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Fans thoughts on Joe Paterno coaching on Saturday...


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Phew!..I think I actually read all of the posts in this thread...or at least up to #197..probably be another page by the time I get done hunting and pecking.


I'll try to not reiterate too much of what has already been posted, And I apologise if what I'm about to ponder upsets anybody.


I still don't know how much of this story I want to share with my own 10 year old son..I'm sure some would think me a terrible father for even bringing it up with him, but I cannot seem to not want him to be prepared for this just incase..Knowledge is power.


I usually don't pay much attention to crime/punnishment..I've been much more interested in why people do what they do and let the details and other's vengence take care of themselves.


I don't want to divuldge much of my own personal history, but lets just say I have a lot of empathy for the victims of this child abuse..I feel most for the child that was the 1st to report these crimes but now feels much guilt for not doing more..I read where he feels some responsibility that it happened again after he came forward.


How do people (alegedly) like Sandusky continue their behavior especially after being "caught"?


And I'm trying to understand things from JoPa's perspective..I'm trying to "crawl inside his head" and finding it very difficult..probably because I grew up in a different time and culture..It's easy to condemn the guilty parties involved, including the GA's inability to go to the "rescue" of the child in the shower, but I was brought up with a respect for all people for the most part by my parents...Still I didn't care near as much about kids as I do now..Now that I have one.


It's easy in hindsight.. especially behind the keyboard of this "internet tough guy" to say I would've taken Sandusky down in the shower and rescue some kid I didn't know or care about..when something like that happens..with a coach you've more than likely thought of as a father figure, in the heat of the moment, you might try to convince yourself you just imagined it...After confering with his own father, and spilling his guts to the most powerful person he ever knew..It's got to hurt knowing you didn't do near enough.


I find myself wondering about the culture of that generation and even their (forgive me) Ethnic culture and Religion.

So many Catholic priests have been getting in trouble for similar crimes and you have to believe it's not something new or unique to that particular (or any) Religion, but growing up with who knows what happening to you as an alter boy or stuff nobody is allowed to talk about..(I'm guessing Paterno's own Mother never even said the word "sex" just spelled it out a couple of times in her life..And I don't know many..any? Italians..but my own prejudice leads me to believe that lots of things were taken care of "In house" and that there was nothing worse than a snitch..or going to the authorities..Sorry, probably watched to many movies about the Mob.


I have no idea how coherant Joe is right now, and I'll probably never be able to truley understand the personality where winning is so important, but if it were me..and in my current state of mind, I'd realize that my team can go on without me and sit out the rest of the season..and retire.


Then maybe figure out how to vacate all of my wins.

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This is one reason why Paterno's reactions this week bother me. It shouldn't have taken him so long to respond. This article came out in April, and it took him until today to say he wishes he'd done more. He also said in a press conference just a couple months ago (but I don't remember the date, probably during Fall Camp) that there hadn't been any serious troubles at PSU ever. I can't believe he had the gall to say that after testifying.

i always got the impression joe pa was never with it and just regurgitating general football platitudes he remembered from the last time he was lucid, the '70's. this adds some credibility to that.

I feel that way half the time too. Half the time I think of how my 85 year old grandparents would respond in this situation, and then it's hard to take seriously what he says right now. I'm under the impression one of his sons hands him a piece of paper to read off of.

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Phew!..I think I actually read all of the posts in this thread...or at least up to #197..probably be another page by the time I get done hunting and pecking.


I'll try to not reiterate too much of what has already been posted, And I apologise if what I'm about to ponder upsets anybody.


I still don't know how much of this story I want to share with my own 10 year old son..I'm sure some would think me a terrible father for even bringing it up with him, but I cannot seem to not want him to be prepared for this just incase..Knowledge is power.


so true, i do not want to speculate, and this might be unfair, but what was the child doing with sandusky alone in the locker room. i'm not implying anything, i am genuinely curious. on of the incidents seemed to be in the evening. i am sure the parents are utterly devastated, how horrific. but sandusky's behavior had to seem at least odd to all who knew him. maybe it is just that hard to detect, but that makes it all the more important to educate and prepare your own children.

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