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I'm wondering why all the people keep saying that Missouri was a terrible loss?  We were in pretty good position to win that game, we fought our asses off to get back into it and barring a huge play their defense made while we were rolling our way in for another score, we could have easily won that game. 
The reason is because NU DID lose. They never should have been down by 21 to begin with. Did they play their asses off to get tied, absolutely. But it still went down as a 17 point loss. No way to pump sunshine into that one.


I'll be the first to admit that our D was not stellar and the game plan was maybe a little off, but this was the 1st full game without one of our best LB's. 
The D scheme was terrible, and Im not so sure how much losing Bradley had to do with it.


Give some credit to Mizzou for getting pumped up for a home game that they probably consider their rival. 
NU is not their "rival" KU is :thumbs


There's a lot of talk about not seeing the progress in this team, and I just want to know what the hell you've been watching?
With the exception of 1 game CU, this O was terrible. So bad, infact that 400 yds and 13 regulation points against ISU were cause for celebration. They only had like 135 yards agains KU, the running O is the worst, ever at NU. Statistcally speaking, even after CU, this team has less YPG and PPG than 2004. Special teams-KO returns are the same, better punt returns, NU did get better in KO coverage, but gave up more punt return yards than in 04. And they have more penalty yardage in 05 than 04.


Defense, improved slightly, 45.6 yds PG (pretty good :thumbs ) but only gave up 6.7 point PG less.


The offense got much better once conference play rolled around.  The defense slipped a bit, and though they lost a great LB and defensive leader they still led the nation in sacks and came up with big plays pretty often.  Don't forget how young this team is either.
See above. The injuries and youth excuses are getting old, quick. This is the end of year 2 and NU finally played a complete game. Unacceptable.


And how about giving the teams we've played a bit of credit?
Probably the worse schedule I can ever remember in NU history.


I'm not wearing rose-colored glasses,
Yes, you are :blink: There have been a few slight improvements, that does not a trend make ;)


So to that I say to hell with the nay-sayers and pessimists, nobody really cares about you or what you think, because you don't matter.
So EVERY fans money is not important??? :wtf I bet pud would beg to differ <_< Without ALL of us, the last great streak left would also go by the wayside, the sellout streak. Its the only one WE control.


If you're a Nebraska fan the you stick w/the program thru thick and thin, good times and bad, because it's the program and the N on the helmet that matters. 
Yes, and we have. Attended games, purchased merchandise, paid "astronomical" amounts for PPV games, cheered for the team. We just dont have blind faith in someone who is unproven at best.


The players are happy and are behind this coaching staff, the recruits are happy and behind this coaching staff,
So now you speak for all of them, huh? I remember quite a few players, starters, AAs, and team captains not agreeing with this statement.

No way to pump sunshine into that one.


Ever live on a farm and cut a chickens head off? You ever try running after a chicken with it's head cutoff? That's how mobile QB's are, chickens with their heads cut off. The Big10 isn't as popular with mobile QB's as the Big12 is/was with Eric Crouch, Brad Smith, Vince Young, El Roberson, Beasley just to name a few. You live, learn and move on. Did you bother to look at Missouri last year and see what type of numbers he put up against NU when he was forced to stay in the pocket by Pinkle and compare it to this year where Pinkle cut him loose? I recall a certain undefeated Oklahoma team in 2003 who couldn't stop a mobile QB but they learned the next year didn't they? Are you still sure there is no way to pump sunshine into this one even with some facts to back it up? How many more TRUE Mobile QB's did Coz and Callahan face this year other then Brad? If you pull out the ISU or KSU card and label their QB's as mobile, i am going to break out laughing.


The D scheme was terrible, and Im not so sure how much losing Bradley had to do with it.


So losing speedy linebackers like Octavien and Bradley have nothing to do with stopping a mobile QB's. So you are seriously going to sit there and try to convince the whole board (including yourself) that if those 2 guys were in the game, the outcome wouldn't have been different? Please tell me you are not going to pin your whole theory on what if and what was. Please tell me you got more evidence to backup your theory other then "im not sure losing bradley had much to do with it". If that's the case then i feel sorry for your argument. You can't say losing Bradley had nothing to do with it as much as i can say having Bradley or Octavien in the game could have influenced the outcome.


NU is not their "rival" KU is

So NU is not Colorado's rivals compared to Colorado St who they hate more then NU, and Oklahoma st is not Oklahoma's rivals either right? Teams can have different type of rivalries. There are in-state rivalries like OU/OSU, KU/Missouri, Iowa St/Iowa, Texas/Texas A&M and then there are your "other rivalries" like NU/OU or OU/Texas. We may not view them as Rivals, but Missouri and KU and KSU see us rivals whether we like it or not. Heck even Iowa St fans see us as their rivals even though we have beat the crap out of them.


