.


It completely doesn't matter to me, just like this thread, but thanks anyway. ;)

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I have a funny feeling that they wouldn't have done that if Nebraska was in the same situation but that might be me being a little naive.

You mean like when they did a replay to check the time left on clock at the end of the half against CU in 2005? oh wait... nevermind.


that wa a very similar situation in terms of the time supposedly running out after an incomplete pass (spiked ball). but apparently replay couldn't be applied in that situation.

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Go cry about it some more you, can insult me all you want big deal I said one thing that you dont like and that you dont agree with saying "You are a disgrace to are fanbase" is not classy in itself so dont give me that bull. You have no right to judge me you could of just said that you dont agree with what I said and that It wasnt cool or you could of said something else but you are being a hypocrite in making fun of me. If you dont like me then just dont quote me and respond to what I say.. but I am a strong opinionated person so if I say something that you dont like just get used to it and deal with it.

Man, you're the worst kind of fan in any sport. Period. Too bad you somehow became attached to the Huskers.


Anybody know how to "ignore" a poster on this board. I can't figure it out.

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I am writing this today in reference to the article published by Mike Blackwell at Inside Texas.com. On behalf of the Longhorn nation, I'd like to apologize for the words of some of my brethren. They are very passionate about their team, and can't always help what they say in the spur of the moment. I'm sure that some of you have also said things you wouldn't be proud of; it's understandable with the fiery emotions that are raised by this matter. And I must say that to me, Nebraska fans are the highest representation of class, no matter what the article by Blackwell may say. As a whole, you tend to be civilized, and quite knowledgeable about the game of football. One of my dreams is to watch a game of football at Memorial Stadium (I’m only 15, so I have time), and I know that when I do, I'll be welcomed with a proverbial red carpet.


As for the article itself, I have just one question for you; what's wrong with it? First off, Blackwell was writing it more for us Horns fans, than he really was for you. We as Longhorn fans have plenty of frustration with Nebraska; some legitimate, and others not so much. From a Texas fans perspective, it was a semi-humorous opinion piece, which rang of the truth though it wasn’t exactly the most

factual. So if you guys didn’t like it, I get it. But weren’t there Nebraska beat writers who wrote similar stories right after last year’s Big 12 Championship Game?


Make up your mind sport. You say "in reference to the article by mike blackwell" then apologize for your brethren (I'm assuming this includes mike blackwell) then follow that up with "as for the article itself".... you're full of it and we all know it. "Oh gracious and kind Nebraska fans...you suck...but I would love to come visit your fine establishment..."



I forgot to add in that I wasn't apologizing for the article. And, I refer to a specific part of the article which I doubt y'all disagree with.


To answer some of the questions on this thread directed towards me


Gmoose. Outside of bleacherreport, Where do you suggest that a high schoolers go to get a sports article published.


And the fact that I'm 15 should have nothing to do with my credibility. Please point out one fact of mine that is incorrect.


Yes, I did watch the 1994 Orange Bowl on Espn Classic


Saturn Drew; I'm 15, friend me on Facebook, or if you don't believe me, give me a call on Skype.


Not all of us have forgotten how to write english.


Knapplc: you're right, I write a commercial aviation blog as well, though I do play JV basketball.


Joey; I can't say much except wow.


Foppa: Huh??????

I suggest that you not publish an article on bleacher report at all, if you're 15 or a 70 year old Peabody winner. In fact, I would venture to say that I do not expect someone your age to get published. At age 15 I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you have none to very little journalistic education, which has a lot to do with you're credibility. So, nowhere is where I expect someone of your caliber to get published.

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The other thing that I can’t understand necessarily is why you all feel that you somehow deserved to win that football game because you were so much better than us.


Ignoring the rest of that VERY long-winded post, there isn't a Husker football fan alive who's watched more than three football games, ever, who thinks that Nebraska was "so much better" than Texas. Anyone with ANY football acumen saw a completely dysfunctional offense sputter all night long. There was no way we deserved to win that game the way our offense executed, and it's more a testament to how overrated Texas was (as Alabama so thoroughly proved) than a display of Nebraska's worthiness.


