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Ron Franklin true D-Bag

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Yeah your condscending,knappic is always right, crap will sure change a lot of minds, probably not mine. this was 2 WORDS! how far do you think it should go? If you look at them in a way they dont like, or walk too close to them. Way too far. Never said discrimination was OK just wondering how bad 2 words can really hurt.


Ask your mother, or your sister, or your girlfriend or wife. Ask any female who's had this crap pulled on them, then get back to me. And read the article. It wasn't just "two words," it's a pattern of behavior dating back years with this guy.

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Now i am not defending what he said to her but she should've known what kind of environment she would be in when working for ESPN. I know plenty of women that wouldn't take that and wouldn't have complained about it either. I've heard and seen women get called far worse and they were able to tough it out. I would bet being called sweetcakes isn't the first negative thing she has been called at work. Now after having said that because Franklin has done this in the past he should get reprimanded.

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Being a geezer I have seen things change over the years.


Women are always to be respected, but that goes both ways.


Last week I held a door open for a woman around 35 years old, she glared at me and told me she was more than capable of opening her own door. Setting in a resturant the other day, I overheard several women laughing and talking loudly, dropping the Fbomb numerous times. I wonder the comments, had it been males in the same place making those comments. Some take the level too far.


We do not know the whole story on this. Earlier comments could have been friendly and joking, then back fire when on air. Two incidents in a 35 year career would not indicate he is a total pig by any means. I suppose some could have gone unmentioned. You have to be very carefull of what you say anymore, something you think is harmless and showing affection/care is misconstrued in to something leud.


The one rule that always works I guess, is the Golden Rule.

  • Fire 2
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So, just to clarify....


If you announce college football games, and call someone "sweet baby", you're fired.


If you play NFL football, and show someone your "sweet baby carrot" (Favre) you're fined.


This game is so confusing.


Brett Favre doesn't get his paychecks from ESPN. The NFL trying to control everything a player does is impossible especially when it's happened for decades.

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So, just to clarify....


If you announce college football games, and call someone "sweet baby", you're fired.


If you play NFL football, and show someone your "sweet baby carrot" (Favre) you're fined.


This game is so confusing.

It is confusing. Favre cannot be legally prosecuted under discrimination laws because his alleged misbehavior happened in excess of 300 days before it was reported. New York state law and Federal law only allow for that 300 day jurisdictional limit. Beyond that, he's free from that avenue of prosecution. I suppose Sterger could have pursued a civil suit, but that becomes much harder the longer she waits.


This is another reason why Franklin got suspended - the employer has an obligation to create a discrimination-free workplace. When he's already been warned once for this, the leash HAS TO get shorter. Much shorter. If this woman were to take this to court, ESPN would be in terribly shaky ground if they didn't take prompt corrective action.

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Unfortunately the wussification of our society has caused things like this to be a big deal when its really not. Instead of crying to management,(a RAMPANT problem these days!) she should have shot him down with a snappy comeback, and called it good. Firing him and possibly ruining a 35 yr career over something like this is ridiculous. It should have to go FAR beyond what it did to even consider that.


Wake up. This isn't 1965. It's not like people don't know it's ignorant to call a colleague by a deprecating name, ESPECIALLY when it's gender-related. Cunningham is a grownup. He knows very well that discrimination has no place at the office. In fact, he was warned about it a few years back when he did it to someone else. If he can't control himself, management has an obligation - by federal law - to control him.


ESPN is really having to deal with this a lot in the past few years. Tony Kornheiser (Placed in Time Out), Harold Reynolds (Fired), and Steve Phillips (Fired) to name just a few.


Yep. They do not exactly foster a corporate culture of non-discrimination, do they? And we're not hearing about race- or age- or religion-based issues, it's always sex-based. Sadly, many corporations with these kinds of problems never truly learn. They foster a culture of permissiveness and your wives, daughters, mothers, sisters, girlfriends, nieces and friends are the ones who pay.


In Nebraska, White Women are the single largest demographic of charge-filers. Does anyone know why this is? I'll bet Ron Franklin does.


I remember a guy (I think it was Rush Limbaugh) that was forced to resign from ESPN after making remarks about Donovan McNabb starting in the NFL. Now he has his own show. :facepalm:

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Unfortunately the wussification of our society has caused things like this to be a big deal when its really not. Instead of crying to management,(a RAMPANT problem these days!) she should have shot him down with a snappy comeback, and called it good. Firing him and possibly ruining a 35 yr career over something like this is ridiculous. It should have to go FAR beyond what it did to even consider that.


Wake up. This isn't 1965. It's not like people don't know it's ignorant to call a colleague by a deprecating name, ESPECIALLY when it's gender-related. Cunningham is a grownup. He knows very well that discrimination has no place at the office. In fact, he was warned about it a few years back when he did it to someone else. If he can't control himself, management has an obligation - by federal law - to control him.


ESPN is really having to deal with this a lot in the past few years. Tony Kornheiser (Placed in Time Out), Harold Reynolds (Fired), and Steve Phillips (Fired) to name just a few.


