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Carl Pelini goes off!?? Per Tex A&M forum...

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I am surprised no one has read the OWH article that kind of explains what happened to the camera, apparently Carl grabbed the camera tore the eye piece off and then stormed off the field when Brandon Jones started filming him.


If you're talking about Chatelain's article, then you're just referring to what Brandon Jones himself said happened.


Isn't that enough, from the horses mouth?


Not saying it didn't happen, but by that rationale you just committed a crime when you sent me a PM with a terroristic threat. Did it happen? Of course, because I just said you did.

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TexAgs.com Cameraman Brandon Jones.....
At the conclusion of the game, I ran out onto the field with my video camera to capture the post celebrations of the players and coaches. When I reached approximately mid field (near the east hash marks), I came upon Carl Pelini verbally lashing a gentlemen on the field.

I directed my camera toward the commotion and captured the Nebraska coach as he began to walk away. As Carl turned, his eye caught my camera and the fact that I might have captured some of the exchange. What happened next was truly bazaar.

From about 10 feet away, he charged straight for me and for the camera that I was holding. By the time he reached me, I already had my camera by side. He grabbed the camera and I battled to maintain possession of it. Unable to gain possession of it, he broke the eye piece off in several pieces and threw them into the surrounding crowd. He then stormed off. The surrounding crowd helped me recover the pieces of my camera.

Also, there is no audio because, like an idiot, I forgot to put the shotgun mic back on the camera after coming down from the photo deck with 3 minutes remaining. As a result, I got zero audio.

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If you look at the shadows it's pretty hard to argue that someone didn't reach for his camera. And I guess now Carl is saying he did grab the camera. But for all this guys talk about Carl being an ass he is the one who is looking like the ass with a video that has no sound accusing him having an outburst with a "well wishing" team doctor and all we can see is a firm fingering being pointed his way and no audio from either party. Not to mention no evidence that Carl "ripped" pieces of his camera off.

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Unless there's some other video Carl doesn't have anything to worry about. Judging from that video Carl does nothing, but look towards the camera and take a step towards it. There are any number of things that could have caused the camera man to fall and lose control of the camera. Seems like a non story to me.

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Actually MCAT I think the opposite is true. We are especially eager to tear down coaches when they open themselves up in any way for it, unless things are completely going our way in the W column and the statsheet. Which they almost never are. The defenses are a reaction to the attacks, IMO, and fewer (but often more detailed, since there's the burden of explanation there) in nature.


Got nothing to say for Carl on this one though...yikes.

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Boy I would love to be a Cornhusker coach, you guys come up with every imaginable excuse and alibis for these guys.


They could rape and commit murders with eye witnesses and it would be the refs or Texas's fault.

I'm an attorney so I always look at the legal aspect first. Not saying there wasn't intent in Carl's eyes, just saying there isn't enough video in that clip to support wrong doing.

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