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These guys get it

da skers

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Ive never actually met BP in person, but I did see him driving once. He hit a squirrel and kept on driving. It didn't die right then, but Im pretty sure it died right after that.

Be honest. The squirrel ran out in front of him. You're as bad as the Omaha media trying to twist the story just to make him look bad.

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I have been able to talk to Bo a couple times because of youth sports. My wife and I were able to have a good conversations with him about our kids growing up and becoming young adults. Bo really isn't one for words but he didn't come off as an ass either. I would say he is more quite then anything.

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I think I speak for a lot of Husker fans when I say that we, the fans in the stands, would really like to know that Bo, the Bo these guys will run through legions of Satan's demons for. Maybe the perception would be different if he even remotely tried to embrace the fans like he embraces the kids.


We're a huge part of this equation. It's not just the players on the field and the coaches in their offices. "Us" includes the blokes in the bleachers. We are not "them," but many of us feel like Bo believes we are.


It's not that we can't understand. Bo won't let us understand him. He keeps us at arm's length.


It's a two-way street.


A little side note to that...


I believe Bo hates the media more than the fans. If Bo were to embrace the fans more, I think the fans would be a lot more resistant to much of the crap that the media spits out and gets away with. Why does the media get away with basically whatever they want? Because they know that fans feel disconnected from Bo and they lick their chops, print whatever, get their clicks and newspaper sales, because...


Husker fans need to connect with someone that seems to have a read on the program. If the head coach is running them into the ground...time to start listening to what the media has to say about things. If fans had a reason to have Bo's back, the press would really have to temper what they wrote and what questions they asked. Nebraska fans not only help Bo have a nice lifestyle, they also help keep the sports writers employed, whether they think so or not.


It's not a great correlation, but in a way...it kind of is. Tim Miles. I know the expectations are much lower (at least so far) for NU basketball, but tell me one fan that hates Tim Miles. He doesn't isolate fans, he embraces them. He could potentially hate fans' guts, but you would never know it. You never bite the hand that feeds you. Especially at Nebraska. Extenuating circumstances saved Bo more than anything else.

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Ive never actually met BP in person, but I did see him driving once. He hit a squirrel and kept on driving. It didn't die right then, but Im pretty sure it died right after that.


I was there. He had that white SUV. I saw him get out a couple of blocks later and he saw some squirrel blood on his SUV. He mumbled something about now having to drive a red and white SUV and drove back to the dead squirrel and told it to f off.

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I think I speak for a lot of Husker fans when I say that we, the fans in the stands, would really like to know that Bo, the Bo these guys will run through legions of Satan's demons for. Maybe the perception would be different if he even remotely tried to embrace the fans like he embraces the kids.


We're a huge part of this equation. It's not just the players on the field and the coaches in their offices. "Us" includes the blokes in the bleachers. We are not "them," but many of us feel like Bo believes we are.


It's not that we can't understand. Bo won't let us understand him. He keeps us at arm's length.


It's a two-way street.


Knapp, we arent dick to the program. If bo had to worry about ever little premadona fan in the stands he would blow his f'ing brains out. His job is to mold boys into men and teach them to play football his way. The End. Look at how terrible fans treat kids on social media, why would he give two sh#ts about the fickle fans. He is right to concentrate on the players and not the fans.

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Ive never actually met BP in person, but I did see him driving once. He hit a squirrel and kept on driving. It didn't die right then, but Im pretty sure it died right after that.

Be honest. The squirrel ran out in front of him. You're as bad as the Omaha media trying to twist the story just to make him look bad.


Guilty as charged


Edit: I don't know if you are actually serious or not. This is a line from Saving Silverman. Ive never actually seen BP driving. Just thought Id be funny

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I believe Bo hates the media more than the fans. If Bo were to embrace the fans more, I think the fans would be a lot more resistant to much of the crap that the media spits out and gets away with. Why does the media get away with basically whatever they want? Because they know that fans feel disconnected from Bo and they lick their chops, print whatever, get their clicks and newspaper sales, because...


