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Your worst bad game day damage?


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Texas - Broke my cell phone when we lost. Thanks Nunn

Oklahoma State - A week later with a new phone and I break it again....Verizon not happy



Surprisingly I didn't break anything



Virginia Tech - Watched the game at a buddies house and when Suh got the late hit I grabbed a pillow and stood up off of the sofa and slammed the pillow to the ground, stormed out of his house and drove home. Next day he told me that the pillow I threw hit his 7 or 8 year old cousin in the face....I didn't know he was laying there lol


Texas Tech - Punched a dent in my air duct when Ganz threw the INT in overtime. Dent is still there



Virginia Tech - broke a heater when I kicked it as though I was kicking a field goal and told my wife (gf at the time) that I wasn't going out with her friends for dinner that night.


Texas - Said every word in the book after the loss and my mom told me to leave her house lol




Washington - while losing in the holiday bowl I was cussing and scared my niece so I left and watch Nebraskas first possession in the 2nd half and turned off the TV. First time I ever stopped watching a Husker game.

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The worst I do is pace around and cuss at the TV. No breaking sh#t. Smoke some weed or something if you get that mad :/




I can get pissed off pretty damn easy but have learned to control it better.. I'd be lying if I hadn't come close to breaking expensive sh#t lately though.


oh and why not buy a dummy. they really help!!

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Breaking stuff because of a football game? That is incerdibly immature and just ridiculous. Go for a walk, turn off the TV, do something else with your time if it bothers you that much. It's not healthy.


Yeah, that.


I have a very hot temper, but as far as getting pissed over the game goes, it's never gotten any worse than just loud cussing for me. It's not worth breaking anything over.

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I havent ever broken anything (that i remember at least) but 09 CCG i threw my phone at the floor after the field goal and Im pretty sure it bounced about 3 feet straight up (possible minor exaggeration). Im not sure how I didnt throw out my arm but that was the hardest i think Ive ever thrown anything lol Needless to say i still have the same phone
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