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AM fans rushing out on the field

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It was retarded that they stormed the field. We were rated 10 spots higher then they were, big deal. It was a nice win but hardly with the field rushing. IMO



Especially considering how they game was won. It wasn't a beatdown (more like handed to A&M) and we were not at full strength. If I was an A&M fan I would be happy with the win but I would realize that it was a tainted win.


I agree with the poster above about us not rushing the field against Mizzou. That was definitely a bigger win for our program than this win was for Texas A&M. It allowed us to control our destiny in the North, not to mention Mizzou was ranked #6 at the time.

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AM fans sushing out on the field still don't under stand why did it?


Maybe they wanted to make it seem like they were playing in Memorial Stadium where Nebraska plays less then their best games at home. Shushing the field would make it seem like the quiet at home games. chuckleshuffle




Ok, they probably rushed the field since this was the first time in 22 years or something that they beat a top ten team.

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It's really disappointing to think so many on here are condemning another group of students for rushing the field for being excited. IT's this "Holier than thou" feeling that really aggrevates some people. I've always thought highly of the Huskers, but this is annoying to me. We had students who were excited and on the field, so they did it. You seem to forget it wasn't the students that screwed you guys over. We've had to deal with so much poor officiating this year, it;s just part of the game. We deal, we move on. Frankly, I'm surprised y'all are so focused on last week's game instead of Colorado?

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Ok, they probably rushed the field since this was the first time in 22 years or something that they beat a top ten team.


Except for two weeks before?


In any case, as several have mentioned there were several thousand students sitting on the sidelines, they jumped up and they were pretty much already on the field. The lower deck of stands was still full, we didn't have people pouring out of the stands onto the field.

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This is a statement about it...and I think it's well said by the author...


"I was personally surprised by many that expressed frustration about the students swarming the field at the conclusion of the game. Let me shed some light on this one. Many older Ags that have been around to witness the Kyle field of the late ‘80s and ‘90s forget that this younger generation is, for the most part, too young to remember what the good ole days were like. EVERYONE likes to win and everyone gets behind winners, and the evidence of how important this win was for the current student body was the end of the game, when a sea of young Aggies bum rushed the field to stand beside their team and proudly sing the Aggie fight song. Usually when a fan base rushes the field in celebration, it happens because an opponent defeats a far-superior, mighty giant or when it is an intrastate rivalry, full of emotion. But I would argue that the biggest reason this occurred was simply due to one thing: This student body hasn’t seen championship football at A&M in their lifetime and, therefore, they have a tremendous, sincere appreciation for a return to winning football and the greatness of Kyle Field. Furthermore, many of the current players were waiving their fellow students down to come join in the celebration. A great story that sums this up is from a former player who was down on the sideline and he told me after the game that security looked at the crazed mob approaching them, shrugged their shoulders and said, “Let ‘em go ... it’s been a long time. They deserve it.” I felt like this statement summed it up. I know Kyle Field is a cherished field to all of us, but don’t forget that there is no better spectator sport that draws on fan emotion than college football, and this Aggie football team under Coach Sherman has worked extremely hard to reconnect with the student body. What you witnessed was special and, in my opinion, it shows how connected the students have become to their team. It was not destructive, and it was great to see our student body show the world that this is THEIR team."

- Hunter Goodwin

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Kyle is NOT a War Memorial.


I know that, and you need to be telling that to your aggy buddies, because most of them think that the field is the memorial, even though it isn't. And that WAS the justification for the Corp turds attacking the UT fans in '95.


Come running over to a Nebraska board to be an ass and act like we attack people for no reason.


How am I being an ass? Y'all DID attack people for no reason. I'm not acting like something happened that didn't. And it's happened other times as well. This is a photo of one of your Corp turds pulling a sword on an SMU cheerleader for daring to set foot on "sacred Kyle Field":




If you find these incidents embarrassing, maybe you should lobby texas a&m to put a leash on these repressed homosexual dress-up Army jackasses instead of getting your panties in a bunch when someone points out how frequently they embarrass your school.

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Kyle is NOT a War Memorial.


I know that, and you need to be telling that to your aggy buddies, because most of them think that the field is the memorial, even though it isn't. And that WAS the justification for the Corp turds attacking the UT fans in '95.


Come running over to a Nebraska board to be an ass and act like we attack people for no reason.