The injuries and youth excuses are getting old, quick. This is the end of year 2 and NU finally played a complete game. Unacceptable.

Is that the same excuse you are going to use when Solich goes 3-9 next year? Are you seriously trying to convince people that a team that played last year with only 2 or 3 of Callahan recruits is now so experienced in it's second year that it should win a national title? Guess what, we were 1 game away from playing in the Big12 title this year and had Lekevin kneeled against Tech, we would be discussing travel arrangments for Houston next week after sitting at 5-3 in Big12 play, but i guess that's UNACCEPTABLE to you :rollin


I remember quite a few players, starters, AAs, and team captains not agreeing with this statement.


Care to provide a link to a article where a player from this years team has said anything negative about the coaching staff? link.gif

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Just ask 75% of the posters on here...if you question anything about the staff or Pedey, you aren't a good fan...



There is nothing wrong with challenging the staff, etc. However, half the time what get's brought up is hearsay at best. Oversimplifying the whole situation is another one as well. One reason I, for one, am hesitant to really lay into people for what they do when I really have no idea what it is like to coach at a D1 University. That and nothing irks me more when someone thinks they can tell me how to do my job when they have no idea what the hell goes on.


That's when, I for instance, have to say something to try to even out the whole thing.


One thing imparticular is that when players come out in support of the team, it get's met with "well, what else are they going to say? They don't want to tranfer, woe is them, etc" That's hogwash. Anyone see the back page of the Nov 26th's OWH Sports page? Yea, those kids look like they really hate the coaching staff. It kills some people to think that these players like to play for this coaching staff. It kills some people to see anything go right.


As far as Frost is concerned, he brings up some good stuff, but overstates somethings for effect (the whole Taj Mahal thing is a bit overboard if you ask me). But people eat that stuff up, that's for sure. I have a hard time reading stuff like that.


None of this is really related to being a "good fan". The only time I have a hard time believing someone is actually a fan is if they go cheer on their team at a game, then come home and blast them on the internet. Seems a little backhanded doesn't it? Or if they go to games or watch them on TV, and just complain about everything instead of enjoying the game.


When I was at the Kstate game, I sat behind a guy that really seemed like he'd rather be somewhere else. Didn't hear a peep out of him unless it was complaining. Especially when Beck came out. I told him if he's the number two guy, he has to play. You aren't going to put your #3 guy out there just to save the #2 guys redshirt because that means you aren't putting your best foot forward as a team. He wasn't hearing it. Whatever dude, no one is forcing you to be here.

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Ever live on a farm and cut a chickens head off? You ever try running after a chicken with it's head cutoff?

Yeah, its kind of like trying to decode and decipher one of your posts :dumdum


That's how mobile QB's are, chickens with their heads cut off. The Big10 isn't as popular with mobile QB's as the Big12 is/was with Eric Crouch, Brad Smith, Vince Young, El Roberson, Beasley just to name a few.

Then maybe instead of hiring your old high school buddy, you should try hiring a good DC. Beside, I thought that he was one of the greatest DCs in the history of the game, according to some.


You live, learn and move on. Did you bother to look at Missouri last year and see what type of numbers he put up against NU when he was forced to stay in the pocket by Pinkle and compare it to this year where Pinkle cut him loose?
And have you bothered to see that the teams that played MU before and after NU both bottled him up much better than NU??? :blink:


The D scheme was terrible, and Im not so sure how much losing Bradley had to do with it.


So losing speedy linebackers like Octavien and Bradley have nothing to do with stopping a mobile QB's. So you are seriously going to sit there and try to convince the whole board (including yourself) that if those 2 guys were in the game, the outcome wouldn't have been different?

Octavian hasnt been a factor all year, and he and Ruud were 1 and 1A. No dice.


Bradley is one guy, like I said, Im not sure how much it affected the outcome of the game, there is no way to tell. I know FOR SURE that putting your MLB on a WR to get burned whenever MU wanted to, and leaving the middle of the field open for Smith to run wild was a bad game plan, or do you disagree???


Please tell me you are not going to pin your whole theory on what if and what was.

No, that is what you are doing. "What if we had Bradley? What if we had Octavian?" Gee, I dunno, let me get out my crystal ball :wacko: NU didnt have them, play with what you got :thumbs


Please tell me you got more evidence to backup your theory other then "im not sure losing bradley had much to do with it". If that's the case then i feel sorry for your argument. You can't say losing Bradley had nothing to do with it as much as i can say having Bradley or Octavien in the game could have influenced the outcome.

"Chickens with their heads cut off"


The injuries and youth excuses are getting old, quick. This is the end of year 2 and NU finally played a complete game. Unacceptable.

