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Stadium Expansion

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This is pretty cool! They have a non-stop camera on it!



I wonder why they didn't make that public? I've never seen an announcement about this camera.


And why no camera on East Stadium?

I thought you guys new about the arena cams, I look at those things weekly. I am pretty sure they have cams on the stadium, they just dont have a live feed, which makes no sense. If you look at the west side of Old Father you can see cameras on the roof.

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This is pretty cool! They have a non-stop camera on it!



I wonder why they didn't make that public? I've never seen an announcement about this camera.


And why no camera on East Stadium?

More than likely, it's because it's the city's project, and UNL is just a tenant. The city has posted that a few different times. That site has a lot of nice information on it. I think I've posted that link at least once before. It's fun to watch, and now is probably one of the best times, with all the action going on to put the basic structure together. But that's probably why UNL hasn't focused on it very much, because it's a city project. Would have thought they could have at least posted it once, and thrown an update up once in a while. Only thing I can think of is they think people aren't that interested in seeing the construction. *shrug* Don't know where that idea would have come from, though.

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This is pretty cool! They have a non-stop camera on it!



I wonder why they didn't make that public? I've never seen an announcement about this camera.


And why no camera on East Stadium?

I thought you guys new about the arena cams, I look at those things weekly. I am pretty sure they have cams on the stadium, they just dont have a live feed, which makes no sense. If you look at the west side of Old Father you can see cameras on the roof.



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This is pretty cool! They have a non-stop camera on it!



I wonder why they didn't make that public? I've never seen an announcement about this camera.


And why no camera on East Stadium?

I thought you guys new about the arena cams, I look at those things weekly. I am pretty sure they have cams on the stadium, they just dont have a live feed, which makes no sense. If you look at the west side of Old Father you can see cameras on the roof.



Its cool that they have the cam up, but sitting and watching that all day is compared to watching paint dry. but it is cool to check up on it every week or so and see the progress

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I have followed the HaymarketNow website for quite some time. While the webcam is great, I find it very frustrating at the lack of close up pics, especially from the inside of the structure. I really think it's a poor effort on their part. Photos rarely get updated on there.


Regarding Memorial, I find it very frustrating that there is no webcam for the progress. I don't see why it not being a city project has any affect on whether or not there is a webcm. They had a webcam for the North expansion IIRC, I know for a fact they did at least for the new turf install. Will they install new turf next year when the east expansion is done?


Once again, thanks to those posting detailed photos on here, it's the only way I can really follow the progress.

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This is pretty cool! They have a non-stop camera on it!



I wonder why they didn't make that public? I've never seen an announcement about this camera.


And why no camera on East Stadium?

I thought you guys new about the arena cams, I look at those things weekly. I am pretty sure they have cams on the stadium, they just dont have a live feed, which makes no sense. If you look at the west side of Old Father you can see cameras on the roof.



Its cool that they have the cam up, but sitting and watching that all day is compared to watching paint dry. but it is cool to check up on it every week or so and see the progress

I happen to find paint drying fascinating.

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