How am I being an ass? Y'all DID attack people for no reason. I'm not acting like something happened that didn't. And it's happened other times as well. This is a photo of one of your Corp turds pulling a sword on an SMU cheerleader for daring to set foot on "sacred Kyle Field":





Ridiculous and stupid, yes. Not parts that A&M is proud of, but it's in the past. Yet I view it as you are coming on to a Nebraska board to attack us, and maybe I'm wrong? Any particular reason behind that? I sure don't see one. If I'm wrong, I apologize. I'M on here just to explain the reasoning behind it.



Oh,. there it is...the homosexual army dress up comment. Why am I not surprised to have insults hurled at me that are completely invalid and inappropriate. I wanted to expect more from a Longhorn, but sadly, I am not surprised.

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If you find these incidents embarrassing, maybe you should lobby texas a&m to put a leash on these repressed homosexual dress-up Army jackasses instead of getting your panties in a bunch when someone points out how frequently they embarrass your school.


Quite frequently judging from a photo that looks to have been taken in the early 80s...

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It's really disappointing to think so many on here are condemning another group of students for rushing the field for being excited. IT's this "Holier than thou" feeling that really aggrevates some people. I've always thought highly of the Huskers, but this is annoying to me. We had students who were excited and on the field, so they did it. You seem to forget it wasn't the students that screwed you guys over. We've had to deal with so much poor officiating this year, it;s just part of the game. We deal, we move on. Frankly, I'm surprised y'all are so focused on last week's game instead of Colorado?

Is that why you're still here? Aren't you playing Texas this week?

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It's really disappointing to think so many on here are condemning another group of students for rushing the field for being excited. IT's this "Holier than thou" feeling that really aggrevates some people. I've always thought highly of the Huskers, but this is annoying to me. We had students who were excited and on the field, so they did it. You seem to forget it wasn't the students that screwed you guys over. We've had to deal with so much poor officiating this year, it;s just part of the game. We deal, we move on. Frankly, I'm surprised y'all are so focused on last week's game instead of Colorado?

Is that why you're still here? Aren't you playing Texas this week?


I'm still here because I was curious to see if it was still a discussion point. Which it is, so I felt the need to defend my school. Trust me, We are COMPLETELY focused on our game against Texas this week, and on our boards, the hate is flowing...it's wonderful. :)

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It's really disappointing to think so many on here are condemning another group of students for rushing the field for being excited. IT's this "Holier than thou" feeling that really aggrevates some people. I've always thought highly of the Huskers, but this is annoying to me. We had students who were excited and on the field, so they did it. You seem to forget it wasn't the students that screwed you guys over. We've had to deal with so much poor officiating this year, it;s just part of the game. We deal, we move on. Frankly, I'm surprised y'all are so focused on last week's game instead of Colorado?


YOUR school states that this field is a war memorial. YOUR school has knocked down members of this board, with pictures from the paper to prove it, for being on the field. YOUR school then rushes the field. I think this merits some discussion.


And for all your surprise that we're not talking Colorado here, why are you here talking about last week's game when you could be talking about the Horns on your own board? Your own arguments are hypocritical. Come on, man.

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Ridiculous and stupid, yes. Not parts that A&M is proud of, but it's in the past. Yet I view it as you are coming on to a Nebraska board to attack us, and maybe I'm wrong? Any particular reason behind that? I sure don't see one. If I'm wrong, I apologize. I'M on here just to explain the reasoning behind it.


I post here semi-frequently. I didn't come here to attack aggy, I just saw this thread and responded. I do find it ironic, among other things, that opposing fans get assaulted for disrespecting "sacred Kyle Field" by walking on it, but aggy fans can rush the field. It's just a double standard I felt like pointing out -- if it's sacred (and as you noted, it really isn't) then it should be sacred all the time. That's all.

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YOUR school states that this field is a war memorial. YOUR school has knocked down members of this board, with pictures from the paper to prove it, for being on the field. YOUR school then rushes the field. I think this merits some discussion.


And for all your surprise that we're not talking Colorado here, why are you here talking about last week's game when you could be talking about the Horns on your own board? Your own arguments are hypocritical. Come on, man.


MY School DOES not state Kyle as a War Memorial. Yes, the 55 flags flown at Kyle represent the 55 Aggies killed in WWI, but that's it. I'm sorry Ags acted like jackasses and attacked people from other schools for getting on the field, I really am. There is NO excuse for that. I am here to defend my school and answer the original post about why students rushed the field.


I am not a hyporcrite. I am posting on topics still active about last weeks game because they are still being discussed. I'm not starting new topics or resurrecting dead ones.

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