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Deleted By Me!

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The haters were the legit responses. Go-peds are a danger to the riders more then anyone else. They are slower then a bike from what I remember.


If you have such a problem that you feel you need to involve the police in something so minor go talk to or call the parents and talk reasonably about your concerns. Chances are if the kid is actually doing something dangerous they won't be happy about their kid risking himself or others to injury either and if he's not they'll get a good laugh at your hysterics. Win-Win.


Edit: What kids is he endangering at 2am? lol.

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Place a 16' x 3/8" diameter metal rod in the street.



I see your point about the noise and general neusance..but...I really get tired of women (usually) using the fear of death or dismemberment of children to get their way..It's bad enough that we let Big Insurance companies $$$influence$$$$ lawmakers into forcing us to wear seatbelts in our cars or helmets while riding our motorcycles.


My butt still hurts from showing my 10-yr old how (not) to skateboard last weekend, and it was hard to watch him nearly run into a picnic table, but sometimes you've got to let them go..so they can grow.


Maybe it's God's way of weeding out the slow kids.



I really like reading your posts, and I hope I haven't offended you here..But this one I'll only partially agree with you on.


Just got off the phone with my Big Sister, who reminded me of why I'm dreading (a little) going back home next week for a family reunion where I'm sure I'll be inundated by several dozen girl cousins and/or aunts telling me how I'm not eating right or taking care of myself properly just because I don't take prescription drugs or see doctors or eat at restaurants.


Why do they do that? They can't ALL love me like they say..I haven't even kissed most of them.



I think they just want to appear smarter than me..."Put me in my place".

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I deleted it because of the SOME..(NOT ALL)..replies were TOTALLY uncalled for...for instance...MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!...you AREN'T here to see what I have seen this kid do and the way he drives that stupid thing! If you all like those contraptions..that is your choice to do so and it is MY choice NOT to like them! Someone is going to get HURT OR KILLED and at least I know in my heart that we have tried to stop someone from being hurt or killed..including the kid himself!! I had no idea they were LEGAL period!! and that is why I asked the question! I CERTAINLY DID NOT DESERVE THE BASHING SOME OF YOU GAVE ME! And as far as the member getting a LAUGH when people have a pff with a board they belong to...are you going to LAUGH if I post that a cop came to a parents house next door to tell them their kid got KILLED by this kid's carelessness??? I WON'T LAUGH..I LOVE KIDS AND AM WORRIED ABOUT THEM! THERE ARE GREAT KIDS WHO LIVE BY US WHO I CARE ALOT ABOUT!!! I know cops have alot BETTER things to do, but, I am CONCERNED!! As far as talking to thiS kid..how do you know this kid hasn't been talked to about it! I have 2 neighbors who live right by me and they are concerned also!! The kid has been talked to MANY TIMES around here for your information! and if you think I am going to get up at 2 am to talk to this kid..YOU ARE MISTAKEN! This kid has been talked to!!! HE DOESN'T GIVE A RAT'S A_S!!

First off...being told to mind your own business is "totally uncalled for?" Yikes.


Secondly, to the bolded, your basic statement implies that my choice is rendered moot and irrelevant by YOUR choice. (I see that when you refer to me the letters are not capitalized but every letter is capitalized when you refer to yourself.) In fact...you are so sure of your opinion that you have reached out to the police department to enforce your own agenda. Insane. And insanely self-absorbed.


I don't buy the "kid in danger" thing. I think you just don't like that kid riding around on that deal, it annoys you, and you're looking for an irrefutable debating point to push your argument over the top. The ol' "think of the children!" bit. It's been around for a good while now.


More than anything, I am SUPER tired of people who think they're in a position to tell others how to live their lives. You clearly haven't even considered the possibility that you might be incorrect in your reasoning. Your last two sentences give away your true feelings and the real source of your ire though, namely, an indifference to your opinion and will. I think that bothers you more than anything.


All of that said, I'm sorry I added the GD to my original statement. To be perfectly frank, I stand by the rest of what I said. I honestly think you might want to reconsider the context of what I said: its good advice. Live your life to the fullest instead of trying to dictate the way that other people live. The GD thing added an unnecessary element of nastiness, and for that I apologize. I wasn't trying to ruin your day...although your reaction to being disagreed with was...slightly alarming? Anyway, I hope there are no hard feelings. I sure don't wish you any ill will...at all. I just disagree with your position. As is my right.


Take care.

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she was just asking a question. if you dont agree with her stance on it, its fine to tell her so but most of you are clearly personally attacking her especially the one with the "midol" reference (seriously insulting her for being a woman?).


im surprised this one hasnt been locked. if it had "naughty" language in it im sure it would but because it is multiple posters attacking someone for their opinion and lack of penis it is still open.

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she was just asking a question. if you dont agree with her stance on it, its fine to tell her so but most of you are clearly personally attacking her especially the one with the "midol" reference (seriously insulting her for being a woman?).


im surprised this one hasnt been locked. if it had "naughty" language in it im sure it would but because it is multiple posters attacking someone for their opinion and lack of penis it is still open.

What "attacking" are you refering to? There's a whole lot of overreacting going on in here.

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