Is that the same excuse you are going to use when Solich goes 3-9 next year?

Im not making excuses for Solich like the BC apologists are. But, FS didnt inherit a 10-3 team that returned alot of returning players, including 5 potential All American caliber players, and give them their first losing season in 40 years.


Are you seriously trying to convince people that a team that played last year with only 2 or 3 of Callahan recruits is now so experienced in it's second year that it should win a national title?

I KNOW they wont be playing for a NC under BC, but I would have hoped for something better than ONE good game out of 22. pud said something to the effect of: "We have made this change to challenge for championships now"


Guess what, we were 1 game away from playing in the Big12 title this year and had Lekevin kneeled against Tech, we would be discussing travel arrangments for Houston next week after sitting at 5-3 in Big12 play, but i guess that's UNACCEPTABLE to you  :rollin

And they were just a play or two away from another 5-6 season (Pitt/ISU). Yes, with as weak as the North is, finishing in a tie for 2nd IS unacceptable, remember I will not allow this program to slip into mediocrity??? Getting destroyed by the annual bottom feeder Kansas IS unacceptable. Having Mizzou's qb put up almost 500 yds ALONE on your defense is unacceptable.


I remember quite a few players, starters, AAs, and team captains not agreeing with this statement.


Care to provide a link to a article where a player from this years team has said anything negative about the coaching staff?

Lets be realistic, how often in college football do you see a player bash his current coach. These kids love this program and want it to succeed, theyre not gonna say anything bad about the coaches.


Or they could speak up, and get "Birkeled"

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None of this is really related to being a "good fan". The only time I have a hard time believing someone is actually a fan is if they go cheer on their team at a game, then come home and blast them on the internet. Seems a little backhanded doesn't it? Or if they go to games or watch them on TV, and just complain about everything instead of enjoying the game.


So "good fans" are only "good fans" if they dont get upset when things are going badly?? "Good fans" are only the ones who say NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICE things about the direction of the program, even if its going down the tubes??


I guess that if I dont like something that my brother or sister does, and I say something about it, Im being a "bad member of my family???"


Dont buy it, Dave. You gotta do better than that.


I guess that if we were all "good Americans" we would all still be British, huh <_<

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So "good fans" are only "good fans" if they dont get upset when things are going badly?? "Good fans" are only the ones who say NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICE things about the direction of the program??


I guess that if I dont like something that my brother or sister does, and I say something about it, Im being a "bad member of my family???"


Dont buy it, Dave. You gotta do better than that.


I guess that if we were all "good Americans" we would all still be British, huh <_<

You missed my point. What I was trying to say was that how can someone go out to a game, do something positive by supporting the team, then come home and do the exact opposite? It simply doesn't make sense to me.


It doesn't make sense for someone to pay good money to go to a game, only to just sit there and not have a good time. That is unless of course the idea of a good time is just complaining the whole time. Hell, you can do that anywhere.

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That's all you got? Those lame and ill conceived responses and picking my sentences apart and twisting them around? Why don't you try analyzing the WHOLE SENTENCE instead of breaking it in half to suit your own needs.


You are the biggest manipulator on this board when it comes to twisting people's words around and when you are caught with your pants down, you result to child's play. You continue to contradict yourself. Case in point:


Formerfan said: I remember quite a few players, starters, AAs, and team captains not agreeing with this statement.


My response: Care to provide a link to a article where a player from this years team has said anything negative about the coaching staff?


Formerfan responded with: Lets be realistic, how often in college football do you see a player bash his current coach. These kids love this program and want it to succeed, theyre not gonna say anything bad about the coaches


So you went from players not agreeing with the statement to a 180 on it and saying the players aren't bashing the coaches. :rollin


I won't even respond to the rest of your garbage remarks. I don't even know why i bother responding to you to begin with. Maybe i just feel sorry for you and your outlook on life through your posts. Everytime i read a post of yours, they just get dumber...and dumber.. and dumber and when NU wins on a constant basis..they will get even more dumb. Your ammo is running out

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That's all you got? Those lame and ill conceived responses and picking my sentences apart and twisting them around? Why don't you try analyzing the WHOLE SENTENCE instead of breaking it in half to suit your own needs.


Funny, if you look back at the response, the quotes from you are "whole sentences." Do you know what those are :dumdum


Formerfan said: I remember quite a few players, starters, AAs, and team captains not agreeing with this statement.


My response: Care to provide a link to a article where a player from this years team has said anything negative about the coaching staff?


Formerfan responded with: Lets be realistic, how often in college football do you see a player bash his current coach. These kids love this program and want it to succeed, theyre not gonna say anything bad about the coaches


So you went from players not agreeing with the statement to a 180 on it and saying the players aren't bashing the coaches.  :rollin

Since you obviously are having a very, very, very difficult time with this, the AA's, starters, team captains referred to are from the 2004 team. Got it??? :wacko:


I don't even know why i bother responding to you to begin with.