Bottom line - if we had any kind of offense at all in that game, you guys would have been beaten by a shell of a team still very early in the rebuilding process, not even half recovered from its worst era in 40 years. That's where the disgust at the Texas braggadocio comes from - you didn't earn anything, we gave it to you. And the boasting from Texas Fan is so silly we're just shaking our heads at it now. I can't remember the last time a team was so thoroughly dominated in 1:59:59 of its last 2:00:00 of game time, yet has talked so much smack in the ensuing seven months.



Wow....simply an excellent post. I think it says it all regarding the Texas game last year. That we came sooooo close to winning despite having the worst offense imaginable correctly states where both programs are.


NU still has a long, long ways to go. But we know it while many UT fans don't.

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Guys, this is a copy of a letter I've posted to bleacherreport. If I need to put this in a different forum, please enlighten me.



Let me preface this by saying that I am a huge Texas Longhorns fan.


Dear Nebraska Cornhuskers Fans,


I am writing this today in reference to the article published by Mike Blackwell at Inside Texas.com. On behalf of the Longhorn nation, I'd like to apologize for the words of some of my brethren. They are very passionate about their team, and can't always help what they say in the spur of the moment. I'm sure that some of you have also said things you wouldn't be proud of; it's understandable with the fiery emotions that are raised by this matter. And I must say that to me, Nebraska fans are the highest representation of class, no matter what the article by Blackwell may say. As a whole, you tend to be civilized, and quite knowledgeable about the game of football. One of my dreams is to watch a game of football at Memorial Stadium (I’m only 15, so I have time), and I know that when I do, I'll be welcomed with a proverbial red carpet.


As for the article itself, I have just one question for you; what's wrong with it? First off, Blackwell was writing it more for us Horns fans, than he really was for you. We as Longhorn fans have plenty of frustration with Nebraska; some legitimate, and others not so much. From a Texas fans perspective, it was a semi-humorous opinion piece, which rang of the truth though it wasn’t exactly the most factual. So if you guys didn’t like it, I get it. But weren’t there Nebraska beat writers who wrote similar stories right after last year’s Big 12 Championship Game?


Although this is going to sound very similar to Blackwell’s article, as Longhorn fan I understand how you feel. We’ve both endured losses that sting horribly, and you’re not alone in Big 12 Championship pain. One of my formative memories as a Texas fan is watching Chris Simms throw all those interceptions, and seeing us come so close but fall just short. Last year may have been bad for you, but in 01, we were playing for a shot at the National Title against a team we’d beaten 41-7 that year. As Blackwell mentioned, we were dominated by Oklahoma from 2000-2004 much the same way Suh toyed with our O-line last year. So we get it, it sucks to lose…

But as for the actual game itself… It was a great performance by Suh, in fact I’d say it was the finest in Big 12 history outside of Vince Young in the 2006 Rose Bowl. But there are lot of you out there who feel that you were wronged; that somehow the refs conspired to let Texas go to the National Championship game. But, the rule is; the clock doesn't stop until the ball actually touches the ground or an object i.e.; player, coach, mascot, cheerleader, camera man, fan, field crew or anything else that is located "out of bounds". So with one second left, that ball hit a railing. Therefore, the clock stops with one second left; the correct call, and we win the game fair and square.


Before you all go off on me, let me give you a short history lesson. January 1st, 1994 (the year I was born), undefeated Nebraska faces 1-loss Florida State at the Orange Bowl for the national title (because Notre Dame lost to Boston College). After the Seminoles took a late 18-16 lead, an excessive celebration penalty gave ya’ll the ball on the 43 yard line. As time ran down, Tommie Frazier hit tight end Trumaine Bell for a 29 yard gain to the FSU 28 yard line. The clock ticked down to 0:00, bringing the Seminoles onto the field much in the same way ya’ll did last year. However, the referee arbitrarily decided to put one second back on the clock (this was before instant replay), and you got a chance to kick the game-winning field goal. Of course Byron Bennett pushed the 45 yarder wide left, and Florida State won 18-16. But before you start griping about a legitimate call backed up by review last year; please take a moment to remember when an arbitrary second nearly won you a national championship.