Yep. They do not exactly foster a corporate culture of non-discrimination, do they? And we're not hearing about race- or age- or religion-based issues, it's always sex-based. Sadly, many corporations with these kinds of problems never truly learn. They foster a culture of permissiveness and your wives, daughters, mothers, sisters, girlfriends, nieces and friends are the ones who pay.


In Nebraska, White Women are the single largest demographic of charge-filers. Does anyone know why this is? I'll bet Ron Franklin does.


I remember a guy (I think it was Rush Limbaugh) that was forced to resign from ESPN after making remarks about Donovan McNabb starting in the NFL. Now he has his own show. :facepalm:


Pretty sure Rush Limbaugh was on his radio show when he made that remark.

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Yeah your condscending,knappic is always right, crap will sure change a lot of minds, probably not mine. this was 2 WORDS! how far do you think it should go? If you look at them in a way they dont like, or walk too close to them. Way too far. Never said discrimination was OK just wondering how bad 2 words can really hurt.


Ask your mother, or your sister, or your girlfriend or wife. Ask any female who's had this crap pulled on them, then get back to me. And read the article. It wasn't just "two words," it's a pattern of behavior dating back years with this guy.

Mom (R.I.P) worked back in the 60s & 70s when discrimination was much worse. there were only certain jobs a woman could get, and her opinions were dismissed by the "Good old boys" regularly. Im glad they fixed things like that, but i think we have probably gone too far today.She probably would have been flattered to be called Sweetcakes anyway LOL, and if she wasnt she would have taken care of it right there.She was a smart, strong woman, and a snappy comeback or mild ass-chewing would have been her weapon of choice.

As far as my daughter, wife etc.. i would definitely encourage them to stand up for themselves, but i would also encourage them to be VERY sure about what they were doing as far as ruining someone elses career/life.

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Unfortunately the wussification of our society has caused things like this to be a big deal when its really not. Instead of crying to management,(a RAMPANT problem these days!) she should have shot him down with a snappy comeback, and called it good. Firing him and possibly ruining a 35 yr career over something like this is ridiculous. It should have to go FAR beyond what it did to even consider that.


Wake up. This isn't 1965. It's not like people don't know it's ignorant to call a colleague by a deprecating name, ESPECIALLY when it's gender-related. Cunningham is a grownup. He knows very well that discrimination has no place at the office. In fact, he was warned about it a few years back when he did it to someone else. If he can't control himself, management has an obligation - by federal law - to control him.


ESPN is really having to deal with this a lot in the past few years. Tony Kornheiser (Placed in Time Out), Harold Reynolds (Fired), and Steve Phillips (Fired) to name just a few.


Yep. They do not exactly foster a corporate culture of non-discrimination, do they? And we're not hearing about race- or age- or religion-based issues, it's always sex-based. Sadly, many corporations with these kinds of problems never truly learn. They foster a culture of permissiveness and your wives, daughters, mothers, sisters, girlfriends, nieces and friends are the ones who pay.


In Nebraska, White Women are the single largest demographic of charge-filers. Does anyone know why this is? I'll bet Ron Franklin does.


I remember a guy (I think it was Rush Limbaugh) that was forced to resign from ESPN after making remarks about Donovan McNabb starting in the NFL. Now he has his own show. :facepalm:


Pretty sure Rush Limbaugh was on his radio show when he made that remark.


Are you sure? Link

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Unfortunately the wussification of our society has caused things like this to be a big deal when its really not. Instead of crying to management,(a RAMPANT problem these days!) she should have shot him down with a snappy comeback, and called it good. Firing him and possibly ruining a 35 yr career over something like this is ridiculous. It should have to go FAR beyond what it did to even consider that.


Wake up. This isn't 1965. It's not like people don't know it's ignorant to call a colleague by a deprecating name, ESPECIALLY when it's gender-related. Cunningham is a grownup. He knows very well that discrimination has no place at the office. In fact, he was warned about it a few years back when he did it to someone else. If he can't control himself, management has an obligation - by federal law - to control him.


ESPN is really having to deal with this a lot in the past few years. Tony Kornheiser (Placed in Time Out), Harold Reynolds (Fired), and Steve Phillips (Fired) to name just a few.


Yep. They do not exactly foster a corporate culture of non-discrimination, do they? And we're not hearing about race- or age- or religion-based issues, it's always sex-based. Sadly, many corporations with these kinds of problems never truly learn. They foster a culture of permissiveness and your wives, daughters, mothers, sisters, girlfriends, nieces and friends are the ones who pay.


In Nebraska, White Women are the single largest demographic of charge-filers. Does anyone know why this is? I'll bet Ron Franklin does.


I remember a guy (I think it was Rush Limbaugh) that was forced to resign from ESPN after making remarks about Donovan McNabb starting in the NFL. Now he has his own show. :facepalm:


Pretty sure Rush Limbaugh was on his radio show when he made that remark.


Are you sure? Link


Looks like i was wrong.

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