Husker fans need to connect with someone that seems to have a read on the program. If the head coach is running them into the ground...time to start listening to what the media has to say about things. If fans had a reason to have Bo's back, the press would really have to temper what they wrote and what questions they asked. Nebraska fans not only help Bo have a nice lifestyle, they also help keep the sports writers employed, whether they think so or not.

Good points here about the media influence and how they benefit from this.

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Oh I knew someone would drag that up! Fair enough. Buuuuuut, everyone has those moments, and nothing is 100%! That isn't the norm. Guarantee, those two met after emotions relaxed and hashed that out as men. Guarantee Bo apologized for his wrong and so did the player. I've had moments like that with my own players before. Fortunately, I don't have all those cameras around!


We know they did - both Bo and Stafford mentioned something about it. I know that was a bit silly, but those kinds of things do happen.


The thing is, like you said, those players know Bo has their back, period, end of story, so even though things get heated, they support him.


The difference is, the fans don't have anything like that kind of faith in Bo. We don't need to remotely have that kind of relationship with him, but we really really don't need to have an openly antagonistic attitude directed at us by our head coach. More often than not, that's his demeanor toward the fans. This is based on what we all see on TV and based on more than one in person conversation I've had with Bo. The man is just walled up, and if you're not part of his inner circle, the interaction is, at best, strained. It's difficult to talk to him.


And this is the weird thing - not just the players, but I happen to know a guy ("insider" info alert! WHOOP! WHOOP! WHOOP!) who knows Bo outside football, in the non-sports world. Knows details about the guy, stuff that not everyone would know. And this guy, he says Bo is a good guy - a great family man, that's how he describes Bo. So I have reason to believe that the interactions I've had and I've seen on the TV aren't "the real" Bo.


But why can't "the real Bo" show up for the fans? The guy's personality doesn't lend itself to that, and we all know that/knew that when he was hired. But that's kinda part of the gig of being a major D1 coach. It's something he has to work on, whether he likes it or not.


I may not like everything about the guy, but I'm the guy in the stands every game making a hell of a lot of noise, whether we're up 20 or down 20. I'm doing my part. Let's see a bit of that from Bo.


I've heard that becoming a millionaire can change a person in all sorts of ways.

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I think I speak for a lot of Husker fans when I say that we, the fans in the stands, would really like to know that Bo, the Bo these guys will run through legions of Satan's demons for. Maybe the perception would be different if he even remotely tried to embrace the fans like he embraces the kids.


We're a huge part of this equation. It's not just the players on the field and the coaches in their offices. "Us" includes the blokes in the bleachers. We are not "them," but many of us feel like Bo believes we are.


It's not that we can't understand. Bo won't let us understand him. He keeps us at arm's length.


It's a two-way street.


Knapp, we arent dick to the program. If bo had to worry about ever little premadona fan in the stands he would blow his f'ing brains out. His job is to mold boys into men and teach them to play football his way. The End. Look at how terrible fans treat kids on social media, why would he give two sh#ts about the fickle fans. He is right to concentrate on the players and not the fans.


Individually, no, we don't mean much. Collectively, yes, we mean everything.


Those boosters aren't there supporting a program without the bazillion fans surrounding it. Creighton is the perfect example. Fine school, good basketball program, terrible or no football program (I really have no idea, don't hear anything about them), and therefore they don't have the fans Nebraska has. No huge body of nationwide fans for Creighton means no huge cloud of boosters.


The fans, individually, might not mean much. But collectively, we're the driving force behind this whole shebang.

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Exactly right. This program exists because there is a fanbase, and the opportunities and jobs and spotlight and scrutiny all come as a result of that. Bo has a pretty special and unique opportunity as the current steward of Nebraska's proud football tradition. Also has some living up to do.

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Is your criticism actually that he's not warm and fuzzy enough with you when you approach him at the coffee shop?


If this is your complaint, you must really not like Tommie Frazier. Never met a less friendly former Husker....


You've never met Suh, then.

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Is your criticism actually that he's not warm and fuzzy enough with you when you approach him at the coffee shop?


If this is your complaint, you must really not like Tommie Frazier. Never met a less friendly former Husker....


You've never met Suh, then.

I met Suh at the airport while waiting for a flight, and he was very friendly.

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