The other thing that I can’t understand necessarily is why you all feel that you somehow deserved to win that football game because you were so much better than us. You weren’t. There were two evenly matched teams out there, and ya’ll caught a couple of breaks. Only one of McCoy’s interceptions was actually a bad pass, the other two were batted or lost by a Texas player. Early in the 4th quarter, McCoy hit a wide open James Kirkendoll in the hands and he dropped it. If he catches that football, it’s a 17-9 game, and the way your offense was playing, it’s game over. Later in the game, McCoy’s well on his way to leading a 99 yard touchdown drive, when Dan Buckner has the ball wrestled out of his hands; an interception which by the way set up your go ahead field goal. SO my point is, that we both had an equal claim to winning that game, and a lot went your way…


But the 2009 Big 12 Championship is all old history by now… While I said that I forgive Nebraska fans for most of what you’ve said, the two things I cannot stand by and watch are the sullying of Mack Brown, and this insane idea that Texas was just whining in 08. Anyone who knows Mack Brown would tell you right away that, as Mike Blackwell put it; “Mack Brown would’ve been the first one to cross the field and shake your coach’s hand. He would’ve been gracious in defeat, as always.” If you don’t believe it, let me just point out a couple of examples. Despite the way Oklahoma destroyed him in the first half of this decade, Mack was always the first to shake Bob Stoops’ hands, and despite the calls of “Coach February,” and the like, has rarely if ever had anything except praise for his opponents. Case in point, as this entire drama was unfolding, all Mack had to say was about how much he admired Tom Osborne…


As for 2008, it wasn’t just that we weren’t in the national title game; it’s that the way it was decided had nothing to do with on field results. We beat both teams in the Big 12 championship game by double digits; Missouri by 21, and OU by 10… If there was a championship, then why didn’t it feature the two best teams in the conference? I’m sure you all would feel the same way if you, Missouri, and Iowa State all finished in a 3 way tie this year, and Missouri advanced to the title game to face Texas A&M after you beat Missouri by 11 and A&M by 23.


By the way, Tim Bond; why don’t you just admit to the world that you are an Oklahoma fan… The way you spoke in that little rebuttal of yours proved it. Let me put it this way, you and Little Game Bob up in Norman lost to us on the field, and in the end that should have trumped all. Of course those Gators proved that your flash and flair was all bogus, and that we should have been in that game. Talk to me again when Bobby wins a BCS bowl will ya’.


But back to the point at hand; the allegations that some Longhorns fans have made; that ya’ll were afraid of Texas and OU so you ran to the Big 10. That’s completely not true, ya’ll saw the opportunity to do what was best for your program; the same thing that we did. I have no doubt that ya’ll will do fine up there. I predict you’ll win at least 3 Big 10 championships in the next 10 years, and outside of Ohio State, will be the class of the Big 10.


And when October 16th 2010 rolls around, as a Texas fan, I’m going to be pumped up. Not because of some perceived injustice, but because I will be allowed to see a fabulous college football game. My head says that we’ve just stolen victory from the jaws of defeat too many times and that Nebraska wins something like 21-17. My heart has faith in Mack and Greg Davis, and says that Texas will win 24-17. But regardless of who wins the football game, we are the two best teams in the conference, and will most likely meet again in the Conference Championship game (the final one), and one of us may play for the national title as well. But I do know that if we win, ya’ll will stand up and cheer for us as we leave the stadium (is it too early for Garret Gilbert for Heisman?).


And so because this is getting a tad long-winded, I offer a statement we both can believe in; Beat OU!!!!


I saw a commercial today that had this guy talking, and there were two hot women sitting next to him on the viewer's right, and then something happened and then on the viewer's left and there was a small giraffe. Me and my girlfriend debated whether it was a baby giraffe, or just a regular giraffe that the commercial had made to look smaller so it fit on the chair next to the guy. After watching the commercial, we both realized we didn't even remember what the commercial was about, or what the product the commercial was trying to sell. I googled 'giraffe commercial' and didn't find it, but you know what? There was a baby giraffe born at the Memphis Zoo. It was a female and they named it 'Akili'. I thought it was an odd name for a giraffe, and then I realized there was a football player named Akili Smith. I think he played at Oregon, but I could be wrong. So then it only made sense to google 'Oregon giraffe', right? And then, there it was...The 'Blue Giraffe Day Spa Salon' in Ashford, Oregon! I've never been there, but if you're ever in the Ashford, Oregon area, and you're looking for a pampering at a day spa, I'd recommend 'Blue Giraffe Day Spa Salon'. Mention that you're a Husker fan and that may get you a discount. Or a strange look. I don't know. What I do know is that if I ever see a blue giraffe, I'm gonna be 96% sure that if it knew what football was, it'd be a Husker fan.


Best post of the thread!!!!!

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