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Dark Knight Rises

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Name me one movie that doesn't have any plot holes?


Sure TDKR may not have lived up to what The Dark Knight was but TDKR didn't fail either, it completed the trilogy and these Batman movies will go down as one of the greatest trilogies of all time. There are so much more pros with this movie that overlook the cons but there are people and critics who are so focused on the negative aspects of the movie that they forget about the positives because they are holding this movie up to the expectations of The Dark Knight which isn't fair.


The Dark Knight was an amazing movie but what made that movie was Heath Ledgers performance as the Joker. There's some plot holes in that movie as well but it was still a damn good movie.


What I'm trying to say is that a movie still can have plot holes and be a really good movie.

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Kinda difficult to respond in this format but I'll try my best.


First, the length of the movie isn't the problem. It's the quality of the movie in the specific amount of time. It could have been 3 hours long and great, or 2 hours and 30 minutes long and great. The film had gaping plot holes and inconsistencies, making it appear like Nolan and Co. simply didn't give a damn.


Second, perhaps I missed it, but how do we know that the officer hadn't been at his home the whole time? I didn't remember seeing him once after the cops were trapped under ground. That's five months that this guy evaded capture - how, why? Again, maybe he did play a role in that five month period that I missed, but I don't think I missed it.


Third, I think I understand the film just fine, and that's exactly the problem. Think about a few other plot holes and inconsistencies. Bane sets off a bomb with a five month timer. Why? If he really wanted to blow up Gotham he would have done it. The five month time period was basically put in to give Batman time to save the day. Consider Batman's Batwing, sitting on top of a skyscraper, in desert camo, avoiding detection in a completely overrun city for five months.


Arguably an even bigger issue is Wayne's escape from his jail. He leaves his jail with something like 24 hours until the bomb goes off, makes it back to Gotham and infiltrates a completely remote and zoned off island entirely undetected, with 18 hours remaining until the bomb explodes. I know he's Batman, but come on. How did he get from (presumably South America, if it's relating to the comic books) and back to Gotham in eight hours after being off the map for five months?


An even smaller detail. After the stock exchange scene where the movie specifically says it will take 10-15 minutes to complete their download, it goes from being early evening to complete effing darkness, just in time for Batman to make his glorious comeback.


Maybe Bane thought that the officer in question was trapped with all the others. That's the most likely scenario as to why he was able to "hide" for nearly five months. Why would you search for someone you think is trapped underground or dead?


Bane set the timer for five months because, as he stated to Batman, he wanted to give the Gotham "hope" multiple times before he ultimately destroyed it. It was his way of prolonging the cruelty which given the character of Bane made perfect sense. After all, the doctors, in the original graphic novel, "Vengence of Bane" made him suffer for quite a while through the experimentation.


I'm not real sure how Bruce Wayne made it from the lip of the prison to Gotham so fast. Maybe there will be deleted scenes in the DVD that will explain it or at the least the director's commentary will address it.


As to how the Batplane avoided detection, well a) Gotham is a huge city, b) the city was cut off from the rest of the world, c) it was on top of a very large skyscraper, and d) Bane and his men didn't seem to have access to satellite data to view the tops of the buildings in the city. The Batplane not being found certainly strains credulity, but given the circumstances it is entire possible. And I just now thought of this, maybe since Bane broke Batman's back and imprisoned him that Bane thought he'd never walk again much less be able to fly the plane or fight. And given where Bane imprisoned him he probably also thought he'd never see Batman ever again.


The time lapse from early evening to complete darkness really doesn't bother me.


Just my thoughts.

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But it didn't make that point. I sincerely wish the film had gone there it could have gotten pretty deep, but it didn't. "The people" in charge are simply the League of Shadows left overs and criminals. In fact the only people from Gotham we really get to see, and sort of experience, are the orphans that Blake is trying to get off the island.


