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Hochstein puts Sapp where he belongs

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I love this!! I cant tell you how much I despise Sapp, and finally people are stating to see this bafoon for the realy jerkoff that he is. :lol:


Check this out:


But on this day, ironically and insidiously, Sapp became one of us. He was at Super Bowl Media Day as a roving reporter for the NFL Network. Can you believe it? This surly, standoffish athlete who refused to be interviewed by the Tampa Bay Bucs' media for most of this season suddenly was Mr. Microphone. Talk about a guy who puts the Me in Media Day.


According to media historians, Sapp jumping to our side may well go down as the most stomach-turning day for sports journalism since accounting started requiring meal receipts.


But, thankfully, our new hero Hochstein was in no mood to encourage Sapp's hypocrisy. You see, it was Hochstein whom Sapp ripped a few days ago on ESPN's Pardon the Interruption. Sapp told the two hosts of the show - middle-aged sports writers Tony Kornheiser and Michael Wilbon - "I've seen Russ Hochstein block, and he couldn't even block either of you two fellas."


And, so, when Sapp approached Hochstein on Tuesday and asked self-servingly - "What do you think about me making you the center of attention here at the Super Bowl?" - Hochstein simply said, "No more questions."


Translation: Move along, Warren.


Media members actually high-fived each other behind Sapp's back. Even Sapp's own teammate, Bucs defensive tackle Anthony McFarland (also a working member of the media Tuesday), busted out laughing when told about Hochstein's diss of Sapp.


"That is the funniest thing I've ever heard," McFarland chortled. "I hope somebody got that on tape because I want to see it. That's hilarious."


Afterward, Hochstein couldn't quite understand why so many giddy writers kept asking him about rebuffing Sapp. Hochstein looked incredulous when informed he'd become the new media darling of the Super Bowl.


"I just didn't want to answer his questions," Hochstein said, "It was really no big deal."


Oh, yes, it was, young prince.


At long last, Sapp was exposed for what he truly is - a loudmouth and a phony. While he has garnered a reputation in the national media as jolly and jovial, he is anything but. He's not the engaging guy you see yukking it up on ESPN with Kornheiser and Wilbon. He's the nasty guy you see spewing profanities at fans in Tampa Bay, brushing off interview requests, blowing off autograph seekers. So seldom do superstar bullies such as Sapp get their comeuppance.


He's a jerk to the media. So what happens? He gets rewarded handsomely to become a member of the media.


He compares the NFL to a "slavemaster" even though he makes $7 million a season. So what happens? The NFL actually hires him as an analyst and pays him even more money.


That's why it was so utterly enjoyable seeing Sapp get Sapped on Tuesday by an otherwise humble and obscure offensive lineman.


Bless you, Russ Hochstein.


You rule. :)

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