Im not sure either, because you always go away looking foolish. :dumdum


Everytime i read a post of yours, they just get dumber...and dumber.. and dumber

Right. Just go back to providing the board with some "enlightened insight" such as, "NU will be getting a couple of more recruits within the next few weeks, but I wont give you names, positions, ratings, or exact numbers." :blink:


Or go back to dropping homophobic bombs on people. Now thats "intelligent posting." :sarcasm

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So now you jump back a year. :wtf


Ok, i will play your game. Who are you talking about? Fabian Washington? Daniel Bullocks? Both those players left with nothing but positive things to say about the coaching staff. Who is it that supposedly disagreed with the coaches? Barrett Ruud? Come on Formerfan...give us some made up rumour about someone who supposedly came out and said something negative.




I got it..it was Andy "couldn't cut it" Birkle right? Was it "Loud mouth" Bernard Thomas? What about DUI David Horne? Come on..you are killing us with the suspense.

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Right. Just go back to providing the board with some "enlightened insight" such as, "NU will be getting a couple of more recruits within the next few weeks, but I wont give you names, positions, ratings, or exact numbers


Ironically, i would ask you to provide proof i ever said NU would land such and such in 2, 3 weeks but i know you wouldn't be able to do so because no such quotes exist.


Don't try to change the subject of the thread from what it is to recruiting. Stay on topic or are you cornered now that you have to derail the thread as you usually do with others?

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Fabian Washington? Daniel Bullocks? Both those players left with nothing but positive things to say about the coaching staff.


Thats funny, but I remember someone on this sight saying that those 2 guys went to cozgroovy, demanded that he use the successful schemes from the previous year, and they were told to hit the bricks, thats why they left early.


I got it..it was Andy "couldn't cut it" Birkle right. Was it "Loud mouth" Bernard Thomas? What about DUI David Horne? Come on..you are killing us with the suspense.


Wow, like always, you are such a class act :sarcasm


How about former captain and starting qb, or former WR and captain Pilk??

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That's all you got? Those lame and ill conceived responses and picking my sentences apart and twisting them around? Why don't you try analyzing the WHOLE SENTENCE instead of breaking it in half to suit your own needs.


You are the biggest manipulator on this board when it comes to twisting people's words around and when you are caught with your pants down, you result to child's play. You continue to contradict yourself. Case in point:


Formerfan said: I remember quite a few players, starters, AAs, and team captains not agreeing with this statement.


My response: Care to provide a link to a article where a player from this years team has said anything negative about the coaching staff?


Formerfan responded with: Lets be realistic, how often in college football do you see a player bash his current coach. These kids love this program and want it to succeed, theyre not gonna say anything bad about the coaches


So you went from players not agreeing with the statement to a 180 on it and saying the players aren't bashing the coaches. :rollin


I won't even respond to the rest of your garbage remarks. I don't even know why i bother responding to you to begin with. Maybe i just feel sorry for you and your outlook on life through your posts. Everytime i read a post of yours, they just get dumber...and dumber.. and dumber and when NU wins on a constant basis..they will get even more dumb. Your ammo is running out

You should be one to talk about providing sources.

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Right. Just go back to providing the board with some "enlightened insight" such as, "NU will be getting a couple of more recruits within the next few weeks, but I wont give you names, positions, ratings, or exact numbers


Ironically, i would ask you to provide proof i ever said NU would land such and such in 2, 3 weeks but i know you wouldn't be able to do so because no such quotes exist.

I was making an "exaggeration" on your topic "Another Commit" where you posted "Keep your eyes open for this weekend ;) " but gave no other info.


It was as insightful and truthful as your "inside information" about how the whole ruckus before the NU-CU game was caused by NU streching over the Buffs logo at midfield. But they dont even have a logo at midfield at CU


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Right. Just go back to providing the board with some "enlightened insight" such as, "NU will be getting a couple of more recruits within the next few weeks, but I wont give you names, positions, ratings, or exact numbers


Ironically, i would ask you to provide proof i ever said NU would land such and such in 2, 3 weeks but i know you wouldn't be able to do so because no such quotes exist.

I was making an "exaggeration" on your topic "Another Commit" where you posted "Keep your eyes open for this weekend ;) " but gave no other info.


It was as insightful and truthful as your "inside information" about how the whole ruckus before the NU-CU game was cause by NU streching over the Buffs logo at midfield. But they dont even have a logo at midfield at CU


CU has an invisible logo over mid field. NU disrespected them by stomping on the invisible ralphie.

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