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Penn State Scandal Thread

Eric the Red

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This isn't good.


You have to take down JoePa's statue right?


The man allowed sexual abuse of children to occur. I've never seen a statue for anyone of that nature before. I hope those students who rioted after he was fired feel like real activists now.


PSU is in serious, serious trouble.

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This isn't good.


You have to take down JoePa's statue right?


Kick Penn State out of the NCAA.


Short of firing everyone and hiring completely from outside there is almost no chance the school will see significant reform.


TVs at PSU student center suddenly switched to public access




While most of campus was still sleepy, the small group was viewing CNN on a large screen, or one of several smaller screens nearby, in anticipation of the 9 a.m. release of the report on the sex abuse scandal that has gripped the school.


Most were hoping that the report, part of a seven-month probe by former FBI Director Louis Freeh, would exonerate legendary football coach Joe Paterno.


But, just as an anchor was ready to speak about the report, the television screens suddenly went blank. They then turned to a public access channel featuring a reporter from The Morning Call newspaper in Allentown about the state budget.




Several students went to speak with a student working at the main desk at the student center. But the student said a university employee was in charge of what is broadcast. That person, the student said, was in a meeting and could not be reached.




That is the state of PSU as of this morning.

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I may get drug through the mud for this, and I may be speaking out of emotion.... the teacher in me, really wishes Joe Pa was still alive to have to face this today. If the report is true, he deserves to be around to see his name brought down and see the consequences of his "lack" of actions. He really only faced about 2-3 months of scrutiny and disgrace....He deserves a lot more than that...


Now, his family and children (who, probably had no connection) are left with trying to answer for Joe.

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"Everything that has happened to Penn State so far is a half measure. And I do not believe in half measures for child rapists or institutions that harbor them. Neither should you.

What is a full measure, you ask.

The death penalty, as delivered by the NCAA, is a good starting point. I used to believe this was too harsh. After listening to those boys testify and then reading details in the Freeh reports like Sandusky having special seats to Paterno’s record-breaking game in 2011 and an email from then-athletic director Tim Curley saying, after talking with Paterno, he no longer believed reporting Sandusky to child authorities was the right course of action, I have changed my mind."


Penn State has damaged college football and its perceived, and in this case very real, place as above the law. Defend them if you want, tell me the NCAA has no authority, tell me most of the people are gone, tell me the masses should not suffer for the deeds of the few, and I will show you a built in, power mad, win at all costs, save the face of The Program, system that needs to be cut out like a cancer.

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There will be no death penalty.


WAAAAAY too much money.Can you imagine?


NCAA to BTN : "Sorry Big Ten Network you're losing millions and millions of dollar in revenue because we have to shut down the Nits for a year or two"



This isn't the 1980's. For better or worse college football is too big to ruin the pie for everyone by shutting the Nits down.

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I think the NCAA will feel compelled to do something so they aren't seen as being insensitive to child rape.






But it will be a ban of postseason and loss of schollies. that's it.


People just need to forget about the removal of the program. The Big Ten has enough political power(not to mention the 3 OOC opponents) to make the case that schedules and revenue will be ruined without these guys.

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