I think it did make the point and here's why: Selina Kyle is dancing with Bruce Wayne and she purrs that, "There's a storm coming Mr. Wayne..." At first she welcomed it because she thought how great it would be. Then, after it happened, she realized that she no longer had anyone to steal from because nobody had anything of value. That's why she came back to help Batman instead of just taking off. Well that and there's always been a love hate relationship between Catwoman and Batman. At least that's what I took out of it.

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Third, I think I understand the film just fine, and that's exactly the problem. Think about a few other plot holes and inconsistencies. Bane sets off a bomb with a five month timer. Why? If he really wanted to blow up Gotham he would have done it. The five month time period was basically put in to give Batman time to save the day.

this is the biggest problem for me, why did bane go to all that trouble to setup his revolution if the bomb was going to go off regardless? just to punish the elite separately? there are plot holes, no doubt. i can forgive most, but enhance makes a compelling argument. i still loved the movie. my biggest compliant was the pacing. but like others said, it was a good movie, just not a good batman movie. the joke made the last one, and we were spoiled.


also, maybe he escaped way earlier, but we just say it as a dramatic buildup? i know that is a stretch, but it works for me.

I know Bane tells Bruce Wayne he wants Bruce to watch Gotham burn, which is why he sets up the television in the jail cell for five months. To some, that's a compelling argument explaining why Bane doesn't set the bomb off right away, but not for me. You know how in almost every good guy/bad guy movie ever, there's always one scene where the bad guy completely divulges his plan and wastes time, giving the good guy time to discover an escape route or stop the bad guy? That's exactly what this felt like. As far as his escape, a friend told me about the timing issues from his escape and return to Gotham, I didn't pay attention the first time. I'll have to see when I watch it again this weekend.


But yeah, I'll see it again. I don't hate it - I merely believe it could have been a lot better.

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I liked it. Wasn't as good at TDK, but just a step below. I could hear and understand Bane just fine. I don't know about some of you guys. Doesn't it take all the fun out of a movie to sit and pick it apart and try to find holes in the plot line? I took a film class in college its called "Suspension of Disbelief". It's a superhero movie lighten up. :ahhhhhhhh

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I liked it. Wasn't as good at TDK, but just a step below. I could hear and understand Bane just fine. I don't know about some of you guys. Doesn't it take all the fun out of a movie to sit and pick it apart and try to find holes in the plot line? I took a film class in college its called "Suspension of Disbelief". It's a superhero movie lighten up. :ahhhhhhhh


Yes and so was Daredevil and it was awful.

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One thing I've noticed over the last couple of weeks in various spots all over the internet is that a lot of people's "plot holes" are simply them not understanding the plot devices and/or character motives. I'm not saying this movie is phenomenal or even great, but it is quite good. Not quite up with The Dark Knight, about equal to Batman Begins.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Batman Begins<<<The Dark Knight>>>The Dark Knight Rises


Batman Begins did a tremendous job establishing Bruce Wayne's character and the state of Gotham City.


The Dark Knight had the best characters of the trilogy with The Joker and Harvey Dent.


The Dark Knight Rises succeeded in creating an overwhelming threat that seemed impossible to conquer.



All three films are incredible on their own, but when put together, they become one of the greatest trilogies in cinematic history.

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I liked it. Wasn't as good at TDK, but just a step below. I could hear and understand Bane just fine. I don't know about some of you guys. Doesn't it take all the fun out of a movie to sit and pick it apart and try to find holes in the plot line? I took a film class in college its called "Suspension of Disbelief". It's a superhero movie lighten up. :ahhhhhhhh


Yes and so was Daredevil and it was awful.

Ha I feel like I'm one of the only eople out there that actually liked Daredevil.

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This is what I feel when I hear about Dark Knight Rises:




I was disappointed in almost every aspect when I saw this movie. I was hoping at the end that batman would die, because if they made another one I couldn't imagine how crappy they would have made it.


I have one friend that agrees with me when I say that Amazing Spiderman was a better movie than TDKR. This movie didn't even come close to the previous installment of Batman.


And really, that's your batwing? The finale of a Trilogy and you're going to come out with THAT thing for a batwing? NO.

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